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41,393PilbeamJan. 26, 1864. 47,560NiederpruemMay 2, 1865. 97,481CowgillDec. 7, 1869. 105,548ChaseJuly 19, 1870. 119,784ParhamOct. 10, 1871. 152,829ColesJuly 7, 1874. 6. Needles. 17,272GarveyMay 12, 1857. 24,892SingerJuly 26, 1859. 27,409HornMar. 6, 1860. 29,448WillcoxJuly 31, 1860. 29,648DrakeAug. 14, 1860. 31,757WillcoxMar. 19, 1861. 34,571GroverMar. 4, 1862. 37,996AmblerMar. 24, 1863. 38,282BrownApr. 28, 1863. 55,927StannardJune 26, 1866. 67,536HarrisAug. 6, 1867. 79,983IsbellJuly 14, 1869. 88,665Parham et al.Apr. 16, 1869. 91,684StackpoleJune 22, 1869. 93,460MacaulayAug. 10, 1869. 94,384BlanchardAug. 31, 1869. 94,924SupleeSept. 14, 1869. 99,158CarpenterJan. 25, 1870. (Reissue.)3,818SupleeFeb. 1, 1870. (Reissue.)3,819SupleeFeb. 1, 1870. 99,782MoscheowitzFeb. 15, 1870. 100,112BooneFeb. 22, 1870. 100,909MacaulayMar. 15, 1870. 103,549BlanchardMay 31, 1870. (Reissue.)4,002CarpenterMay 31, 1870. 104,660StrainJune 21, 1870. 105,433CurtisJuly 1
November 10, 1818, for a water tew-iron, is the first instance of a water-tuyere known to the writer. Cupola-furnace. An external covering or case of metal passing round the common tew-iron and forming a chamber into which a continual supply of water is introduced; whereby water keeps the tew-iron cool, and prevents it from burning. One pipe conveys in the water, and another carries away the steam. Where water is abundant, a stream is run continually through it. In Mackenzie and Isbell's cupola-furnace, separate blastcham-bers are arranged in a vertical series around the cupola, receive air by valved branch-pipes from the main, and communicate by distinct rows of tuyeres with the interior. Tuyeres in different positions around the furnace, and at different elevations, are described in Howell's United States patent for making malleable iron direct from the ore. a, negro-head tuyere. b, bull's-eye tuyere. c, duck's-nest tuyere. d are the air-supply pipes for t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Black Eagle Company. (search)
20th, near Manassas, Va., 1861. Goodman, W. D., transferred to cavalry, 1862. Gray, Thomas A., substituted, 1862; dead. Harrison, Dr. T. J., promoted surgeon, 1861; dead. Harris, Henry J., transferred to cavalry, 1862. Hudgins, Elijah G., substituted, 1861; dead. Hudgins, Frank, wounded at Sharpsburg,, Md., 1862; dead. Hudgins, T. W., on detail service, 1862. Hughes, Thomas Anderson, transferred from Twenty-eighth Virginia regiment, 1861; died in service, 1862. Isbell, James T., exempted from service, 1862; dead. Jackson, B. F., sergeant, exempted from service, 1862; dead. Jackson, P. H., exempted from service, 1862; dead. Johnson, Columbus, on detail service; dead. Johnson, E. A., killed at Seven Pines, Va., 1st June, 1862. Johnson, E. S. Johnson, Howard, came as a substitute in the winter of 1861; deserted near Williamsburg, Va., May 1862; evidently a spy. Johnson, Lyttleton T., wounded at Frayser's Farm, Va., 1st July, 1862. Mar
The Daily Dispatch: November 24, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Chicago Rescuers.--arrest of the Rescuers. (search)
imes gives the following additional particulars with regard to the arrest: The names of these Chicago nullifiers are as follows: Calvin DeWolf, Republican Justice of the Peace; George Anderson, Republican Deputy Sheriff; Isaiah H. Williams, Republican Lieutenant of Police; Holland H. Harris, Republican City Policeman; Edward Langley, Republican City Policeman; Chancellor L. Janks, Republican practitioner of law; Daniel Webster, a negro; Benjamin Mercer, a negro; Henry Lisbes, (probably Isbell,) a negro. It is stated that the jury narrowly escaped bringing in an indictment also against Alderman Joy. The nine nullifiers whose names are given above were the leading and most active participants in rescuing the negro. They are all prominent Republicans, having the confidence of their party, and all but one of the whiten have received the endorsement of their party in being the recipients of profitable offices.--The one who is an exception has also been an applicant to his p
W E Hughes D H House wright S L 2 Hailstock R Howard Francis Heth Cpt H, U S A Hughson H Hickman Geo Henderson R Hudgins R M Howle T P Halton Thos Harrington T Hardyman T Harris W H Hooper W Hindrick W V Hall W G Halhermer W Hall W H Hampten Jno Heller Icigent Harlow Jack Hobbs J B Howard Jas Hawkins J F Harrison Chas Harris J O Hanes Chas Haney C R Horwell C N Handelston C Harman Chas Holloway D P Healy Mien Hardee Col Isbell T E Johnson Jas W Johnson J R Johnson Geo E Jordan Edgar Joll, Ed Jennings Ed Jackson R Jenings R T Jones Cit P Jones David W Johan Jasper Jones B B Jacques & Co Bf Kenney T M Kempner Jas Kenody Jno Knauff J G Kempel J Kid L Kinny P D King P W Kidd o Keith E Krebbs Geo 2 Knauff Geo F Kirts Thos Lord Jos Lyons J Laniear J Livingston J London J J Leake J LeBert J Lewellen J W Lewis J Lonkett H W Lord Capt V Lee W Lyn
