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. 19 National Union, newspaper of Ky.; opinion of secession, D. 30 Naval Brigade at Fort Monroe, D. 98 Navigation laws, Int. 26 Neal, John, P. 119 Nebraska put in a state of defence, D. 52 Needham, S. h., died, D. 47, 53 Negroes, actions of the Delaware, P. 113; in the rebel army, D. 49; to be watched, D. 84 See The cockade Black Diamonds, P. 78 Negro insurrections in Alabama, P. 12 Newark, N. J., German Union meeting at, D. 26-29 Newcastle, Duke of, order in reference to privateers. Doc. 108, 418 Newcomb, O., patriotism of the family of, P. 44 New England Society, meeting of, at New York, D. 4 New Hampshire, response to the President's call for troops, D. 28; patriotism of the banks of, D. 28; First Regiment of volunteers. D. 82; departure of the, Doc. 294 New Jersey, banks of, D. 80; legislature of, D. 51, 60; troops leave Bordentown, D. 55; militia of, arrive at Washington. D. 59; list of officers of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), George (William Frederick) 1737-1820 (search)
en was simple in her tastes and habits, rigid in the performance of moral duties, kind and benevolent. Their lives were models of moral purity and domestic happiness. The King died in Windsor Castle, Jan. 29, 1820. There were members of the aristocracy that, through envy, hated Pitt, who, in spite of them, had been called to the highest offices in the kingdom. When young Prince George heard of the death of the King, he went to Carleton House, the residence of his mother, and sent for Newcastle, Pitt's political enemy. He and Lord Bute prevailed upon the young King to discard Pitt and favor their own schemes. Newcastle prepared the first speech from the throne of George III.; and when Pitt, as prime minister, went to him and presented the draft of an address to be pronounced at the meeting of the Privy Council, he was politely informed that the speech was already prepared and the preliminaries were arranged. Pitt immediately perceived that the King's tutor and warm personal fr
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 8: to England and the Continent.—1867. (search)
s, when he sees that in the result of your work, as in much else in this life, They that sow in tears shall reap in joy; he that goeth forth weeping, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. In this spirit we welcome you, our dear old friend, once more to Northumberland. Signed on behalf of the North Shields Reform League, Robert Robson, President. Robert Sutherland, Treasurer. John Charlton, Secretary. Edinburgh followed Newcastle with an evening July 12. reception to Mr. Garrison, tendered by the Ladies' Emancipation Society, and for a week he and his children were the guests of his dear and faithful friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Pease Nichol, at Huntly Lodge, enjoying social intercourse with her and other friends, and driving about the city and its beautiful suburbs. Among the new acquaintances whom they met was that delightful writer and gentleman, Dr. John Brown, author of Rab and his friends. On the day of his d
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 13: (search)
shows how suddenly this power was broken up. York is as grand and imposing as almost any of them, I think, unless it be that at Seville, where there is a solemn harmony between the dim light that struggles through its storied windows, the dark, threatening masses of the pile itself, the imposing power of the paintings,. . . . and the deep, wailing echoes of that worship which is to be found and felt, in all its original dignity and power, only beyond the Pyrenees. . . . Excepting that, I know nothing that goes before York. . . . . The next point that surprised me was Newcastle. I merely passed the night there,. . . . but the appearance of the country about it was extraordinary. At the side of every coal-pit a quantity of the finer parts that are thrown out is perpetually burning, and the effect produced by the earth, thus apparently everywhere on fire, both on the machinery used and the men busied with it, was horrible. It seemed as if I were in Dante's shadowy world. . . . .
