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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.6 (search)
or two of explanation. At that time the French had been occupying Mexico nearly four years. Maximilian was on the throne, trying to permanently establish his empire, and Marshal Bazaine was backingnd. He even failed to press the negotiation for the alliance which Shelby wanted to make with Maximilian. The Missouri general then proceeded to act for himself. He recognized his command, and ouis officers, soldiers and his distinguished Confederate companions were cordially received. Maximilian heard Shelby with close attention, and Bazaine was evidently very much interested. In fact th in return for their general's pledge to bring 100,000 southerners to fight for the empire. Maximilian had been advised by his counsellors that it was not safe to trust Americans—Yankees, as they wleader followed their example, not however, before he had, at the risk of his life, befriended Maximilian in a vain effort to save him from his Mexican murderers. With other notable bits of history
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Johnson's Island. (search)
subsequently moved to Fort Lafayette, and in the mean time public feeling had greatly softened toward him. General M. D. Leggett, afterward Commissioner of Patents, two of the ladies who were on the Island Queen when Cole captured her, and many other sympathizers petitioned successfully for a commutation of life sentence to life imprisonment. In 1866 he was released on a writ of habeas corpus, at the instance of Jake Thompson, escaped to Canada, and thence to Mexico, where he served under Maximilian. He was finally pardoned by the President, returned to the United States, and at last accounts was an honored citizen of Texas. So the great conspiracy ended, and John Holt died a prisoner on Johnson's Island. Historic interest. Aside from its natural beauty and choice location, Johnson's Island has an historic interest that makes it dear to patriotic Americans. The island is about one mile in length and half a mile in breadth, and rises to a height of fifty feet above the lake
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index (search)
uard. Company F, 39th Va. Battalion cavalry, 329; Kirkpatrick's Battery, Company A, 31st Battalion Artillery, 330; 2nd Regiment, Va. Cavalry, officers of. 330. Lyons, James, 99. Magruder, General J. B., 117. Mcguire, Dr., Hunter, 101; at Winchester in 1862, 226. McKinley, Major, Wm.. 110, 305. McRae, J. R., 359. Malvern Hill Battle of, 1, 50. Manassas First, skedaddle at, 269. Martin, Tom, execution of, by General Hooker, 129; Rev. S. Taylor, 101. Matthews, H. H., 341. Maximilian and Mexico 118. Meredith, General S. A.. 94. Miles, General N. A., 100. Mill, John Stuart, 118. Minor, Berkeley 332; Dr. C. L. C., 129. Montague, Governor A. J., 360. Moorman, Major M. N., 110, 306, 372. Mosby's Command, 90. Mott, Dr., Valentine, 81. Mulford, General J. E., 84. Natchez Miss., War times in, 135. Negro, The, Problem, 337. Newbern, Federal fleet at, 205. Nicholls, General F. T., 284. Nightingale, Florence, 228. North, Inconsistency of the, 82. O'