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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Appendix. (search)
Cabell, Breck. Cabell, S. Colhoun, Robert. Cosby, C. V. Cross, J. H. (K.) Dowdy, T. N. DeWitt, C. Franklin, James, Jr. Ford, William A. Guggenheimer, M., Jr. Goggin, John P. Harris, Meade. Holland, William. Jennings, J. H. Johnson, Minor. Kinnear, James F. Kabler, N. Kent, J. R. Lavinder, G. T. Leckie, M. M. Lucado, L. F. Lydick, James H. Mayer, Max L. Miller, A. H. Moorman, S. L. Nelson, W. S. Oglesby, John. Adams, W. Burch, Samuel. Cabell, P. H. Campbell, Wiley. Conley, John. Creed, J. J. Crumpacker, John. Dabney, H. Eubank, E. N. Franklin, P. H. Gregory, W. S. Guy, D. C. Harris, H. V. Hawkins, S. M. Ivey, J. W. Jennings, T. D., Jr. Kean, R. G. H. Kinnear, James O. Kreuttner, Joseph. Lee, John A. Langhorne, C. D. Lewis, John H. Lyman, G. R. Lydick, D. McCorkle, C. Moseley, C. A. Mosby L. C. Nowlin A. W. Page, C. H. Perc
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry, C. S. A. From the Lexington, Ky. Herald, April 21, 1907. (search)
ber of Confederate regiments was recruited in the State. On Sunday, August 31, 1862, the day after the battle at Richmond, Mr. David Walter Chenault, a prominent citizen of Madison County, then about thirty-six years old, went to Richmond from his country place, and on arriving at the town found that a great many young men of Madison and some of the neighboring counties were there, and anxious to join the Confederate Army, and that Messrs. Carey Hawkins, John D. Harris, Clifton Estill, Dr. Jennings, and several other prominent and influential citizens of the county, of Southern sentiment, had united in recommending him (Chenault) to General Kirby Smith as one of the most suitable men in Kentucky to recruit and organize a regiment of Kentuckians for the Confederate service. As Mr. Chenault's sympathies were already deeply engaged in the cause, he was easily persuaded to accept the commission; and Joseph T. Tucker, of Winchester, and James B. McCreary, of Richmond, were named and co
eacon. Hudson, Charles H., attorney at law, boards with S. Hudson. Hunnewell, John, clerk, h. Medford. Huston, John, h. Bond from Derby. Ireland, Mrs. Grace, widow, h. Milk. Ireland, John, h. Milk. Ireland, Miss Sally, boards at Orr N. Town's. Jaques, Samuel, h. Ten Hills farm. Jaques, Samuel, Jr., h. Ten Hills farm. Jaques, George, b. accountant, h. Ten Hills. James, William, b. horse collar maker, h. Beacon. James, William, shipbuilder, h. Mount Vernon. Jennings, Josiah, b. barber, h. Linwood. Johnson, Simon, b. dyer, h. Milk. Johnson, Philip, b. trader, Central, boards at C. Adams'. Johnson, David, carpenter, h. Snow hill. Jordan, Charles, b. dry goods, h. Joy. Kelley, John, laborer, h. Medford. Kelley, Jeremiah, b. accountant, h. Tufts. Kennison, Albert, brickmaker, h. Broadway. Kendall, George S., painter, h. Cambridge. Kendrick, Elbridge G., brickmaker, h. Franklin. Kidder, Andrew B., b. printer, h. Cambridge. K
I., 29, 34. Jeffers, W. N., VI., 153, 165. Jefferson, T., I., 17; VII., 61. Jefferson, Tenn., II., 328; IV., 147. Jefferson Davis,, C. S. S. VI., 122. Jefferson Davis, horse of U. S. Grant, IV., 291. Jeffersonville, Ind., U. S. general hospital at, VII., 211, 215. Jenkins, A. G., III., 320; X., 317. Jenkins, C. T., VII., 135. Jenkins, D. C., IX., 158. Jenkins, M.: III., 46, 48, 49; X., 155. Jenkins Ferry, Ark., II., 352. Jennings, Bob, I., 179. Jericho Ford, Va., III., 71, 322. Jericho Mills, Va., pontoon bridge at, approaches to, V., 220. Jerome, signal officer receiving signals at Elk Mountain, Md. , VIII., 320, 321. Jesup, T. S., IX., 285. Jetersville, Va.; scouts ride to, III., 309; V., 268. Jewett, J. H., IX., 330, 331. John brown's body, IX., 17, 154. John Burns of Gettysburg, Francis Bret Harte, IX., 35, 206. Johnnie Reb, VIII., 124. Johnnie Rebs, VI
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Pennsylvania. (search)
ooker's movements, this task was assigned to Early. Lee had not been able to add more than one regiment to his division, comprising a few hundred sabres, and his infantry, long inured to forced marches, had to make up for the absence of cavalry by their own activity. They left Greenwood on the 26th of June in two columns, and reaching Gettysburg in the evening dislodged from it, after a slight skirmish, about a thousand Pennsylvania militia, The Twenty-sixth militia regiment, under Colonel Jennings.—Ed. brought there in haste, who could not offer any serious resistance. The division, after having bivouacked at Gettysburg and Mummasburg, reached the neighborhood of Berlin on the 27th and York on the 28th. Gordon's brigade, following the railroad, had marched with greater speed than the others, and arrived at York at an early hour. Early immediately directed it to proceed to Wrightsville, where the great bridge of the Susquehanna crossed that stream. Lee had ordered Early to bur
