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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Work of the Ordnance Bureau of the war Department of the Confederate States, 1861-5. (search)
truth when he wrote that it soon became evident to all that the South had gone to war without counting the cost. Our chief difficulty was the want of arms and munitions of war. In the interval between the election and the inauguration of President Lincoln, when one Southern State after another was withdrawing from the Union, men's minds were full of rapidly passing political events, and much doubt was felt as to whether there would be a war; certainly but few looked forward to war on so grea as brave a show as possible should be made by keeping up heavy fire all along the line as soon as the enemy should appear. We were on the afternoon of the 20th of April—eleven days after the surrender of Gen. Lee's army and six days after President Lincoln had been assassinated—drawn up on the line of earth work which had been prepared several months before, and were hourly expecting the arrival of Wilson's force, known to be near at hand, when a joint telegram was received from Generals John
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Review of the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
retary of the Navy, now being published, he records that Mr. Lincoln was extremely dejected at Lee's escape after the battle,The average Northerner, however, while he failed, as did Mr. Lincoln, to realize how close the Union army had been to defeat, of the river, it met with that well known response from Mr. Lincoln, I would not take any risk of being entangled upon the rter part of its forces from the front. In a letter to Mr. Lincoln on the same date, after stating what he thought would beale was projected on the Confederate side. In a letter to Lincoln of the 10th inst., he suggests the probability of a heavy proposal, like the previous one, met with no favor from Mr. Lincoln, and under the circumstances, it is not surprising. H ignorant of the true situation of Lee's army, and so were Lincoln and Halleck. In a letter to General Dix, of the 12th inst Ewell's men can now be at Winchester? Later in the day Mr. Lincoln sent another message from Washington: So far as we can m
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel James Gregory Hodges. (search)
ismal Swamp Rangers, Capt. James C. Choat. On Saturday, the 20th day of April, 1861, when the regiment was ordered by Gov. Letcher into the service of the State, it consisted of the same companies except the Union Guard, which had been disbanded the year before. The twentieth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-one— memorable day!. On this day commenced in Virginia an unproclaimed war. The ordinance of secession had been passed on the 17th, day of April, 1861. The proclamation of President Lincoln calling on Virginia for her quota of military forces to wage war against her sister States of the South brought all Virginians of true loyalty together. War was the inevitable result of national and State action. Gov. Letcher had sent down Gen. William B. Taliaferro to take charge of the organized forces of this section when called into the service of the State. At noon the United States authorities closed the doors of the navy yard and began the destruction of its buildings, its sh
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle at Bethesda Church. (search)
were eaten ravenously by the starving officers, as Lieutenant Peary's men ate their comrades. At last we were ordered back to Fort Delaware. The remnant of the six hundred left that Yankee hell, where Southern braves cried for bread and fed on cats, gorged with the corpses of their dead comrades. We reached Fort Delaware a short time before the surrender. One morning I was aroused by a familiar rebel yell—looked out and saw the flags dropping at half mast and heard that Booth had killed Lincoln. Soon all privates and line officers were paroled, and sixty field officers were held in prison until August. In conclusion I will say that some years ago Captain James Bumgardner, of Staunton, who was an officer in the Fifty-second Virginia Regiment, next on the left of the Forty-ninth, told me that his regiment also had only three officers and eighteen men left. Thus and there at Bethesda Church well nigh perished one of the grandest corps of men the world has ever known-made up of t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Jefferson Davis. (search)
