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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 9: Robert E. Lee in command. (search)
d (when yourself, A. P. Hill, and myself were present) that you suggested the plan of attacking McClellan's right flank, and that I expressed my preference for an attack on the other flank. This shows that there was no thought of retreat. Very truly yours, D. H. Hill. having no field officer on duty with it, was distributed for the expedition between the First, Colonel Fitzhugh Lee, and the Ninth, Colonel W. H. F. Lee commanding; also two squadrons of the Jeff Davis Legion, Lieutenant-Colonel W. T. Martin commanding. The section of artillery was under First Lieutenant James Breathed. On the night of the 12th of June he gathered his squadrons beyond the Chickahominy, and the next day marched by the road west of the Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railroad towards Louisa Court-House, to produce the impression, should the march be discovered, that he was going to join General Jackson. After a march of fifteen miles, he bivouacked in the pine forests of Hanover, near the
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 15: the Maryland campaign. (search)
reinforced. Hampton retired his cavalry beyond Frederick and posted his artillery to cover the line of march, where he was soon attacked by a formidable force. To make safe the retreat of the brigade, a cavalry charge was ordered, under Colonel Butler, Lieutenant Meaghan's squadron leading. Colonel Moore, of the Twenty-eighth Ohio Cavalry, and a number of other prisoners were captured. This so detained the enemy as to give safe withdrawal for the brigade to Middletown, leaving Lieutenant-Colonel Martin's cavalry and two guns on guard at the gap of the Catoctin range of mountains. Before withdrawing from Frederick on the 12th, General Stuart sent orders for the brigade under General Fitzhugh Lee to move around the right of the Union army and ascertain the meaning and strength of its march. Following his orders of the 12th, General Pleasonton detached a cavalry brigade on the 13th and section of artillery under Colonel McReynolds to follow Fitzhugh Lee, and Rush's Lancers w
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 16: the lost order --South Mountain. (search)
ay to the mountain-top by a route nearer the pike. General Pleasonton, not advised of the lost despatch, did not push for a careful reconnoissance on the 13th. At the same time, General Stuart, forced back into the mountains, finding his cavalry unserviceable, advised General D. H. Hill of severe pressure, called for a brigade of infantry, ordered Hampton's cavalry down to Crampton's Pass to assist Robertson's brigade, Colonel Munford commanding, leaving the Jeff Davis Legion, under Colonel Martin, Colonel Rosser with another cavalry detachment, and Stuart's horse artillery to occupy the passes by the old Sharpsburg road. Colquitt's brigade of infantry reported to him under his call. After posting it near the east base of the mountain to hold the pass, he rode to join his other cavalry detachments down at Crampton's Pass. He only knew of two brigades of infantry pressing him back, and so reported. His cavalry, ordered around the Union right under General Fitzhugh Lee, for info
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
rt. (Milledge's battery). 2Miscellaneous, Cutshaw's (Va.) battery, Dixie (Va.) Art. (Chapman's battery), Magruder (Va.) Art. (T. J. Page, Jr.‘s, battery), Rice's (Va.) battery, Capt. W. H. Rice; Thomas's (Va.) Art. (E. J. Andersen's battery). Left at Leesburg. Cavalry, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart :--Hampton's Brigade, Brig.- Gen. Wade Hampton; 1st N. C., Col. L. S. Baker; 2d S. C., Col. M. C. Butler; 10th Va., Cobb's (Ga.) Legion, Lieut.-Col. P. M. B. Young; Jeff Davis Legion, Lieut.-Col. W. T. Martin. Lee's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee; 1st Va., Lieut.-Col. L. Tiernan Brien; 3d Va., Lieut.-Col. John T. Thornton; 4th Va., Col. William C. Wickham; 5th Va., Col. T. L. Rosser; 9th Va. Robertson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. B. H. Robertson, Col. Thomas T. Munford; 2d Va., Col. T. T. Munford and Lieut.-Col. Burks; 6th Va.; 7th Va., Capt. S. B. Myers; 12th Va., Col. A. W. Harman; 17th Va. Battn. Horse Artillery, Capt. John Pelham:--Chew's (Va.) battery, Hart's (S. C.) battery, Pelham'
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 30: Longstreet moves to Georgia. (search)
overlap my division on the right, yet our extreme right was found to overreach the left of the enemy's field-works by two brigades, and reconnoissance found the road between the enemy and Chattanooga open and free of obstructions or troops to defend it. On the right of Breckenridge's division was Armstrong's division of cavalry dismounted, and beyond his right was Forrest's other division of cavalry, Pegram's. Some miles off from our left was Wheeler's division of cavalry, under Wharton and Martin. The Union army from left to right was: first the Fourteenth Corps, General George H. Thomas commanding, four divisions,--Baird's division on the left, then Reynolds's and Brannan's, the latter retired to position of reserve, and Negley's. (The last named had been left, on the night of the 19th, on guard near the Glen House, but was ordered early on the 20th to join General Thomas, and one of the brigades did move promptly under the order; the other brigades (two) failed to receive the