ed to the President of the United States, and the Executives of the several States, and that the Governor be requested, without delay, to inform the Commissioners of their appointment. The report having been completed, the yeas and nays were called on its adoption, with the following result: Yeas.--Messrs, Armstrong, Brannon, Bence, Carson, Carraway, Carter, Christian, Claiborne, Coghill, Critcher, Day, John Dickenson, Asa D. Dickinson, Douglas, French, Gatewood, Greever, Hubbard, Isbell, Johnson, Layne, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, McKenney, Nash, Neal, Neeson, Newlon, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Quesenberry, Richmond, Rives, Stuart, Henry W. Thomas, Christopher Y. Thomas, Townes and Wickham--40. Nays.--Messrs, August, Early, Finney, Pennybacker and Thompson--5. Mr. August and others, in voting against the resolutions, explained their reasons for so doing. Bills Reported.--A bill to incorporate the Valley Railroad Company; a bill allowing the Northwestern Bank of Virgin
of the Code of Virginia; by Mr. Douglass, of compensating John Critcher for services in prosecuting one Samuel Hubbard, charged with murder, in the Circuit Court of Westmoreland county; by Mr. McKenny, of reporting a bill providing for the payment of 2 1-2 per centum upon the invoice value of all goods imported by steamers from Europe to any port of Virginia; by Mr. Dickinson, of Grayson, of reporting House bill No. 456, for making railroad companies liable for damages in certain cases; by Mr. Isbell, of amending the 20th section of chapter 26 of the Code so as to authorize volunteer companies in contiguous counties to form themselves into regiments, as now provided by said 20th section for the formation of such regiments in single counties; by Mr. Paxton, of withdrawing bill No.--from the files of the Senate, providing that railroad companies shall only use in the construction, repairs and operations of their roads, machinery, materials, and other supplies manufactured in the State, a
General Assembly of Virginia.[extra session.] Senate. Thursday,Jan. 24, 1861. Called to order at 12 o'clock, by Mr. Isbell. Prayer by the Rev. C. H. Read, of the Presbyterian Church. A communication from the House, announcing the passage of numerous bills, was read. Reports of Committees.--The following bills were reported by committees: By Mr. Coghill, a bill to authorize railroad companies to appoint police agents; by Mr. Logan, a bill to incorporate the Richmond City Insurance Company of Richmond; by Mr. Brannon, a bill increasing the number of permanent clerks in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts; and a bill for the relief of Hopkins & Campbell, of Rockingham county; a bill allowing compensation to John Critcher, Esq., for his services in the prosecution of Samuel Hubbard, in the Circuit Court of Westmoreland county: a bill for the relief of the securities of James R. Courtney, late Sheriff of Westmoreland county; a bill to incorporate the Vi
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], James Lyons, Esq., a candidate for the Convention for Henrico County. (search)
General Assembly of Virginia.[extra session.] Senate. Friday, Jan. 25, 1861. Called to order at 12 o'clock, Mr. Isbell in the chair. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Read. Reports of Committees.--The following bills were reported from committees: A bill to authorize the Governor to pardon a negro slave Tom, and restore said slave to his owner; a bill to provide more efficient police regulations at the poor-houses in this Commonwealth; a bill to stay the proceedings on executions, deeds, and other demands, in cases of refusal to receive bank notes; a bill establishing a branch Bank in the town of Liberty, in the county of Bedford; House bill to amend the 1st section of an act to prevent trespasses, depredations, &c., along the Potomac and other tide-waters, in the counties of Fairfax, Stafford, and King George. The last-named bill was afterwards passed. The Committee on General Laws were discharged from the further consideration of the subject incorporating the Bedford Pa
charter of the Bank of Phillippi; a bill to amend the charter of the Bank of the Commonwealth. Mr. H. W. Thomas offered the following resolution: Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns on Wednesday, it will (with the consent of the House of Delegates) take a recess until the 6th day of February. Mr. Lynch moved to lay the resolution on the table, and called the yeas and nays, with the following result: Yeas.--Messrs. August, Brannon, Bruce, Carson, Day, French, Greever, Isbell, Lynch, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Richmond, Smith, Thompson,Townes--16. -Nays.--Messrs. Caldwell, Carraway, Jr., Christian, Dickenson of Grayson, Gatewood, Massie, Neal, Newton, Rives, Thomas of Fairfax, Thomas of Henry, Urquhart, Wickham--13. On motion of Mr.Paxton, Resolved, That a joint committee, consisting of three members of the House of Delegates and two members of the Senate, be appointed to provide a hall for the accommodation of the State Convention. The rules were
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