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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Appendix A. (search)
cLean. 3d New Jersey Three years volunteers. Colonel George W. Taylor. 41st New York Three years volunteers. Colonel Leopold von Gilsa. Fifth Division. In reserve at Centreville and not engaged in the battle proper. Had some skirmishing with the enemy during the day and while covering the retreat of the army. Colonel Dixon S. Miles. First Brigade. Colonel Louis Blenker. 8th New York (volunteers), Lieut.-Colonel Julius Stahel 29th New York (volunteers), Colonel Adolph von Steinwehr. 39th New York (volunteers), Colonel Frederick G. D'Utassy. 27th Pennsylvania, Colonel Max Einstein. Company A, 2d U. S. Artillery, Captain John C. Tidball. Bookwood's New York Battery, Captain Charles Bookwood. Second Brigade. Colonel Thomas A. Davies. 16th New York, Lieut.-Colonel Samuel Marsh. 18th New York, Colonel William A. Jackson. 31st New York, Colonel Calvin E. Pratt. 32d New York, Colonel Roderic Matheson. Company G, 2d U. S. Artillery, Lieutenant Oliver D. Greene.
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), General officers of the Confederate Army: a full roster compiled from the official records (search)
1862. Hebert, Louis, May 26, 1862. Hebert, Paul O., Aug. 17, 1861. Higgins, Edward, Oct. 29, 1863. Hodge, Geo. B., Nov. 20, 1863. Hogg, Joseph L., Feb. 14, 1862. Hoke, Robert F., Jan. 17, 1863. Hood, John B., Mar. 3, 1862. Huger, Benjamin, June 17, 1861. Humes, W. Y. C., Nov. 16, 1863. Humphreys, B. G., Aug. 12, 1863. Hunton, Eppa, Aug. 9, 1863. Iverson, Alfred, Nov. 1, 1862. Jackson, Alfred E., Feb. 9, 1863. Jackson, H. R., June 4, 1861. Jackson, John K., Feb. 13, 1862. Jackson, Wm. A., Dec. 19, 1864. Jackson, Wm. H., Dec. 29, 1862. Jenkins, Albert G., Aug. 5, 1862. Jenkins, Micah, July 22, 1862. Johnston, R. D., Sept. 1, 1863. Jones, John M., May 15, 1863. Jones, John R., June 23, 1862. Jones, William E., Sept. 19, 1862. Jordan, Thomas, April 14, 1862. Kelly, John H., Nov. 16, 1863. Kirkland, W. W., Aug. 29, 1863. Lane, James H., Nov. 1, 1862. Lane, Walter P., Mar. 17, 1865. Law, Evander M., Oct. 3, 1862. Lawton, Alex. R., April 13, 1861. Leadbetter, D
Doc. 266.-Eighteenth Regiment, N. Y. S. Y. The following is a list of officers: Field and Staff.--Col., Wm. A. Jackson; Lieut.-Col, Wm. H. Young; Major, Geo. R. Meyers; Adjutant, John H. Russell; Quartermaster, Wm. V. Horsfall; Surgeon, Dr. James L. Van Ingen; Asst.-Surgeon, Dr. A. A. Edmestor; Chaplain, A. A. Farr. line officers.--Co. A--Capt., W. P. Gridley; Lieut., Daly; Ensign, E. W. Groote. Co. B--Capt., John Hastings; Lieut., Vands; Ensign, L. M. Norton. Co. C--Capt., A. Wiltsie; Lieut., A. B. Mitchell; Ensign, Sam. Leith. Co. D--Capt., J. C. McGuinniss; Lieut., Barry; Ensign, R. M. Sayres. Co. E--Capt., S. Truax; Lieut., W. Horsfall; Ensign, John Vedder. Co. F--Capt., M. H. Donovan; Lieut., Ed. Fisher; Ensign, John Mooney. Co. G--Capt. Stephen Farriot; Lieut., J. H. Morgan; Ensign, W. H. Ellis. Co. H--Capt., Peter Hogan; Lieut., T. C. Rogers; Ensign, J. M. Carmichael. Co. I--Capt., Thomas Radcliff; Lieut., Fisher; Ensign, C. W. Heald. Co. K--Capt., D. L. Bartlett; Li
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Company I, 61st Virginia Infantry, Mahone's Brigade, C. S. A. (search)
rbert, Joseph T., transferred to 15th Virginia Cavalry. Horton, Daniel W., sent to hospital September 26, 1862, and supposed to have died. Jones, Walter J., promoted Lieutenant 41st Virginia Regiment, and killed May 6, 1864, Wilderness. Jackson, William A., furnished substitute April 24, 1862. King, Joseph. King, George, captured August 9, 1864 and not exchanged. King, Edward. Kilgore, M. P., promoted sergeant October 11, 1862, killed July 30, 1864, Crater. Mason, Willia Alexandria R. R., October, 1862; Wm. J. Smith, Richmond, May 21, 1863. Died in Prison: Elias W. Cherry, 1864, sent to hospital at the evacuation of Norfolk, Va.; George W. Barcroft and D. W. Horton. Who offered Substitutes: L. Berkley, Wm. A. Jackson, Augustus Evans, and Joseph Ribble. Discharged from service previous to evacuation Norfolk: Privates Peirce Rodman and Wm. Whitson, and Corporal Geo. Ogelvie. Dropped at the reorganization of the Army: Lieutenant F. N. Armstead. Tra
opposite Maryland Point, at Aquia Creek, which has compelled the lower division of the flotilla to leave its anchorage and move further down. Death of Col. Wm. A. Jackson. Colonel William A. Jackson, of the New York Eighteenth Volunteers, died this evening, at 6 o'clock. His disease was typhoid fever, accompanied by severColonel William A. Jackson, of the New York Eighteenth Volunteers, died this evening, at 6 o'clock. His disease was typhoid fever, accompanied by severe hemorrhage.--He resigned his position as Inspector General of the State of New York, and accepted the Colonelcy of the Eighteenth. He was in his thirtieth year, and a son of Professor Jackson of Union College. Return of Secretary Cameron and Adjutant General Thomas. Secretary Cameron and Adjutant General Thomas returneProfessor Jackson of Union College. Return of Secretary Cameron and Adjutant General Thomas. Secretary Cameron and Adjutant General Thomas returned to-day from their tour of inspection of the Northern forts and arsenal. Consul of the Grand Luchy of Saxe Weimer. Frederick Kune has been recognized by the President as Consul of the Grand Duchy of Saxe Weimer for the States of New York. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Ne
