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Y. A series of patriotic resolutions were adopted, and speeches made by Generals Crooke, Walbridge, Sickles and Spino la, Admiral Paulding, Rev. Dr. Cox, and others. A force of Union cavalry from New Madrid, Mo., under the command of Captain Frank Moore, while on an expedition to Charleston, attacked a rebel camp on White Oak Ridge, near Hickman, killing four and taking nineteen of the rebels prisoners, including three captains. They also captured twenty-seven horses and about one hundred stand of arms. Captain Moore and one private were wounded. The Board of Supervisors of Rensselaer County, N. Y., assembled at Troy, appropriated seventy-five thousand dollars as bounty money, to be paid to volunteers enlisting into the army under the call of the President. The Sioux Indians destroyed the United States Agencies at Yellow Medicine and Red Wood, and partially destroyed New Ulm, Minn., killing and brutally mutilating more than a hundred persons, men, women, and childre
Heroes of Gettysburgh. Harrisburgh, Pa., Nov. 3, 1863. Frank Moore, Esq.: dear Sir: Perhaps this is too late. Perhaps it is not good enough to appear in the rebellion record. It is nevertheless true, and although its author does not pretend to be a poet, he would wish to record the instance, the singularity of which may attract readers to it, and cause it to be remembered. The hero, Weed, was a citizen of New-York. Of Hazlett I know nothing except that he was a dear friend of Weed's, and in the same regiment, the Fifth United States artillery, a First Lieutenant, and appointed from Ohio. An incident at Gettysburgh. “On to the Round Top!” cried Sykes to his men; “On to the Round Top!” was echoed again; “On to the Round Top!” said noble Steve Weed; Now comes the hour for the Southron to bleed. Weed's fierce artillery foremost in fight; Rebels! prepare ye for death or for flight: Weed's fierce artillery, dreaded of old, Belching destruction — refulgent as gol
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 4: seditious movements in Congress.--Secession in South Carolina, and its effects. (search)
les E. Hooker, of Mississippi, were introduced to the Convention as commissioners from their respective States. They successively addressed the Convention in favor of the immediate and unconditional secession of the State; and so anxious was Governor Moore, of Alabama, that South Carolina should not delay a moment, for fear of the people, that he telegraphed to Elmore as follows:--Tell the Convention to listen to no proposition of compromise or delay. The American Annual Cyclopedia, 1861, paover the country, it produced, as we have observed, a profound sensation. That action was greeted with delight by disunionists in most of the Slave-labor States. A hundred guns were fired both at Montgomery and Mobile, by order of the Governor (Moore) of Alabama, in honor of the event. In the latter city there was also a military parade. Bells were rung and oratory was heard. At Macon, Georgia, bells rang, bonfires blazed, cannon thundered, processions moved, and the main street of the cit
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 14: the great Uprising of the people. (search)
ent of the Richmond Eaxaminer said, just before the attack on Fort Sumter, Let us never surrender to the North the noble song, the Star-spangled Banner. It is Southern in its origin; in its association with chivalrous deeds, it is ours. See Frank Moore's Rebellion Record, i. 20. but prudence counseled silence. We went on to Grand Junction the next morning, where we were detained thirty-six hours, in consequence of our luggage having been carried to Jackson, in Tennessee. All along the roort the Government in maintaining its authority. An account of the proceedings of this meeting, containing the names of the officers, and abstracts of the several speeches, may be found in the first volume of the Rebellion Record, edited by Frank Moore. John A. Dix, a life-long Democrat, and lately a member of Buchanan's Cabinet, presided at the principal stand, near the statue of Washington. The meeting was then opened by prayer by the venerable Gardiner Spring, D. D., when the Preside
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
our triumphs. Speech at Richmond, April 28, 1861, cited by Whitney in his History of the War for the Union, i. 402. Compare what Stephens said at Milledgeville, in November, 1860, and in the Georgia Convention, in January 1861, pages 54 to 57, inclusive. Stephens, as we have observed, was in Richmond for the purpose of negotiating a treaty for the admission of Virginia into the Southern Confederacy. The Convention appointed Ex-President John Tyler, William Ballard Preston, S. McD. Moore; James P. Holcombe, James C. Bruce, and Lewis E. Harvie, Commissioners to treat with him. They entered upon the business at once, and on the 24th of April agreed to and signed a Convention between the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Confederate States of America, which provided that, until the union of Virginia with the league should be perfected, the whole military force and military operations, offensive and defensive, of said Commonwealth, in the impending conflict with the United States
