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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bancroft, George, (search)
ce with his original plan. He died Jan. 17, 1891. The death of Lincoln.--On April 25, 1865, Mr. Bancroft delivered the following oration on the death of President Lincoln, in New York City, at a great gathering in Union Square, after the remains of the murdered President had stclime are his mourners. Too few days have passed away since Abraham Lincoln stood in the flush of vigorous manhood to permit any attempt elty. How shall the nation most completely show its sorrow at Mr. Lincoln's death? How shall it best honor his memory? There can be but ence of the nation, bound, like the rest of us, to its defence. Mr. Lincoln's proclamation did but take notice of the already existing rightm to consummate the vindication of the Union. To that Union Abraham Lincoln has fallen a martyr. His death, which was meant to sever it b touch its inmost feeling. The grave that receives the remains of Lincoln receives the costly sacrifice to the Union; the monument which wil
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Banks, National. (search)
prepared in accordance with the Secretary's views, and printed for the use of the committee of ways and means, but it was not reported, and on July 8 following, Thaddeus Stevens, the chairmen of the committee, submitted the bill with an adverse report. The immediate necessities of the government compelled the further issue of legaltender notes, and the consideration of the bank act was deferred. In his report for 1862, Mr. Chase again urged the passage of the national bank bill, and President Lincoln also recommended it in his message. The principal reason why Mr. Chase advocated this system was because he thought it would greatly facilitate the negotiation of the United States bonds; in other words, make it much easier for the government to borrow money. It was also claimed that it would secure for the people in all parts of the country a currency of uniform security and value, and protect them from loss in discounts and exchanges — advantages which were regarded as of much impo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894 (search)
as a member of the Massachusetts legislature, and speaker of the Lower House in 1851-52. He was president of the State Constitutional Convention in 1853, and a member of Congress in 1853-57, separating from the Democratic party on the question of slavery; and, after a long contest, was elected speaker of the House of Representatives in 1855. Mr. Banks was chosen governor of Massachusetts in 1858, and served until 1861. When the Civil War broke out he Nathaniel Prentiss Banks. was president of the Illinois Central Railroad. Offering his services to President Lincoln, he was made a major-general of volunteers May 16, 1861, and appointed to command the Annapolis military district. General Banks was an active and skilful leader in various battles during the war in Virginia and in the region of the lower Mississippi and Red rivers. In 1865-73, 1875-77, and 1889-91 he was a Representative in Congress, and subsequently he was United States marshal. He died in Waltham, Sept. 1, 1894.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barnes, Joseph K., 1817-1883 (search)
Barnes, Joseph K., 1817-1883 Medical officer; born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 21, 1817; was appointed an assistant surgeon in the army in 1840; assigned to duty in the office of the surgeon-general in 1861; became surgeon-general in 1863; attended Presidents Lincoln and Garfield; brevetted major-general in 1865. At his suggestion the Army Medical Museum and the Surgeon-General's Library were established. He died in Washington, D. C., April 5, 1883.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barton, Clara, 1830- (search)
Barton, Clara, 1830- Philanthropist; born in Oxford, Mass., in 1830; was educated in Clinton, N. Y. Her early life was devoted to teaching. In 1854 she became a clerk in the Patent Office in Washington, resigning in 1861, and undertaking the Clara Barton. nursing of sick and wounded soldiers of the army. In 1864 General Butler made her head nurse of the hospitals in the Army of the James. Later she was given charge by President Lincoln of the search organized to find missing Union soldiers, and in 1865 went to Andersonville to mark the graves of Northern soldiers who had died there. When the Franco-Prussian War broke out (1870), she assisted in preparing military hospitals, and also aided the Red Cross Society. In 1871, after the siege of Strasburg, she superintended, by request of the authorities, the distribution of work to the poor, and in 1872 performed a similar work in Paris. For her services she was decorated with the Golden Cross of Baden and the Iron Cross of Ger
