Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Alexander Jackson or search for Alexander Jackson in all documents.

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Beating a Negro. --Pleasant Roach, a white man, is to be examined before the Mayor this morning, on charge of assaulting and beating Alexander Jackson, a free negro. Roach came up with Jackson while the latter was engaged in a fight with a white man, named Moore, and ordered him to desist. Instead of doing so, Jackson turneing and beating Alexander Jackson, a free negro. Roach came up with Jackson while the latter was engaged in a fight with a white man, named Moore, and ordered him to desist. Instead of doing so, Jackson turned-upon him, whereupon Roach give him a good one, straight out from the shoulder, that laid him out as flat as a pan-cake. ing and beating Alexander Jackson, a free negro. Roach came up with Jackson while the latter was engaged in a fight with a white man, named Moore, and ordered him to desist. Instead of doing so, Jackson turned-upon him, whereupon Roach give him a good one, straight out from the shoulder, that laid him out as flat as a pan-cake.