t in England. Such was the argument of the Quakers; and it was triumphant. Sir William Jones decided that, as the grant from the duke of York had reserved no profit or Chap. XVI.} 1680. Aug. 6. jurisdiction, the tax was illegal. The duke of York promptly acquiesced in the decision, and in a new indenture relinquished every claim to the territory and the government. After such trials, vicissitudes, and success, the light of peace dawned upon West New Jersey; and in November, 1681, Jennings, acting as governor for the proprietaries, convened the first legislative assembly of the representatives of men who said thee and thou to all the world, and wore their hats in presence of beggar or king. Their first measures established their rights by an act of fundamental legislation, and in the spirit of the Concessions, they framed their government on the basis of humanity. Neither faith, nor wealth, nor race, was respected. They met in the wilderness as men, and founded society on
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately. (search)
Shell's.--Bell 72; Breckinridge 22; Douglas 46. Robinson's Store.--Bell 120; Breckinridge 65; Douglas 28. Spotsylvania. Fredericksburg.--The vote here stands Bell 353; Breckinridge 232; Douglas 179. Goggin and Letcher were tied in this city. Amelia. Amelia Court-House.--Breckinridge 121; Bell 75; Douglas 7. Charlotte. Keysville.--Breckinridge 100; Bell 40; Douglas 16. Letcher had 64 at this precinct. --Court-House.--Bell's majority here is 77. Nottoway. Jennings' Ordinary.--Bell 53; Breckinridge 21; Douglas 4. Prince Edward. Farmville.--Bell 168; Breckinridge 62; Douglas 52. Goggin's majority was 54. Booker, (Bell) for the Legislature, 212; Anderson (Breck.) 59. Court-House.--Breckinridge 127; Bell 34. Amherst. Amherst C. H.--2 P. M.--Breckinridge 160; Bell 60; Douglas 3. Cumberland. Raine's Tavern.--Bell 100; Breckinridge 25; Douglas 16. Alexandria. The vote in the county and town stands Bell 1,008; Breckinridg
Hailrunt Jno Hartman Dr J H Hankins Wm Hooper W M Hager Wm Harwood Wm Hopkins W A Hanlon Wm Hicks Wm R Hardly Wm Jones W Jones C James C Jacobs M Jackson P James G L Jones R J Johnson R E Jennings R T Johnson J Jamison T S Jones T B Jones T C Jenkins Wm Jennings J Jones J Jones Th J Jones J W Kelley D B Kolbey C Kerns C J King A 2 King H J Kincaird F Kerby E Kirtley H C D Kilby mast W Jennings J Jones J Jones Th J Jones J W Kelley D B Kolbey C Kerns C J King A 2 King H J Kincaird F Kerby E Kirtley H C D Kilby mast W R Kerwick J Kerse J Kurz J Kerbourg J W Leigh R Leber C Littington C Lee C C Lynch B W Lucade L F Lancaster Z D Leehy T 2 Louis R Linch J Lynch J Lisfeldt H Lawson K Latham J S Lamkin W A Lindesey W Lewis W E (col) Lafond F H Loftus J Lynn J F Lucas J W Lohman J Mannic J L Mathews J F Meagher J Malone J Milstein J T Mason J Muldowny J Moore J R Mister J J Mahone J J Maggiore P T Mori
but that of serving his state. A correspondent of Pleasant Grove Church, Green county, writes: The members of Pleasant Grove Church and other gentlemen of the vicinity, organized a society on Saturday, the object of which is to see that the family of no volunteer or any other who may be called into his country's service, shall suffer for any of the necessaries or comforts of life. Great enthusiasm prevailed during the organization, eloquent and patriotic speeches were made by Major Jennings and other gentlemen. There has been great rejoicing in this section that Virginia has at last cast her lot with the glorious South. The war fever is running high, I have yet to see the first man who is not ready to shoulder his musket when ever called upon. troops for Virginia. The Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist, of the 21st instant, says: Lieut. Delaigle, of the Georgia Army, received a dispatch this morning, from Gov. Brown, ordering three hundred and fifty musk
ontgomery to a Colonelcy in the Army--two as deep-dyed scoundrels as ever went unhung. The murders and robberies committed by these fellows during the troubles in Kansas are known to the whole country, and have linked their names in appropriate connection with the board villain, but less fortunate, John Brown. These men did all in their power to keep alive the bloody strife in Kansas, and are personally responsible for a large share of its atrocities. Lane murdered a Free State man named Jennings! He was arrested, but contrived to get clear by his influence over men as guilty as himself. His seat in the Senate was secured by corruption unexampled in the history of legislation — the votes of members being openly bought and sold on the floor of the House. What adds to the enormity of the case was the well authenticated fact that the money used for this purpose was stolen from the contributions sent out by charitable people at the East to relieve the sufferings of Kansas. Sinc