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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 999 7 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 382 26 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 379 15 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 288 22 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 283 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 243 11 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 233 43 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 210 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 200 12 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 186 12 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Longstreet or search for Longstreet in all documents.

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Three times he had repulsed Rebel charges upon his center, each made with fresh troops in increasing numbers and with more resolute purpose. Soon, word came from the regiments thus engaged that their ammunition was giving out, while no supply-train had yet come up ; and it was found necessary to glean the cartridges from the boxes of our fallen heroes, while our most advanced regiments were drawn back to a position whence they could guard our left, yet form a portion of our front. Gen. Longstreet's division of the Rebel main army — which army, under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston as commander-in-chief, had hastened ere this to the defense of Richmond from the side of the Peninsula — had passed through Williamsburg on the retreat, when it was recalled to aid in the defense. Gen. McClellan, in his report, says: It is my opinion that the enemy opposed us here with only a portion of his army. When our cavalry first appeared, there was nothing but the enemy's rear-guard in William
y reenforeed. To this end, he directed Maj.-Gen. Longstreet, with his own and Gen. D. H. Hill's divn, until 4 P. M., listening for the sound of Longstreet's musketry, which, for some atmospheric reas. Hill's, and ultimately of D. H. Hill's and Longstreet's divisions, attacked our position and attemhelmingly assailed in front by the Hills and Longstreet, and in flank by the yet fresh division of J, Jackson arrived and formed his division on Longstreet's left; while D. H. Hill, on the extreme Reb fully comprhended by the enemy, Lee ordered Longstreet and A. P. Hill to recross the Chickahominy ain person, with Jefferson Davis, accompanied Longstreet's advance, at the head of his own and A. P. gruder was recalled to relieve the troops of Longstreet and Hill. His men, much fatigued by their lchmond, menaced and soon assailed our left. Longstreet's and A. P. Hill's divisions, having had the; as A. P. Hill's division was brought up by Longstreet to the aid of Magruder. Malvern Hill. [10 more...]
estward, in order to unite more readily with Longstreet, then known to be approaching; and compelledght, the positions assigned them by Pope. Longstreet had only started the day before from the souvision was of course unable to stand against Longstreet's heavy corps, and was driven off with loss, commencing its retreat just at dark. Longstreet's whole force was pushed rapidly through the pass,ight, retreating on Manassas Junction. When Longstreet, before noon, came rapidly into action on thn (a, b, c), who was afterward reenforced by Longstreet, Aug. 29. The same position substantiallyod charged in turn, with a fresh division of Longstreet's corps, which had marched through the Gap t own; and now his opportunity had vanished. Longstreet's corps had been arriving throughout the dayd down by the cross-fire of 4 batteries from Longstreet's left, which decimated and drove them back Run impassable, and impeded our movements. Longstreet remained on the battle-field to engage the a[9 more...]
attempt to escape from Harper's Ferry. Gen. Longstreet's command will pursue the same road as faitherto advanced from Washington, had pushed Longstreet forward on Jackson's track to Hagerstown, Meantime, Hill had sent pressing messages to Longstreet, at Hagerstown, for help; and two brigades had already arrived; as Longstreet himself, with seven more brigades, did very soon afterward; raisinion thereafter to some 25,000 or 30,000 men. Longstreet, ranking Hill, of course took command; littll, in his official report, says: Maj.-Gen. Longstreet came up about 4 o'clock, with the commaptured by the way the ammunition train of Gen. Longstreet, consisting of 50 to 60 wagons. Miles asd been fighting the forces of D. H. Hill and Longstreet; that they had disappeared from his front; ars and the batteries of Gen. D. R. Jones, on Longstreet's right wing. Several feeble attempts to exregates:  Killed.Wounded.Missing. Total. Longstreet's9645,2341,3107,508 Jackson's.3512,080 572,[2 more...]