of guilty knowledge relating to the assassination of President Lincoln. The principal purpose of the letter was, imploring n the Southern States, as they could not but be aware of Mr. Lincoln's naturally kind heart and his good intentions toward thot by thought or act participate in a conspiracy against Mr. Lincoln; and none of those expressed that conviction more emphat him with complicity in the assassination of the late President Lincoln. He has been held, says the decision, ever since, anconclusively, on a certain intention to take the life of Mr. Lincoln, is a most important element in the case. This was repoble guilt—that of having suborned assassins to murder President Lincoln—a crime the basest and most cowardly known to mankind of the United States, with conspiring to assassinate President Lincoln, and $100,000 offered for his capture thereupon. Theg Davis and Clay with complicity in the assassination of Mr. Lincoln. He said that he refused to give the thing any support
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
er the circumstances when he is informed that he is not the first projector of a flying machine in Richmond. During the war between the States a machine was commenced which was to take President Davis and his cabinet, together with some ordnance officers, to the upper air of Washington. The officers were to be supplied with an abundance of large hand grenades, and when these argonauts of the air were at a point immediately over the top of the White House, perchance during a session of Lincoln's cabinet, combustibles, as if aerolites, were to be dropped. It would then proceed to the upper air in the neighborhood of the capital during a session of congress and compel incontinent adjournment. Needless to write that if the mortars in Washington could not have been successfully trained upon this new power in the air, before the executive and legislative branches had been killed or demoralized, the North would have petitioned for peace. The yard in which this early flying machi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.34 (search)
hat General Early levied a contribution upon the citizens of York to satisfy the urgent necessities of his men; but I do not know that he contracted to pay for these things some time after the independence of the Confederacy. It sounds a little characteristic of the old general, and like one of his jokes. Perhapes he had faith in the ultimate independence of the Confederacy, and considered he was making an honest contract. Maybe it was attributed to him as many jokes were attributed to Mr. Lincoln without any foundation. However, I think it was a fact that his men were more comfortable when they left York than when they entered. On the morning of June 30th, we left York and moved along the turnpike towards Heddlersburg. After resting that night near that village, Early's Division, with Lieutenant-Colonel Hilary P. Jones' Battalion of Artillery accompanying it, marched toward Gettysburg, which was south of us, and near which we could hear the roar of the battle, in which Lieute
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Treachery of W. H. Seward brought fire on Sumter. (search)
sgusted with the duplicity and bad faith of Mr. Lincoln's administration in this Fort Sumter matterition as a Justice of the Supreme Court. Lincoln's proclamation. Two days after the fall of Fort Sumter, April 15, 1861, Mr. Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for troops to repossess, asf them could consistently furnish troops to Mr. Lincoln to prosecute a war which had been brought oh he had been an ardent Union man, answered Mr. Lincoln: You have chosen to inaugurate civil war, ae. Thus, by the bad faith and duplicity of Mr. Lincoln's administration the country was plunged in many slaves in the South. The course of Mr. Lincoln was also as inconsistent about this matter its being made express and irrevocable. Lincoln's change. As we have already said, this won days from that time, September 22, 1862, Mr. Lincoln issuing a proclamation to free the slaves iclination nor any lawful right to do. When Lincoln came in, one of the earliest acts of his Secr
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
. Beuhring, 349. Jones Col. H. P., 176, Jones, Lieut. J. Pembroke, 51. Kane, Dr. E. K., 42 Kieffer, Henry M., 299. Kenny, Lt. Col., 16. Lamb, Col. Wm., 3. Lawson. Gallant exploit of Capt. Campbell. 320. Lehman, Franklin W., 273. Logan. Mrs. John A., 366. Lomax, Gen. L. L., 177. Longstreet, Gen. Old Pete, 78, 126. Lumpkin, Rev. J. T., 266, 282. Lee's, Gen. last camp, 208. Lee, Gen. Fitz., 35. Lee, Gen R. E. 21, 31. Lee Gen. W. H. F., 35, 69. Lincoln dejected at Lee's escape, 75; course of, inconsistent, 362. McAlwee, G. W. 354. McAnerny, Capt. John, 200. McBirney, Major, 19. McCabe, Capt. W. Gordon, 61. McLaws, Gen. L., 108. Mallet Lt. Col. J. W., 1. Malvern Hill, Battle of, 357. Manassas 8th Virginia at Second, 313. Marshall, Col. Charles 34, 323. Marylanders in the C. S. Army, 235. Massey, Col. E. C., 164. Maury, Gen. D. H., 324. Meade, General, 104. Memorial Day, Origin of. 368. Memorial