The case of Hamilton E. Towle, against the Great Eastern, came up before Judge Betts to-day. Mr. Towle claims $100,000 salvage for saving the vessel from shipwreck — not that he wants the money, he says, but that his claims of saving the big ship from destruction may be recognized by the owners as well as by the public. The consignees, Messrs Howland & Aspinwall, have given sureties for the payment of the amount that may be recovered by Mr. Towle. Jeff. Davis's colored coachman, Wm. A. Jackson, is announced to deliver an address this evening, in the Zion Baptist church, in Sullivan street. The coachman is quite a lion in his way, and is much sought after. He is making considerable money, but not so much probably as he would have made had he closed with an offer Barnum made him on his arrival in this city a few days ago. A letter from London, by the last steamer, states that there is a strong probability that Madam Goldschmidt (Jenny Lind) will revisit this country early
Regiment have come in. Saturday's fighting. At 1 o'clock Saturday morning I was awaked to make preparations for immediate retreat. The remnant saved from the battle at Front Royal had retreated upon the road which connects Strasburg with Front Royal, and the enemy were known to be in close pursuit. Their movement, too, seemed evidently intended to cut off our connection with Winchester, and we saw, very naturally, before us the respect of an enemy (Ewell) in our front, while Jackson, whom we had known to be behind us near Harrisonburg, seemed more than probable intending to push upon us in our rear, placing us between two fires, each doubtless larger than the little command which remained to General Banks after the withdrawal of so large a portion of it to reinforce other less exposed divisions of the army. We soon learned that the forces of Ewell were on the road upon which we were retreating, and in front of us. But we moved on, and had proceeded three miles bey
A General order from "Stonewall." The following order has been issued by Gen. Jackson relating to the recent gallant explor's of his army: Headquarters V. D. Winchester, May 26, 1862. General Orders No. 58. Within four weeks this army has made long and rapid to archer, fought six combats, and two battler, signally defeating the enemy in each one, captured several stands of colors and pieces of artillery, with numerous prisoners, and vast medical, ordnance, and army stores, ch have given us the results of a great victory without great losses, and to make the oblation of our thanks to God for his mercies to us and our country to heartfelt acts of religious worship. For this purposes the troops will remain in camp to-day, suspending, as far as practicable, all military exercises, and the chaplains of regiments will hold divine service in their several charges at 4 o'clock P. M. to day. By order of Major Gen. Jackson. R. L. Danney. Assistant Adjutant General.
The Daily Dispatch: June 2, 1862., [Electronic resource], Virginians in the battle of Shiloh, (search)
Volunteers at the North. --The soil of Lincoln upon the Federal States to save the U. S. capital from "Stonewall" Jackson, created much excitement in New York. The N. Y. Seventh, the same regiment that visited Richmond, turned out 800 strong and were sent to Washington. In Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Rhode Island a large number of troops enlisted to defend the "National" capital. It may be that "Stonewall" wont leave them a capital to defend.
as supposed, of course, they would make a stand. How different was the result. All last week an impression prevailed along the entire line of the enemy that Jackson would be upon them very soon, and they commenced to fall back, probably to stand at this place. On Saturday, "old Stonewall," having taken a considerable part ofge of Winchester, where they put their cannon in position and fought with effect for some time, when finally they fled through the streets, our men pursuing, with Jackson at their head. The citizens say that the rout was perfect and that the enemy's cavalry fled disgracefully, pursued by numbers smaller than their own. Unlike JackJackson, Banks kept a long way from the flashing of the guns. On both sides, this entire affair was comparatively bloodless. Our loss, in killed and wounded, did not exceed forty. Col. Campbell, of the 48th Virginia, was wounded in the arm. A Louisiana Major was killed We took in prisoners some 2,500 or 3,000, including those taken a
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