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 33: the East Tennessee campaign. (search)
ydon's artillery, and four brigades of General Wheeler's cavalry. Kershaw's, Humphreys's, Wofford's, and Bryan's brigades constituted McLaws's division. Hood's division, which was commanded during the campaign by Brigadier-General M. Jenkins, was made up of Jenkins's, Anderson's, Benning's, Law's, and Robertson's brigades. General Wheeler's cavalry was organized into two divisions of two brigades each,--General John T. Morgan's Alabama and Colonel Cruse's Georgia brigades, under Major-General W. T. Martin; Colonels G. G. Dibbrell's Tennessee and Thomas Harrison's Texas brigades, under Brigadier-General Frank Armstrong. This made about fifteen thousand men, after deducting camp guards and foraging parties. The remote contingent that was to come from Southwest Virginia was an unknown quantity, not to be considered until it could report for service. As soon as the conference at Headquarters adjourned orders were issued for Alexander's artillery to be withdrawn from Lookout Mount
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 34: Besieging Knoxville. (search)
withdrew. Soon afterwards, receiving orders from General Bragg to join him, leaving his cavalry under command of Major-General Martin, he rode to find his commander. General Martin brought the brigades back and resumed position on our left. ColonGeneral Martin brought the brigades back and resumed position on our left. Colonel Hart, who was left at Kingston with his brigade, reported that there were but three regiments of cavalry and a field battery, that engaged General Wheeler on the 24th. On the night of the 24th the enemy made a sortie against a point of Generaticable, at Ringgold. But our first step was to be relieved of the threatening from the direction of Cumberland Gap. General Martin was sent to reinforce General Jones, with orders to hurry his operations, and return in time to cover anticipated movfurther threatening. They lost some fifty killed and wounded and one company captured at Colonel Graham's camp. Generals Martin and Jones joined us in good season after their affair of the morning. Their loss was slight, but not detailed in se
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 35: cut off from East and West. (search)
the march along the west bank of the Holston. General Martin, with his own and General W. E. Jones's cavalrys to follow on our rear with his and the balance of Martin's corps. As we were not disturbed, we reached Blai of the department, and I ordered the recall of General Martin, and put his command between us and the enemy. So also did Jones on the west of the mountain, and Martin on the other side of the Holston; but the latter enere nicely executed by Johnson and Kershaw, but General Martin had not succeeded in gaining his position, so te, but then it was night, and the appearance of General Martin's cavalry on or near the enemy's flank caused af winter was the time for cavalry work; and our General Martin's orders were to have the enemy under his eye aoperations of General Sturgis's cavalry against General Martin's during the latter days of December, General Wl Pridemore. As W. E. Jones was too far to support Martin's cavalry, he was called to closer threatenings aga
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 36: strategic importance of the field. (search)
h Corps to guard at Strawberry Plains. General Martin gave us prompt notice that the march was aAlexander's batteries were marched to join General Martin. McLaws's division under General Wofford,valry move for one by the enemy. We found General Martin on the Bull's Gap road sharply engaged wit batteries, but no infantry was in sight. General Martin was ordered to push on, gain the opposing enemy. Presently we got up the hill, and General Martin advanced his mounts to meet us. We lost bu they could without severe trial. When General Martin made his bold advance General Sturgis thouto the south side of the French Broad, and General Martin was ordered to press close on the enemy's oad to some of the fords above Dandridge. General Martin was ordered to cross in force below it, gegram from the President ordered me to send General Martin with his cavalry to General Johnston. In not confusion. The order for the return of Martin's cavalry to Georgia, and the notice that othe[1 more...]
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter37: last days in Tennessee. (search)
geographical and topographical features were more striking. Our position at Bull's Gap was covered by a spur of the mountains which shoots out from the south side of the Holston River towards the north bend of the Nolachucky, opening gaps that could be improved by the pick and shovel until the line became unassailable. In a few days our line was strong enough, and we looked for the enemy to come and try our metal, until we learned that he was as badly crippled of the cavalry arm as we. General Martin was ordered with his division to General Johnston in Georgia, and Colonel Gary with his legion was ordered to South Carolina to be mounted for cavalry service. The armies under General Lee in Virginia and General Johnston in Georgia were in defensive positions, with little prospect of striking by their right or left flanks in search of a way to break their bounds, and the army in East Tennessee had been called back to the defensive for want of cavalry, but the latter still covered ga
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