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ger demand in the spring of 186; he was appointed, May 14, colonel of the Twelfth United States Infantry, and three days later was commissioned brigadier general, United States volunteers. Gen. Franklin commanded a brigade in Heintzelman's division at Bull Run. During the period of organization of the Army of the Potomac, and until its movement in the spring of 1862, he commanded a division which was first assigned to McDowell's corps. The division was detached in April, 1862, and joined McClellan before Yorktown. Gen. Franklin commanded at West Point near the mouth of the Pamunkey, May 6, 1862, and during this month organized the Sixth Army Corps, which he commanded till the following November. During this period he commanded in the affairs at Golding's Farm and White Oak Swamp, June 27 to 30; commanded the left at South Mountain, September 14, his troops capturing Crampton's Gap; relieved Sumner's command in the afternoon of September 17, at Antietam. In November he assumed c
lly to target practice below Alexandria, upon the Potomac meadows; there also we were quartered when we participated in the first grand review of the army by Geo. B. McClellan. From this camp details frequently, during the fall, were sent with wagons to the vicinity of Mt. Vernon for forage. We remember that the troops at this en the York and the James, was supposed to be destined to cover the national capital, advance to the Rappahannock and Rapidan, and perhaps in time reach and join McClellan's force, which would then be operating south of the Pamunkey. On the night of the 5th of April, Franklin's division, then of the First Corps, was in the hu, returned to the north side of the river, and marched at as good pace as the condition of the fields permitted, toward Manassas. One says, We are going to join McClellan before Yorktown. Two days later, we were near Cloud's Mills and approaching Alexandria. Roster. Gen. W. B. Franklin's Division. Autumn and winter of
up and moved into camp upon the gray plain hard by. Yorktown, the first objective point of McClellan's expedition, which had preceded us some three weeks from Alexandria and had landed at FortresGen. Magruder, having under his command a force variously stated, from 5,000 to 13,000 men. McClellan reached the vicinity of the east bank of this stream April 4, 1862. He seems to have employedith growth of wood. At this moment over and beyond these bluffs, half-way to the James, where McClellan's advance had been stopped near Williamsburg by works called Fort Magruder, Gen. Hooker's divive been to intercept the Confederate force retiring from Yorktown, and to form a junction with McClellan's main army. A conversation audible to men in the vicinity of the speakers, between Gen. Franve remarked, comrades of the Eighteenth and Twenty-second Massachusetts were in our camp, that McClellan's main army in its advance from Yorktown had reached a point near Roper's Church on the Willia
yards from the Confederates; they had undoubtedly divined McClellan's purpose. They must flank White Oak swamp and get posset the junction of thenine mile road with that along which McClellan's army was travelling. We camped that night in a smalljunction of the New Market and Quaker roads and intercept McClellan. How to prevent the consummation of the plans of these Confederate chieftains was McClellan's problem. His extreme advance had reached the James, this morning; the artillery, mucle for other bodies to be set in motion. Fortune favored McClellan, for when Jackson reached White Oak Creek, the bridge was flitting down the river, having taken abrupt leave of Gen. McClellan, on whose staff they had served during the campaign whwas inevitable from the superiority of the position which McClellan had chosen for his last stand. At sunset they retired frn the open plateau whose shoulder it is, was the right of McClellan's army, during the weeks that intervened between the batt
will in the galley. On the morning of the 30th we were lying beside the Mt. Vernon road, just outside of Alexandria, and not far from the bridge over Hunting Creek, having spent the night there after debarking from the transports. The death of Brother Knowles, which happened during the night, was reported to us. Our sorrow for him was mingled with heart-felt sympathy for his wife and daughter, whom we saw bide him farewell last October at Camp Cameron. Just what was the status of Gen. McClellan at this moment, we knew not; a portion of his army, Porter's corps, which had preceded us from Fortress Monroe, had been sent to reinforce Gen. Pope, who had been for several days menaced by the larger part of the Confederate army of northern Virginia. Heintzelman's corps, weary and footsore, now numbering but 10,000, had also joined the forces of Pope, but their artillery, horses, and wagons could not yet have arrived. Where were the commands of Sumner and Keyes? The Sixth Corps is
