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Browsing named entities in Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States.. You can also browse the collection for A. Sidney Johnston or search for A. Sidney Johnston in all documents.

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there is no hostile feeling existing with General Johnston toward me which should cause me to refraiharge of some young relations. During General Johnston's absence in December, 1841, President Laral Johnston, as his cause was hopeless. General Johnston was not apprised of this negotiation untithe only consequence of the connection of General Johnston's name with the canvass was to imbitter t History of Texas, vol. II., p. 354. General Johnston was one of those who started for the rendd would gladly have availed themselves of General Johnston's leadership if he would have consented; its general in case of war, and this was General Johnston's real offense with the President. While General Johnston would gladly have led an army properly authorized and organized by his Government, of surmise merely. But this is certain: General Johnston was in no sense a party to the transactiong the appointing power as emanating from General Johnston as proffered by the Texas commissioners i[9 more...]
was raised up for their care and succor. Dr. John S. Griffin, Mrs. Johnston's brother, had the will and power to relieve General Johnston'sGeneral Johnston's embarrassment, by taking charge of his family. To him they were committed, and nobly was the trust redeemed. Freed from this imperious demand, General Johnston made up his mind to sacrifice all private interests for the sake of his State and of the South. Once resolved, he enterts successful accomplishment with his accustomed sagacity. General Johnston's position had now become one of anxiety, difficulty, and dangey, and Colonel Hardcastle, for important details in regard to General Johnston's journey through Arizona; and, assured that the spirited narre. He will often appear in this narrative. He was captain to General Johnston's body-guard, and afterward major of the Third Arizona Regimenion and start of the expedition: Prior to the arrival of General Johnston in Los Angeles, Captain Alonso Ridley Captain Ridley is no
mation of the enemy's dispositions determined Johnston to attack with the forces then available. Ingard considers himself as having inspired General Johnston with the idea of attacking Grant at Shiloed the writer that he concurred in all of General Johnston's plans. They likewise received, about ts time, the sanction of a name then, like General Johnston's, under the shadow of legislative disfavl as his own. Letter of General Lee to General Johnston. Richmond, March 26, 1862. My dear Genase, as I understood then, and still believe, Johnston gave general instructions for the general move army. General Bragg goes on to say that Johnston's general plan was admirable, but condemns thforce in the objection; and that such was General Johnston's original intention is clearly evinced bRichmond. The words italicized are in General Johnston's own handwriting in the original dispatcissued the writer cannot tell. Doubtless General Johnston assented to the change in deference to G[5 more...]
ition to the eloquent remarks of the gentleman from Harris, and I am done. We all know it was the dying wish of General Johnston to be buried in the bosom of his adopted State, to whose services he had given the labor of his best years, and the are living in the charmed numbers of undying song. Few names stand more prominently in our history than that of General Johnston; few memories wind around our hearts in more clinging embraces. Coming to Texas at an early day, and assuming atisper a prayer that God will bless his widowed wife and orphaned children. It was known to have been the wish of General Johnston that his ashes should repose in the soil of Texas. He had so expressed himself in the presence of his staff. He haxas earth on my breast. The people of New Orleans, therefore, surrendered to the committee from Texas the body of General Johnston, which was by them escorted to Austin in January, 1867. It was the wish of the committee not to arouse the jealousy