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war. It left Concord, N. H., yesterday morning. A skirmish took place near Fort Donelson, Tenn., between a force of Union troops under command of Col. Lowe, Fifth Iowa cavalry, and a body of rebel guerrillas under Col. Woodward, resulting in the retreat of the latter with the loss of their artillery. The Nationals had two men killed and eighteen wounded.--(Doc. 191.) Brigadier-General Lloyd Tilghman, in accordance with a special order issued by General Bragg, August 16th, assumed command of all abolition and confederate officers and soldiers in the vicinity of Vicksburgh, Miss., for the purpose of being exchanged or paroled, and ordered them to report immediately at headquarters at Jackson, Miss. A large force of Gen. Stuart's rebel cavalry, led by Fitz-Hugh Lee, entered Manassas, Va., and, after scattering a small body of Union troops stationed there, destroyed a railway train, several buildings, a large quantity of government stores, and other property.--(Doc. 194.)
lace they were carried to New York, escorted by a numerous procession of friends and admirers, preceded by a band of music and military, both infantry and cavalry. On arriving at New York the cortege was met by the Fifth N. Y.S. M. regiment, and escorted to Trinity Church, where the burial service took place. The body was interred in the family vault, near the south-west corner of Trinity church-yard. The city of Frederick, Maryland, was entered and occupied by the rebel army under General Lee. The inhabitants manifested no enthusiasm on their arrival.--(Doc. 202.) Fort Abercrombie was attacked by a party of three hundred Indians, who were driven off after killing one of the National troops and wounding three others.--St. Paul Pioneer, Sept. 9. Washington, N. C., was attacked by a large body of rebels, who were repulsed with a loss of thirty killed and thirty-six taken prisoners, after a severe fight of nearly two hours. During the engagement, the National gunboat Pi
nd the capture of a greater part of their horses.--(Doc. 205.) Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, having been appointed by Gen. Lee, Provost-Marshal of Frederick, Md., on his entrance into that city, issued a proclamation addressed to the people of Marhe arrests, the midnight searches of their houses, and to rise at once in arms and strike for liberty and rights. General Lee, commanding the rebel army in Virginia, issued a proclamation from his headquarters at Frederick, Maryland, addressed n they came of their own free will. Governor Bradford, of Maryland, in view of the fact that the rebel army under General Lee had entered the State and menaced the city of Baltimore and other places with a hostile attack, issued a proclamation the people of Pennsylvania, consequent upon the invasion of the neighboring State of Maryland by the rebel army under General Lee, threatening an advance upon their own State, was most intense. Yesterday the citizens of Lancaster County held a gre
by the rebels this morning, about two hundred taking formal possession and declaring martial law. In anticipation of such an event, many of the Union residents, whose names had been forwarded by their secession neighbors to Frederick, left last evening and early this morning, thus escaping the draft the rebels enforced from the enrolled lists taken from the National officer. Great excitement existed in Baltimore, Md., in consequence of the apprehended approach of the rebel army under General Lee. The authorities made the most ample preparations to intercept any movement in the direction of their city; and should the rebels succeed in entering it, to receive them in a manner different from that expected by them. Colonel Shingles with a force of rebel cavalry, and three pieces of artillery, made an attack on Williamsburgh, Va., this morning. After having captured the National pickets, they marched into town, taking the troops by surprise. An engagement ensued, which lasted
September 10. Frederick, Md., was this day evacuated by the rebel army under General Lee.--(Doc. 202.) The Seventh regiment of Rhode Island volunteers, under the command of Colonel Zenas C. Bliss, left Providence, for the seat of war in Virginia.--The Sixth regiment of Massachusetts militia, under the command of Colonel Albert S. Follansbee, passed through New York, on their way to Washington. Day before yesterday Colonel Grierson, with three hundred and seventy men, came up with the enemy beyond Coldwater, near Cochran's Cross-Roads, Miss. They were a portion of Jackson's and Pierson's cavalry and a number of infantry, amounting to about one thousand men. They were posted and commenced the attack, but were driven two and a half miles through heavy timber. In the affair four of the rebels were killed and seventy or eighty wounded. At night Colonel Grierson camped between the cross-road and Hernando, remaining Wednesday in the latter place, and this morning he mov