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bates, Edward, 1793- (search)
Bates, Edward, 1793- Statesman; born in Belmont, Va., Sept. 4, 1793; served in the Virginia militia in 1813; removed to Missouri in 1814; and began practising law in 1816. He was a prominent anti-slavery man, and during the National Republican Convention of 1860( he received 48 votes on the first ballot for President. Mr. Lincoln after his election appointed Mr. Bates Attorney-General. He resigned in 1864, and returned to his home in St. Louis, where he died. March 25, 1869.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Beauregard, Pierre Gustave toutant, (search)
afterwards active as a leader in Virginia and other parts of the slave-labor States. Beauregard was made brigadier-general in the Confederate army. Feb. 20, 1861, and was placed in command of the gathering army of Confederates at Manassas Junction — the Department of Alexandria. He took the command at the beginning of June, 1861, and issued a proclamation which was calculated and intended to fire the Southern heart. He said: A reckless and unprincipled tyrant has invaded your soil. Abraham Lincoln, regardless of all moral, legal, and constitutional restraints, has thrown his abolition hosts among us, who are murdering and imprisoning your citizens, confiscating and destroying your property, and committing other acts of violence and outrage too shocking and revolting to humanity to be enumerated. All rules of civilized warfare are abandoned, and they proclaim by their acts, if not on their banners, that their war-cry is Beauty and Booty. All that is dear to man — your honor, and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bemis's Heights, battles of. (search)
position until Oct. 12. But his condition rapidly grew worse. The American army hourly increased in numbers, and the militia were swarming on his flanks and rear. His foraging parties could get very little food for the starving horses, the militia so annoyed them. In his hospitals were 800 sick and wounded men, and his effective soldiers were fed on diminished rations. His Indian allies descrted him, while, through the exertions of Schuyler, Oneida warriors joined the forces of Gates. Lincoln, with 2,000 men, also joined him on the 22d; still Gates remained inactive. His officers were impatient, and Arnold plainly told him that the army was clamorous for action, and the militia were threatening to go home. He told him that he had reason to think that if they had improved the 20th of September it might have ruined the enemy. That is past, he said: let me entreat you to improve the present time. Gates was offended, and, treating the brave Arnold with silent contempt, sat still
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bennington, battle near. (search)
penetrated the country eastward of the Hudson towards Bennington, Vt., where the Americans had gathered a considerable quantity of supplies. At that time (August, 1777), General Stark, disgusted because he had not been made a Continental brigadier-general, had resigned his colonelcy, taken the leadership of the New Hampshire militia, with the stipulation that he was to have an independent command, and was at Bennington with part of a brigade. He had lately refused to obey a command of General Lincoln to join the main army opposing Burgoyne. It was a fortunate circumstance, for he did better service when Baum approached and began to cast up intrenchments (Aug. 14, 1777) in the town-ship of hoosick, N. Y., within about 5 miles of Bennington. Informed of that approach Stark had sent expresses for Warner's shattered regiment, and for militia, and he soon gathered many fugitives from the disaster at Hubbardton. The 15th was rainy. Baum had sent back to Burgoyne for reinforcements, an
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bernard, Sir Francis, 1714-1779 (search)
Bernard, Sir Francis, 1714-1779 Colonial governor; born in Nettleham, Lincoln co., England, in 1714: was educated at Oxford, where he was graduated in 1736. The law was his chosen profession. In 1758 he was appointed governor of New Jersey; and in 1760 he was transferred to the chief magistracy of Massachusetts, where he was a most obedient servant of the crown and ministry in the support of measures obnoxious to the colonists. After a stormy administration of nearly nine years Bernard was recalled, when he was created a baronet, chiefly because of his recommendation to transfer the right of selecting the governor's council from the colonial legislature to the crown. Bernard was a friend of learning, and gave a part of his library to Harvard College. He had become so thoroughly unpopular that when he left Boston the bells were rung, cannon were fired, and Liberty-tree was hung with flags, in token of the joy of the people. He died in Aylesbury, England, June 16, 1779.
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