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e of the horses from his pieces,) galloped forward, and hitching on to the force captured guns and four caissons brought them off in the face of the enemy, and gallantly offered them to Capt. Meanly as the trophies gained by the flue service of his pieces. Thus, in forty minutes our glorious fellows had marched nearly two miles, captured three pieces, four caissons, twelve horses, and seven prisoners. The killed and wounded of the enemy could not have been short of one hundred men. Gen. Johnston was present during the fight, and appeared to enjoy it exceedingly. When the rear guard was ordered to "about face," such a cheer went up from then, as the good folks of Williamsburg will long remember. It is absurd to talk of whipping men who, after marching eighteen hours without rest or food, and heavily packed, will, at a chance of a fight, crop their knapsacks and with a soul-stirring cheer, seize their muskets and run a race for nearly two miles to meet the enemy. An
vital consequence. The skies begin to grow brighter. Every day we hear of victories upon a small scale, which are, we are very sanguine in believing, but the forerunners of great events. Even the little panic which beset the city last Friday, in connection with the river, has been of essential service. We are warranted in saying that if the enemy get here, it will not be by means of his steamboats up the river. Nor can be reach us by a march from the Peninsula, where the cold steel of Johnston's troops effectually bare the way. At every step he takes on this line, he removes himself farther from his gunboats, and without his gunboats he can do nothing. Our troops on this line are in the highest spirit, and desire nothing so much as a battle. They are in no disposition to count numbers. They feel confident that they will beat the enemy wherever the fight shall come off. Nor do we apprehend anything from the direction of Petersburg. The authorities had well considered that ques
Surgeon's certificate. A certificate of attendance at the Pennsylvania Hospital during the year 1860 61, belonging to Dr. Patrick H. C. Noble, was found on the field of battle near Williamsburg, and is now at the hardware store of Johnston and Bransford, Main street, where it can be had on application. No person with whom we have conversed seemed to know the owner. We presume he belongs to our own army.
Longstreet's Division. We understand General Johnston expressed great admiration of the manner in which Longstreet and his men repelled the enemy at Williamsburg. The strict discipline of a year had improved their efficiency wonderfully, and they did not seem to be the same division that had fought at Manassas, although at Manassas they covered themselves with glory.
.Headquarters Army Potomac, May 4, 9 P. M. --it in certain that the rebe s received reinforcements by steamers from Richmond on Thursday, but did not disembark them. The enemy's troops are badly demoralized, and they evinced symptoms of mutiny on account of the retreat. I side the fortifications, and all along the Williamsburg road on which they are retreating, they have buried orpe oe and percussion shells, which are occasionally exploding and injuring persons. General Joseph Johnston's baggage has just been captured. D. B. Lathrope, army telegraph operator, has been mortally wounded by the explosion of a torpedo. Another torpedo, to a 13-inch shell, has just been discovered in the telegraph office. The latest. Fortress Monroe, May 4, P. M. --The news received here this morning of the of Yorktown took everybody by surprise. For some days we have had evidence of the intention of the enemy, but the evidence was not strong enough to induce bel
e man, and has been in charge of ever since the war began. The White longed to the and Chesapeake nal Company. We learn from persons from Newell's P that the bombardment, as heavy as it was done the works there go harm w There were none of our men killed, tho Lieut Wall ce of the Norfolk County Janson Grays, received a slight wound in ankle, and Private Cooper, of the same , was severely wounded in the ankle, and Private Cooper, of the same , was severely wounded in the Besides these, we learn that a young man who was on the Sewell's Point road probably a mile from the battery, received a slight wound on the neck from a piece shell which exploded in the vicinity. The New York Times, among its Southern Items, at announces th was ed out the enterprise of Southern as evidence of which ces that West & Johnston, of Richmond have in press a new by Dr. son, of Georgia, War Song of the South, edited by "Bohemian," correspondent of the Richmond "Dispatch"
Particulars have reached us, and we are chronicle the fact from well au reports. It is understood that back was destroyed, and such ma the Navy Yard as could not be re the same fate. The report is of the enemy marched the city yesterday morning. last evening, a rumor prevailed that a engagement came off yesterday near monkey river, to the county of New. The late hour at which we received more prevented us from tracing its Further than this we have nothing the army of Gen. Johnston. under the proper heads will the reader of affairs in the South regard has made another dash at enemy, and obtained an advantage over Affairs in that direction are quite not encouraging. in the day yesterday it was stated and believed, that a brilliant had been place at Giles Court House, Southwestern Virginia, in which the enemy there completely routed by our forces un Gen Heth. This information was to be in possession of the War Department but upon application at