morning a force of rebel cavalry entered Hagerstown, Md. They immediately seized twelve hundred barrels of flour, and commenced tearing up the railroad in the vicinity of the depot. The United States Marshal, the sheriff, and other officials left the town as soon as the rebels entered, carrying with them the public records and other valuables in their different offices. Hundreds of private citizens also left the place. In consequence of the reported approach of the rebel army under General Lee, the greatest excitement existed in Pennsylvania, and especially in the cities of Philadelphia and Harrisburgh. In the latter city, the Governor of the State issued a proclamation, calling for fifty thousand men, for immediate service to repel the now imminent danger from invasion by the enemies of the country. He also telegraphed to the Mayor of Philadelphia to send him twenty thousand men. The latter immediately issued an address to the citizens, in which he embodied the Governor's de
September 12. To-day one hundred and eleven rebel prisoners were sent from Fortress Monroe to Aiken's Landing, Va., for exchange. This morning the rebel army under Gen. E. Kirby Smith in full retreat from their position before Cincinnati, Ohio, were pursued by a portion of the Union forces under Gen. Wallace, as far as Florence, Ky.--In view of the invasion of Pennsylvania by the rebel army under General Lee, the City Council of Philadelphia appropriated five hundred thousand dollars for the defence of the city and State, and gave the Mayor of the city full power to act as he might see fit. The public archives, bonds, and treasure of the State of Pennsylvania and cities of Harrisburgh and Philadelphia were sent to New York for safe keeping. Many of the capitalists of the State also sent their bonds and treasure. A fight took place on the southern bank of Elk River, near Charleston, Va., between a Union force under Col. Lightburn and a large body of rebels, which last
rigade commanders and their officers and men, the Commanding General makes grateful acknowledgment for services to which our brilliant success is owing. The country will remember and reward you. Drafting in the State of Ohio was postponed until the first day of October, by order of Governor Tod.--The First Metropolitan regiment, N. Y.S. V., left Riker's Island for Washington. The battle of South-Mountain, Md., was fought this day, between the rebel army invading Maryland, under General Lee, and the National forces, commanded by Generals Hooker and Reno, resulting in the defeat of the rebels, who, after stubbornly contending the whole day, abandoned the field of battle at night, leaving their dead and wounded in the hands of the Nationals. The loss of the rebels was not known, although it was acknowledged to be greater than that of the Nationals, which amounted to over two thousand killed, wounded, and missing. Gen. Reno was among the killed.--(Doc. 119.) The attack up
under the command of Colonel Spear, attacked the rebel breastworks on the Black Water, near Franklin, Va., but without being able to carry them. The fight lasted for more than an hour, in which Colonel Spear had one man killed, and sixteen men wounded.--Baltimore American. A spirited cavalry engagement occurred at Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock River, Va., between a strong reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Gen. Averill, and a body of rebel cavalry under Gen. Fitz-Hugh Lee, in which the latter, after a most desperate struggle, of four hours duration, were repulsed, and finally routed and pursued for a distance of six miles.--(Doc. 139.) By order of the War Department, Colonel James B. Fry was detailed as Provost-Marshal General of the United States, in pursuance of section five of the act approved March 3, 1863, for enrolling and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes.--The British steamer Calypso ran the blockade of Charleston, S.
ascertained the force of the rebels to be about two hundred cavalry, under the corn mand of Colonel Goodwin, pushed forward to at tack them. The enemy fell back, leaving, however, two of their pickets in the hands of the Nationals. They were ridden down and capture by Colonel Tevis, Lieutenant Tower and Dr Hopkins, surgeon of the regiment. The detachment returned to camp about nine o'clock P. M., having burned a saw-mill and two large gristmills, filled with grain and flour, for the use of the rebels in Richmond. The prisoners belonged to Fitz-Hugh Lee's regiment, the Fifth Virginia cavalry. They were well armed, and carried printed orders, signed by J. E. B. Stuart, to seize a number of horses for the use of their regiment, to replace those killed or disabled during the last campaign. --Philadelphia Inquirer. Lieutenant-Colonel Edgar A. Kimball, of Hawkins's Zouaves, Ninth regiment of New York volunteers, was killed by General Michael Corcoran, at a point near Suffolk, Va.