river Hooker recrosses also Stoneman's raid a failure Longstreet assails Peck at Suffolk is beaten off with loss. Genon of his chief's conclusions; whereupon, the residue of Longstreet's corps was moved rapidly eastward. Meantime, Gen. Sumnhereof that of Stonewall Jackson held the right; that of Longstreet the left. A. P. Hill commanded the left advance of Jack His actual loss, as embodied in the detailed reports of Longstreet and Jackson, was over 5,000, Longstreet reports his lLongstreet reports his losses tims: killed, 251; wounded, 1,516; missing, 127: total, 1,894. Jackson gives his as — killed, 344; wounded, 2,545; mi for and executing his movement across the Rappahannock, Longstreet, with a large force, was aiming a similar blow at the exnever seriously threatened till the Spring of 1863, when Longstreet advanced April 10. against it with a force which Peck prosecuted, with no decided success, until May 3d; when Longstreet gave it up and drew off-doubtless under orders given by
een largely swelled by the hurried return of Longstreet and his corps from their sterile and wastefucue of threatened Port Hudson: why not spare Longstreet to needy, beseeching Jo. Johnston, enabling ormerly Stonewall Jackson's) corps, and that Longstreet's also was just at hand — the two numbering Hill's corps at Shepherdstown, and Lee, with Longstreet's, at Williams-port; both, uniting at Hagersacing ours at distances of one to two miles. Longstreet's corps held his right, which was stretched al attack upon the enemy's center and left. Longstreet was to commence the movement, which was to bsey's, and Mahone's. At half-past 5 o'clock, Longstreet commenced the attack, and Wilcox followed itimultaneously with him. The two divisions of Longstreet's corps soon encountered the enemy posted a l report, says: After a severe struggle, Longstreet succeeded in getting possession of and holdien were engaged in this movement; while Lee (Longstreet being still absent) could oppose to it only [8 more...]
Station Burnside withdraws into Knoxville Longstreet besieges and assaults is repulsed with lossttack, he found a division of the left wing (Longstreet's) directly in his front; so that, had he li thus opening a gap in our front, into which Longstreet at once threw Hood's command, supported by aost. At the same time, it was reported that Longstreet was driving the enemy's right flank, which af Knoxville by brigades and detachments; and Longstreet, advancing silently and rapidly, was enabledr the soldierly qualities of either army. Longstreet continued his pursuit, and in due time belea or two other small commands from Virginia — Longstreet delivered an assault, Nov. 28-9. by a picng force under Sherman being close at hand — Longstreet necessarily abandoned the siege, and moved rd Bragg, who had weakened himself by sending Longstreet against Burnside, did not feel encouraged toby the casualties of that bloody contest, by Longstreet's withdrawal, and otherwise, to 40,000; whil[13 more...]<
; A. P. Hill coming into line on the right; while Longstreet (recently returned from his East Tennessee campair's store. Here he was stopped by the arrival of Longstreet; Who, after a brief lull, charged in turn, throwi of Burnside's men to restore and steady it; when Longstreet in turn was pressed back, falling severely woundes been done when the now united corps of Hill and Longstreet fell furiously upon our left and left center, pus. Albert G. Jenkins. Among their wounded were Gens. Longstreet (disabled for months), Stafford (mortally), Piy, and by the cavalry fight in his front, so that Longstreet's corps had arrived before him, and taken post ac where lie was confronted by McLaws's division of Longstreet's corps, mainly across the river, but holding an ained, at a cost of 2,000 killed and wounded. For Longstreet's corps, which had confronted our right the day boy it, when the approach of Pickett's division of Longstreet's corps, marching from Richmond on Petersburg, co
ut the city, it was not practicable to do more ; and Forrest left not a moment too soon. He made his way back to Mississippi unharmed. In East Tennessee, Gen. Longstreet's withdrawal into Virginia, after his failure at Knoxville, was at first closely pursued by our cavalry under Shackleford, on whom he turned Dec. 14, 1863. at Bean's station, near Morristown, and a spirited fight ensued, with no decided result; but Shackleford does not appear to have hurried Longstreet thereafter. Wheeler, with 1,200 mounted men, struck Dec. 28. a supply train from Chattanooga to Knoxville, guarded by Col. Siebert, near Charlestown, on the Hiwassee, andl had ecount says he lost 200 when the Rebels captured Strawberry Plains. It was supposed on our side that this Rebel advance presaged a fresh attempt on Knoxville by Longstreet; but that able General was doubtless masking the movement of the bulk of his forces into Virginia, whither he retired next month. Of course, that ended the pre
g General assault along our front forts Gregg and Alexander carried miles dislodges the enemy at Sutherland's depot Longstreet joins Lee Heth repulsed A. P. Hill killed Lee notifies Davis that Richmond must be evacuated the Confederacy fires her views. Alive to his peril, he had left his works immediately covering Richmond to be held by some 8,000 men, under Longstreet, while he hurried all the rest of his infantry, through rain and mire, to the support of his endangered right; his cavales, ere this, under Humphreys's order, had dislodged and defeated his antagonists, taking 2 guns and 600 prisoners. Longstreet, who had hitherto held the defenses of Richmond north of the James, had joined Lee at Petersburg at 10 A. M. this day, uld be flanking and fighting him out of Petersburg. These instructions had been faithfully, efficiently obeyed; though Longstreet, confronting Weitzel, had at length suspected the true character of Grant's strategy, and had himself, with a part of h
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