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Baltimore papers, of the 20th inst., have been received. The war and general news is unimportant. Both Houses of Congress have concurred in the report of the Committee of Conference on the "Enrollment Bill." The report fixes the commutation fee at $300, but renders the drafted man who commutes liable to be drawn again after the expiration of one year. All able- bodied persons of African descent between 20 and 45 years of age, are to be enrolled, and when the slave of a loyal master is drafted and mustered into service, he shall be free, the master to be paid the sum to be awarded by a commission, not exceeding $300. Lincoln has issued a proclamation declaring the port of Galveston, Texas, reopened to the commerce of the world, with certain restrictions. Gold has declined, under the apprehension that Congress will authorize Secretary Chase to sell the surplus coin in the Treasury. The closing rate in New York, on Friday, was 157½.
Yankee recruiting in Ireland The Yankees are openly and notoriously recruiting troops for their arms in Ireland. Their Congress has, upon the recommendation of Lincoln, voted $150,000,000 in hid of emigration, and it is nearly all spent in that country. They encourage none to emigrate but young men of the military age. The bounty is about $800. As soon as the man lands in New York he is recruited. --A Dublin paper says that 75,000 men have been recruited by the Yankees from Ireland in this way in the last two years. At the same time Russell is determined to prevent the reception of the two iron-clads by the Confederate States. If the present law does not embrace them, he will have one passed that will as soon as Parliament meets. But he has no intention or desire to arrest this enormous recruiting business. Oh, no. It will not do to interfere with the emigration laws, and the foreign enlistment act does not cover the case! Not a word about asking Parliament for a law t
at Ireland can yet spare a million and a half of her inhabitants will be cheered by the intelligence from Washington.--Mr. Lincoln has advised that the "bounties" given to recruits should be increased. The sum hitherto given to an emigrant who enlil to £3,000,000, deducting discount and depreciation. Such a sum as this could not be required for bounty alone. Mr. Lincoln's message to Congress furnishes us with an intimation of the purpose for which it is intended. In the opening sentences of his message, Mr. Lincoln lamented that while thousands beset the offices of the American Consuls abroad, entreating to be assisted to emigrate, no regular organization for the encouragement of emigration existed. He advised the immediate estaf an extensive agency for assisting emigrants. The agency in part already exists. It can be increased and extended. Mr. Lincoln provides it with moans; for this fourteen millions is intended plainly to pay, not only the passage money of emigrants