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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
of the Treasury: Salmon P. Chase (Ohio) Secretary of the Treasury: W. P. Fessenden (Maine), appointed July 1, 1864 Secretary of the Treasury: Hugh McCulloch (Ind.), appointed March 7, 1865. Interior Department. Secretary of the Interior: Caleb B. Smith (Ind.) Secretary of the Interior: John P. Usher (Ind.), appointeInd.) Secretary of the Interior: John P. Usher (Ind.), appointed January 8, 1863. Department of justice. Attorney-General: Edward Bates (Mo.) Attorney-General: James Speed (Ky.), appointed Dec. 2, 1864. Post-office. Postmaster-General: Montgomery Blair (Md.) Postmaster-General: William Dennison (Ohio), appointed September 24, 1864. The United States War Department. SecrInd.), appointed January 8, 1863. Department of justice. Attorney-General: Edward Bates (Mo.) Attorney-General: James Speed (Ky.), appointed Dec. 2, 1864. Post-office. Postmaster-General: Montgomery Blair (Md.) Postmaster-General: William Dennison (Ohio), appointed September 24, 1864. The United States War Department. Secretary of War: Joseph Holt (appointed Jan. 18, 1861); Simon Cameron (appointed March 5, 1861) Secretary of War: Edwin M. Stanton (appointed January 15, 1862). Assistant secretaries of War: Assistant Secretary of War: Thomas A. Scott (appointed Aug. 3, 1861 Assistant Secretary of War: Peter H. Watson (appointed Jan. 24, 1
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
Inf., Col. William W. Jennings; 27th Inf., Col. Jacob G. Frick; 28th Inf., Col. James Chamberlin; 29th Inf., Col. Joseph W. Hawley; 30th Inf., Col. William N. Monies; 31st Inf., Col. John Newkumet; 33d Inf. (Blue Reserves), Col. William W. Taylor; Ind. Battn. Inf., Lieut.-Col. Robert Litzinger; Ind. Co. Inf., Capt. John Spear; Ind. Co. Inf., Capt. William B. Mann; Ind. Co. Inf., Capt. James B. German. Ninety-Days' Miilitia.-1st Battn. Cav., Lieut.-Col. Richard F. Mason; Ind. Co. Cav., Cap., Col. Thomas F. Gallagher; 55th Inf., Col. Robert B. McComb; 56th Inf., Col. Samuel B. Dick; 57th Inf., Col. .Tames R. Porter; 58th Inf., Col. George H. Bemus; 59th Inf. (3d Union League), Col. George P. McLean; 60th Inf., Col. William F. Small; Ind. Battn. Inf., Lieut.-Col. John McKeage; Ind. Co. Inf., Capt. Joseph K. Helmbold; Ind. Co. Inf., Capt. Horace A. Beale; Ind. Co. Inf., Capt. Benjamin T. Green; Ind. Co. Inf., Capt. David Mitchel; Ind. Co. Inf., Capt. Osborn E. Stephens; Ind. Co. I
igan, on the occasion of the Board of Trade unfurling the national flag over their rooms. He is strongly in favor of supporting the Union, the Constitution, and the country's flag, under all circumstances. Hie said that, in a crisis like the present, it was the duty of every citizen to stand by the Government.--Louisville Democrat. Piqua, Ohio, to-day raised a company, and tendered its services to the Government. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held last night at Michigan City, Ind. Democrats and Republicans are a unit for the Constitution and Union. Strong anti-secession resolutions were adopted, denouncing all as traitors whose views are not to sustain the Government. Salutes were fired to the Stars and Stripes, which were displayed in all parts of the city. A volunteer company was immediately organized. The first man who signed the roll is a prominent clergyman. The first company of volunteers left Lafayette, Ind., for Indianapolis, at 2 o'clock P. M. to-day.
r's Hotel, the patriotic hostess of which is Madame De Bare. A grand Union ball was given, which was numerously attended. A series of skirmishes took place between a force of Union troops, under the command of Col. Sill, and a considerable body of rebel infantry and artillery, at the mouth of Battle Creek, Tennessee.--(Doc. 138.) Colonel Charles Ellett, commander of the ram squadron of the United States, on the Mississippi River, died at Cairo, Ill., while on his way to New Albany, Ind.--The Seventh, Twenty-second, Thirty-seventh, and Forty-seventh regiments New York State militia were mustered into the service of the United States Government for three months. A fight took place near Fair Oaks, Va., between the pickets of the Union army, supported by a redoubt, and a large attacking force of rebels, in which the rebels were repulsed with great loss in killed and wounded. The Unionists lost two killed and seven wounded. General Butler, commanding Department of the
he war. An important debate took place in the British House of Commons. concerning the depredations of the rebel privateer Alabama. Jacksonsville, Fla., was burned, after its evacuation, this day by the National forces under Colonel Rust.--(Doc. 148.) Colonel Talcott, of the rebel army, was arrested at New York City.--The English steamer Aries, while endeavoring to run the blockade, was captured by the gunboat Stettin, off Bull's Bay, S. C.--Robert Gay of company D, Seventy-first Indiana volunteers, convicted of desertion to the rebels, was shot at Indianapolis, Ind.--Fast Day in the rebel States.--Some clergymen in Norfolk, Va., attempted to hold service in their churches, in conformity with Jeff Davis's fast proclamation, but were prevented from so doing by the Union soldiers in that place. This morning the United States steamer Hartford, the flag-ship of Admiral Farragut, engaged the rebel batteries at Warrenton, three miles below Vicksburgh, and passed below.
