Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lincoln or search for Lincoln in all documents.

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Nashville, Dec. 30. --A special dispatch to the Louisville Courier from Hopkinsville states that Col. Forrest's cavalry, about 300 strong, and the Federal cavalry, with about the same number, met at Sacramento, on Green river, on Saturday last, when a skirmish ensued. About fifty Federals were killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. Our loss was Capt. H. Clay Meriwether, of Louisville, and one private killed, and one private wounded. The enemy fled in great confusion. A gentleman who has just arrived here, and who left Louisville on Christmas day, says that pilots cannot be obtained for the Federal gun-boats which were destined to go down the Mississippi river. They say that they are afraid of the submarine batteries placed at different points in the river. It is reported here that the Louisville Journal has announced that there will be no forward movement on Bowling Green or Green river until Lincoln's position on the slavery question is satisfactorily defined.
European Intelligence:Comments of the foreign press on the capture of Mason and Slidell.a friend of Lincoln's Government about being Mobbed. From the latest foreign files which have been received we make up the following extracts is relation to the arrest of Messrs. Mason and Slidell. Our readers have already been apprised of the effect which England's indignation has had upon the Rump Government. After all the bluster and bombast of the Yankees, they have been made to swallow their wor he, (Mr. Howe) was not going to take his exposition of international law against that of the law officers of England. (Applause.) The speaker, after expressing himself in favor of the principles of Wendell Phillips, rather than those of "Lincoln and Seward," went on to say: The North was like the "dog in the manger" When he saw the Northerners sitting upon five or six million bales of cotton which it could not eat or manufacture, and which it did not know what to do with — when he
ect was introduced in that body by Mr. Hale, on a call for information from the President, no little interest was excited thereby. Very little upon which a definite conclusion might be based was, however, developed by Mr. Hale's movement, though, after that gentleman's decided war speech, the more temperate remarks of Mr. Sumner, chairman of the committee of foreign affairs, were rather reassuring in regard to the probability of preserving peace through the negotiations yet to ensue. Lincoln's patent blockade. A correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writing from Washington Dec. 26, writes as follows: Men who are thoughtful upon public affairs see another cause of difficulty between this country and England, in the fact that the London Post declares our blockade of the Southern ports at an end, (under the law of nations,) for the reason that we have sunk stone vessels in the channels of Southern harbors. It is a fact, however, that the egress and ingress to the bay of M
The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1862., [Electronic resource], How the Yankees stand the climate of South Carolina. (search)
How the Yankees stand the climate of South Carolina. A Yankee correspondent, writing from Port Royal, December 14, gives the follow-account of the effect which the climate of South Carolina has had upon the health of Lincoln's minions, who have recently desecrated the soil of that State: The sanitary condition of the troops has assumed a special interest in connection with the proposed building of a temporary general hospital for the division. A New York paper of November 29 is before me, in which it is said that the troops at Port Royal are in good health and spirits. Similar statements I understand have been generally made and believed. Now for the facts. Ninety-eight soldiers have died since the expedition left Annapolis, October 21; eighty four since it landed at Port Royal, November 7 The whole number of sick from its arrival to the end of November, exclusive of the Eight Michigan, was 4,282. Of this number there remained at the end of that month 634 requir
arning from Havana. --A Southerner in Havana, writing to us on the 5th ultimo, says: My countrymen have to contend with unscrupulous foes, and our people should not be fulled into any fancied security by the very moderate proclamations of Sherman and others; for I have this day learned from a Yankee, styling himself the intimate friend of the Yankee General, Burnside, that the latter, at his table, in New York, had mentioned, in confidence that the proclamations of the Generals of Lincoln were to be a part of the programme to induce, as far as possible, non-resistance, until Charleston and Savannah could be placed under their batteries, and laid in ashes. As the burning of either city would create horror in the minds of civilized nations, it appears that the invading forces are to be supplied with heavy siege guns of great range, and, under pretence of the ignorance of their effect, they are to ignore even the rights of humanity until they can effect their complete destruct
amid the hardships of the march — the snow and ice of the campaign — any brave fellow shall fall, he will still further illustrate the character of the heroic "Youth"-- "There, in the twilight cold and gray, Lifeless but beautiful he lay, Still grasping in his hand of ice. That banner with the strange device — Excelsior!" Let me now tell the story of a Kentucky lady. It was related to me by one in whom implicit confidence can be placed. Some few weeks ago the hirelings of Lincoln went to Cynthiana, Ky., in search of "arms" and "Secessionists." A gentleman, whom I will call Smith, was a strong Southern man, and feeling that he would be among the first to be arrested, hastened away at dead of night. He was a man of wealth and influence, but such was the precipitancy with which he left his house and his all that he could carry nothing with him. He hurriedly escaped in his shirt-sleeves to a widow's house, in the neighborhood, with whom he was well acquainted, and stat<
Mutiny in Col. Curran Pope's regiment. The Louisville (Bowlin Green) Courier, of the 27th ult., says: We learn that there is considerable trouble among the Kentucky regulate in the Federal army, and that such anxiety exists among the Yankees as. What will be the result. The message of Lincoln and the report of Cameron have acted such universal dissatisfaction as to quit demoralize those companies which are composed of a fair proportion of men of ordinary intelligence. In Col. Curran Pope's regiment, as we are informed upon authority that we can vouch for, there has been an on mutiny. On reading Cameron report, some two hundred of his men at the threw down their arms, declaring that they would not fight if that was the feast to which they had been invited. They were arrested, and under threats and entreaties now were induced to go into the ranks again. The bulk, however, persisted in their course and on being threatened with the utmost vigor of the military law, th