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is right arm cut off than raise it against a sister Southern State, and even offering to send arms to the South, and then springing at a bound to the footstool of Lincoln licking the very dust from his feet and hounding him on to the persecution and ruin of their fellow citizens. Think of the Baltimore American which at one time h but say to our people, respond to the call issued by your Governor and defend your State,"--think of a sheet which made this and similar appeals afterwards, when Lincoln got a foothold in Maryland, undertaking to deny that it was correct in what it said, and vicing with the most blatant journals of New England in its ferocious peron party in Maryland, which, at first, effecting to sympathise profoundly with the South, become, afterwards the most hateful and disgusting of all the minions of Lincoln's tyranny, not contenting themselves with base submission to his despotism, but actually urging the Yankee mercenaries to greater acts of ferocity and persecution
the people of the loyal States have simply resolved that it shall be to settled, inasmuch as it can be settled in no other way. This puts an end to all argument in favor of armistices or Conventions, or mediation in any fool. The Copperheads, rise the Abolitionists, last fall, have received their instructions from the people — that too agitation of peace with the rebellious South, at the expense of civil was and mob law in the North, is little better than open rebellion. Let President at Lincoln fall during this spring and summer to achieve the grand results which the country has the right to demand, and he will not escape the judgment of a disappoint people in our State elections of next October and November. Army of the Potomac. Headquarters Army of the Potomac. April 2. --The first army corps Major-Gen. Reynolds. commanding, was reviewed to day by Gen. Hooker and staff. The appearance, discipline and efficiency of the troops were highly satisfactory. Eight new st
. In the House of Commons, Mr. Layard, in reply to an inquiry, said that since the breaking out of the civil war in America the communication between the British Government and the United States in reference to the Island of San Juan, has been suspended. The bill reducing the tobacco duties had passed through the committee. On the 20th Seymour Fitzgerald gave notice that he would, on the 23d, ask whether the Government had accepted, or intended to accept, the proposal of President Lincoln as to a communication between England and the United States to inquire into any just complaints of a violation of neutral rights. Poland. The following are the latest advices from Poland, indicating a severe reverse to the revolutionists: Cracow, March 20.--The insurgents are rallying at Vizdize, commanded by Semesorski. Pano,March 21.--Dispatches receive at the Russian Embassy confirm the defeat of Langlewhiz who has been conveyed to Varnover. The insurgents lost 4