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all the other newspaper editors in the State of Louisiana. We trust that President Lincoln will, in some signal way, evince his appreciation of the pluck of this bristration from the first, but has expressed the utmost confidence in that of Mr. Lincoln. The war, he thinks, is justly and as vigorously as possible carried on — tates. In his original, and in a more recent proclamation on the subject, President Lincoln has made known to the country how deeply he is impressed with the importa border State support, would speedily surrender to the Union. In a word, President Lincoln submitted this favorite scheme of his of voluntary and compensated emancily worthless and the institution no longer supportable. And for all this President Lincoln has indicated the pressure of this gigantic war and the resistless currenld be settled at once, and in time to support the Government, as proposed by Mr. Lincoln, by detaching, now and forever, the Southern border from the pro-slavery sch
this unhappy conflict, the crowning victory which was to restore the South to Federal supremacy has always been dancing like a Will o'-the-Wisp before the eyes of the Northerners. It has led them through a boundless waste of blood and money, it has caused them to stir up batches which a century perhaps will hardly appease, and it now glimmers before them as deceptively as ever, while they are sinking slowly but surely into the slough of national disorganization and bankruptcy. When Mr. Lincoln called out his first 75,000 men, the 4th of July, 1861, was fixed for the termination of the rebellion, which was declared to be reprobated by a majority in every State but one. That 4th of July came and went, and at no time since has the fail of the Confederacy been fixed for a later date than three months from the time of speaking; and now another 4th of July is upon us, and the South is still unbroken in strength and determination. All the power of the Federal Government has been pu
The Lincoln officers captured by Col. Forrest at Murfreesboro', passed through Madison, Georgia, Wednesday. There were 48 of them — among whom were Gen. Crittenden and Col. Duffield, of Indiana. Gen. Crittenden is not the son of John J., of Kentucky, as was at first reported. He is said to be no relation to the "old man elephant. "
the field, and cause them to skedaddle to Canada and Europe for fear of being drafted into the militia. The only manner in which the "solid men" of the North are now formidable is in their capital.--They have spent so much money in carrying on this war that they will make another desperate throw to save that which has already gone. They will not come themselves under any circumstance, but, either by draft or enormous bounties, they will raise the 300,000 additional troops required by Lincoln. There will be a universal sifting of the whole North and of all mankind for more "riff-raff" to make up the three hundred thousand. As for themselves, 300,000 "solid men" of the North would vanish like the most unsubstantial shadows before "Stonewall Jackson" and thirty thousand Confederates. But now is the time for the South to strike. Let her not wait another. hour for the accumulation of more "riff-raff." Let not the enemy be permitted to advance another foot. An instant movement
Hard bodies. --A few days ago while the friends of some of the brave men who recently fell victims to the insane fury of Lincoln's myrmidons were searching in the neighborhood of Gaines's mill for their bodies, they struck on something which had such a hard feeling that though duly labelled as a Pennsylvania Colonel, they were induced to exhume the body, which proved to be a splendid 24 pounder brass howitzer. Several other "Colonels" of a similar kind were afterwards dug up. The parties engaged in the search also found a metallic burial case, but on removing the plate the body of a Federal Lieutenant appeared, and it was decently interred.
Gentlemen who left Baltimore on Tuesday last give us some encouraging information respecting the state of affairs, showing that the cause of abolitionism is now struggling under a weight of difficulties which bid fair to crush it to the earth. Lincoln's call upon Maryland for her quota of the new of 300,000 troops has stirred up a most intense excitement, and as it is considered impossible to raise it without resort to a draft, the young men of Baltimore are leaving by every opportunity. Vague rumors of an advance of the Confederate forces into Maryland are in circulation, and thousands impatiently await an event that shall open the way for them to rally under the flag of the South. In spite of the vigilance of Lincoln's detectives, some preparations have been secretly made by a band of true men, and the progress of the Southern armies is watched with sleepless In truth, Lincolnism is in an embarrassed situation in Maryland as regards the new levy, because if a draft should be