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 23: the War in Missouri.-doings of the Confederate Congress. --Affairs in Baltimore.--Piracies. (search)
e Guard July 8, 1861. on Capitol Square, in front of the monument there erected in honor of Washington and the founders of Virginia. The Richmond Despatch of June 10 thus announced the event:--Mrs. Augustus McLaughlin, the wife of one of the officers of the late United States Navy, who brought the flag from Baltimore, concealed as only a lady knows how, was present, and received the compliments of a large number of ladies and gentlemen who surrounded her upon the steps of the monument. --Moore's Rebellion Record, vol. i., Diary, page 96. On the banner were the following words:--The Ladies of Baltimore present this flag of the Confederate States of America to the soldiers comprising the Maryland Regiment now serving in Virginia, as a slight testimonial of the esteem in which their valor, their love of right, and determination to uphold true constitutional liberty are approved, applauded, and appreciated by the wives and daughters of the Monumental City. Ex-Senator Mason made
Munchausenism.--The rebel version of the defeat of Humphrey Marshall, near Prestonburg, Kentucky, is, that he was retreating with a force of three thousand five hundred men before a force of eight thousand Federal troops, when the Federals came upon him in a narrow gorge, and a desperate struggle took place. A Lynchburg (Va.) despatch says: Colonel Moore's regiment charged the enemy. A hand-to-hand conflict ensued, which lasted half an hour. The Federals fought gallantly, but finally broke and run in Bull Run style. Marshall's force, being exhausted and so much smaller than the enemy, fell back to Prestonburg. The confederate loss is twenty-five killed and fifteen wounded. The enemy lost over two hundred. No wonder that the Confederate Congress is considering (if it has not passed) a stringent law to restrain newspapers from publishing any more war news. National Intelligencer, Jan. 25.
uth must — shall be free-- No Northern shackles will be worn, To them we'll bow no knee; From hill to hill, exultant, shrill, Our battle-cry rings forth: Freedom or death on every breath, And hatred to the North. Cease not to smile, brave Southern girls, On all our efforts to be free-- Whilst life remains, we'll struggle on, Till all the world shall see That those who fight for home and right Can never be enslaved; Their blood may stain the battle-plain; Our country must be saved. Mr. Frank Moore: The above poem (though rudely composed) is a verbatim copy of a poem written by one of the Confederate prisoners captured at Winchester — and who was imprisoned in the Baltimore City Jail — while on their way North. Our secesh ladies thronged the jail-yard for the entire two days of their stay, and while there, the above was thrown to them, with a note. What the note contained I am not able to say, but can assure you as to the origination of the above. Yours, with respect, Henry <
The Rev. Dr. Moore, of Richmond, Va., delivered a lecture in that city on the origin and meaning of words, in which many curious facts were developed, among which were that the word Davis means, God with us, and that Lincoln, when subjected to etymological analysis, means, on the verge of a precipice.
corses, Ere a man of them will fly.” Then the glittering rifles shower Leaden hail on rebel hordes; ‘Fore those sacks of blue they cower-- “Rebel, fear'st thou mud-sill lords?” Four long hours we fought; the flying Rebels then gave o'er the strife; Each poor fellow inly sighing: “Jersey bullet, spare my life!” Blood and corpses tell the story Of the Ninth's heroic might. Brave and firm it stood: “let glory Wreathe its brows with laurel bright!” Jersey Ninth, so great and glorious, Raise on high thy flag unstained; Write upon it, twice victorious, Roanoke and Newbern gained! Bethlehem, May 15, 1862. Mr. Frank Moore: Sir: The author of this poem was a soldier of the Ninth regiment of New-Jersey volunteers. He participated in the battles of Roanoke and Newbern. He was wounded in the latter engagement, and when lying in the hospital (where he soon after died) he dictated this ode on the victories at Roanoke and Newbern to one of his companions. Yours, L
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