remember the successes of that epoch, and the glory of our arms; then, whatever conclusion may be reached in regard to McClellan's conduct of the Peninsula campaign, these facts will still remain, perpetually incontrovertible: He was the wonderful It is said the order to advance the infantry at this stage was countermanded, because of a message from Gen. Sumner to McClellan, that if Franklin went on and was repulsed, his own corps was not sufficiently organized to be depended upon as a reser the sound of his own bellowing or by the thunder of the battle, had rushed onto the field to be destroyed. From General McClellan's report we have the following account of the action during the day, upon the left:— The effect of Burnside'sg no satisfaction he went to sleep; four hours later he was waked up, to find himself stretched beside a dead man. Gen. McClellan had ordered the attack to be renewed in the morning; but at that hour the Confederates asked for an armistice to bury
Chapter 6: Return to the old Dominion up Loudon Valley New Baltimore McClellan relieved of command grand divisions reminiscences of the marches and halts Stafford, C. H. Belle plain reminiscences A pontoon bridge had been thn in the camps alongside,—men rushing to the street, and a cry, Bring out the colors! What's the matter? we inquire. McClellan is taking leave of the army. And sure enough, there were Generals McClellan and Burnside riding along the great road. Generals McClellan and Burnside riding along the great road. Little Mac, bareheaded, was bowing right and left amid the clamorous applause of his late comrades. We believe that none of our company had any previous intimation of the change of commanders. From the time of our crossing the Potomac, five miles below Harper's Ferry, in the last days of October, McClellan, in his course southward guarding the passes of the Blue Ridge on his right, through which he threatened to issue, succeeded in concealing his intention so far that, on our arrival upon
ough the mails, in those days. It was while at this place that a proposition was submitted to the boys to contribute ten cents each toward a testimonial to Gen. McClellan. When the scheme was explained to the noncommissioned officers and privates they were informed that it had the approval of Gen. Meade, and that all general o would give something less, and that line officers would generally contribute $1.50 each. The object of this enterprise was understood to be a vindication of Gen. McClellan. Whether it implied a criticism of the war department was not much considered. We think the true friends of Gen. McClellan, among whom the writer of this chGen. McClellan, among whom the writer of this chapter counts himself, doubted the propriety of such a plan, judged from the standpoint of healthy military discipline. The scheme was nipped in the bud by the department, as it ought to have been. Back of the surgeon's tent a crowd was gathered. A comrade sat upon a cracker box. Along comes the steward with a pair of rusty
wo smooth bores, and two howitzers—and two hundred men. Their departure from Boston and passage through New York, on their way to the front, was marked with great enthusiasm. Shortly after their arrival in Washington a grand review of cavalry and artillery took place, on which occasion General Barry, chief of artillery, complimented Captain Porter on the drill and discipline of the battery, which he placed on the right of line of twenty full batteries assembled. President Lincoln and General McClellan were also present, the President remarking to the general, That, pointing to Porter's battery, is the best battery on the field. When the Union army advanced into Virginia, Porter's battery was assigned to Slocum's division of the grand old Sixth Corps, with whose glorious record the history of the battery is inseparably connected. It subsequently took a prominent part in the siege and fall of Yorktown, and in the battle of West Point. After the retreat of the enemy beyond the Chi
.... 41, 52, 53 94 Jackson, Gen. T. J. (Stonewall) 48, 50, 56, 75, 82, 95, 107. Johnston, Gen. Joe ....27, 40 Kearney, Gen. Philip . 22, 40, 41, 56, 71 Lander, Gen. F. W ....... 26 Lee, Gen. R. E. 45, 71, 106, 125, 151, 172 Leesburg. ........164 Lincoln, Abraham... 66, 99, 160 Lincoln Cavalry ....... 22, 23 Longstreet, Gen. Jas. . 55, 56, 94, 143 Loudon Valley ..... 85, 131, 164 McCall, Gen. G. A. .... 26, 46, 56 McCartney, Capt. W. II. 44, 80, 84, 98, 110. McClellan, Gen. G. B. 22, 56, 73, 80, 89, 90 McDowell, Gen. Irvin .... 27 McLaws, Gen ....... 77 Magruder, Gen. J. B.....33, 35, 55 Malvern Hill ......... 61 Massachusetts Troops, 32, 35, 38, 109, 122, 123, 148, 181. March of the Sixth Corps ....120 Manassas ..... 28, 118, 136, 137 Manchester ........119 Marye's Hill.......108, 109 Masterly Retreat....48, 66 Massanutten Mountains ...170 Mechanicsville ...... 43, 45 Meade, Gen. George G. 94, 119, 124, 144 Militar