redations on public and private property.--Columbia, Pa., was placed under martial law, and Captain Samuel J. Randall, of the Philadelphia City Troop, was appointed Provost-Marshal; the citizens of the town were seized and sent to work on the intrenchments.--Wrightsville, Pa., was evacuated by the rebels.--the Forty-fifth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, returned to Boston from Newbern, N. C.--National troops enforced the enrolment, and arrested deserters, in Sullivan and Green counties, Ind.--Captain Jones, with a detachment of the First New York cavalry, had a sharp engagement with a party of rebel horsemen belonging to the command of General Imboden, at McConnellsburgh, Pa., defeating them and driving them out of the town.--(Doc. 85.) General Bragg abandoned his fortifications on the north side of Duck River, Tenn., and made a hasty retreat toward Tullahoma.--the rebels approached to a point on the Reistertown road seven miles from Baltimore, Md., creating a great excitem
ore's forces, made an assault upon Fort Wagner. The storming party was led by the Fifty-fourth regiment of Massachusetts, (colored,) under Colonel Robert G. Shaw. After gaining an angle of the Fort, and holding it for some time, they were repulsed with terrible slaughter. Colonels Shaw and Putnam were killed, and General Strong severely wounded.--(Doc. 41.) George W. L. Bickley, supposed to be the originator of the order of the Knights of the Golden Circle, was arrested at New Albany, Ind.--the draft in New Haven, Ct., was concluded.--the expedition into North-Carolina, under the command of Brigadier-General Potter, left Newbern.--(Doc. 101.) John A. Andrew, Governor of Massachusetts, delivered an eloquent speech at Boston, on the occasion of the presentation of four flags, the gift of the women of Ohio, to the Fifty-fifth regiment Massachusetts colored volunteers.--one hundred guns were fired at Cambridge, Mass., in honor of the fall of Port Hudson. The rebel steame
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Opposing forces in the Chattanooga campaign. November 23d-27th, 1863. (search)
bert F. Catterson; 99th Ind., Col. Alexander Fowler; 53d Ohio, Col. Wells S. Jones; 70th Ohio, Maj. William B. Brown. Brigade loss: w, 3. Artillery, Capt. Henry Richardson: F, 1st 111., Capt. John T. Cheney; I, 1st 111., Lieut. Josiah H. Burton; D, 1st Mo., Lieut. Byron M. Callender. Artillery loss: w, 2. Seventeenth Army Corps. Second division, Brig.-Gen. John E. Smith. First Brigade, Col. Jesse I. Alexander: 63d Ill., Col. Joseph B. McCown; 48th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Edward J. Wood; 59th Ind,, Capt. Wilford H. Welman; 4th Minn., Lieut.-Col. John E. Tourtellotte; 18th Wis., Col. Gabriel Bouck. Brigade loss: w, 4. Second Brigade, Col. Green B. Raum (w), Col. Francis C. Deimling, Col. Clark R. Wever: 56th Il1., Maj. Pinckney J. Welsh (w); 17th Iowa, Col. Clark R. Wever, Maj. John F. Walden; 10th Mo., Col. Francis C. Deimling, Lieut.-Col. Christian Hoppee, Col. Francis C. Deimling; E, 24th Mo., Capt. William W. McCammon; 80th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Pren. Metham. Brigade loss: k, 40; w,
resident has all power now --it had been referred April 23. to a Select Committee of seven, whereof Mr. Sedgwick, of N. Y., was Chairman; whence Mr. Eliot, of Mass., reported April 30. two bills, one providing for confiscating the property, the other for emancipating the slaves, of persistent Rebels; whereupon debate was renewed and continued for days — every Democrat and nearly every Border-State member resisting Emancipation as ruinous to the National cause. Said Mr. W. S. Holman, of Ind. (one of the most loyal and non-partisan of those clected as Democrats): I have supported, Sir, and will still support, every just measure of this Administration to restore the Union. No partisan interest shall control me when the Republic is in danger. I place the interest of my country far above every other interest. I will make any sacrifice to uphold the Government; but I will not be de erred from condemning, at this time, this or any other series of measures — the offspring of mis
ed that he proposed to allow one hour for debate, because he knew some gentlemen on the other side wanted to make speeches. He (Stevens) would be equally accommodating on some other bill. Mr. Stevens' motion was agreed to. Mr. Colfax (Rep., Ind.) was called to preside over the Committee. Mr. Stevens, (Rep., Pa.,) from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill for the support of the army for the fiscal year ending with June next, and for arrearages for the year ending 30th of Ju months hence, the present generation will demand to know the cause of all this; and some ages hence the grand and impartial tribunal of history will make solemn and diligent inquest of the authors of this terrible revolution. Mr. Holman (Dem., Ind.) asked Mr. Vallandigham whether he was in favor of defending the integrity of the Union, or of recognizing the so-called seceded States as a separate nationality? Mr. Vallandigham replied by sending up a resolution, which was read, asserting t
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