urtiers. Huske to a Friend, inclosed in Lyttelton to his Brother, 30th Jan. 1758, in Phillimore's Memoirs of Lord Lyttelton, II. 604. Of such officers the conduct was sure to provoke jealous distrust, and to justify perpetual opposition, But Newcastle was satisfied with distributing places; and acquiesced with indifference in the policy of the colonists, to keep the salaries of all officers of the crown dependent on the annual deliberations of the legislature. Placed between the Lords of Traces, under such a secretary, became more and more nearly sinecures; while America, neglected in England, and rightly resisting her rulers, went on her way rejoicing towards freedom and independence. Disputes accumulated with every year; but Newcastle temporized to the last, and in February, 1748, chap. I.} 1748. on the resignation of the Earl of Chesterfield, he escaped from the embarrassments of American affairs by taking the seals for the Northern Department. Those of the Southern, whi
king's authority and myself to contempt. Clinton to Bedford, 20 October, 1748. Thus issue was joined with a view to involve the Nov. British parliament in the administration of the colonies, just at the time, when Bedford, as the secretary, was resolving to introduce uniformity into their administration by supporting the authority of the central government; and his character was a guarantee for resolute perseverance. Considering the present situation of things, he had declared to Newcastle, Bedford to Newcastle, 11 August, 1748. Bedford Correspondence, i. 441. it would be highly improper to have an inefficient man at the head of the Board of Trade; and, at his suggestion, on the first day of November, 1748, two months after the peace of America and Europe had been ratified, the Earl of Halifax, then just thirty-two years old, entered upon his long period of service as First Commissioner for the Plantations. He was fond of splendor, profuse, and in debt; passionate, over
ly, of the union and independence of America. But the attempt to establish that system of government, which must have provoked immediate resistance, was delayed by jealousies and divisions in the cabinet. Dear Brother, Pelham used to say to Newcastle, I must beg of you not to fret yourself so much upon every occasion. Pelham to Newcastle, in Coxe, i. 460. But the Duke grew more and more petulant, and more impatient of rivalry. It goes to my heart, said he, that a new, unknown, factious talents. Pelham to Newcastle, 24 Aug.—4 Sept., 1750. He would be more approved by the public, thought Hardwicke, than either Holdernesse or Waldegrave. He is the last man, except Sandwich, I should think of for secretary of state, exclaimed Newcastle. He is so conceited of his parts, he would not be in the cabinet one month without thinking he knew as much or more of business than any one man. He is impracticable;. . . . . .the most odious man in the kingdom. . . . . . A man of his life, s
into public life with such universal favor, that every company resounded with the praises of his parts and merit. But Newcastle had computed what he might dare; at the elections, corruption had returned a majority devoted to the minister who was iuse the Whig party at this time had proposed to itself nothing great to accomplish, that it was possible for a man like Newcastle to be at its head; with others like Holdernesse, and the dull Sir Thomas Robinson, for the secretaries of state. The ntter for the extirpation of this rabble, if they had stood. All the good we have chap. VII.} 1754. done, he wrote to Newcastle, has been a little bloodletting. Coxe's Pelham Ad., i., 303. His attendant, George Townshend, afterwards to be much ive of the armament which was making in Ireland. Braddock, with two regiments, was already on the way to America, when Newcastle gave assurances that defence only was intended, that the general peace should not be broken; at the same time, England
. II., II., 8. The militia law of Pennsylvania, he said, was designed to be ineffectual. It offered no compulsion, and, moreover, gave the nomination of officers to the people. The administration hearkened to a scheme for dissolving the Assembly of that province by act of parliament, and disfranchising the Quakers for a limited time, till laws for armed defence and for diminishing the power of the people could be framed by others. After the long councils of indecision, the ministry of Newcastle, shunning altercations with colonial assemblies, gave a military character to the interference of Great Britain in American affairs. To New York Lords of Trade to Sir Charles Hardy. chap. IX.} 1756. instructions were sent not to press the establishment of a perpetual revenue for the present. The northern colonies, whose successes at Lake George had mitigated the disgraces of the previous year, were encouraged by a remuneration; and, as a measure of temporary expediency, not of perma
12. On the organization of his household, Prince George desired to have him about his person. The request of the prince, which Pitt advocated, was resisted by Newcastle and by Hardwicke. To embroil the royal family, the latter did not hesitate to blast the reputation of the mother of the heir apparent by tales of scandal, Th degree of real power conceded to him, Fox was unwilling to encounter a stormy opposition which would have had the country on its side. My situation, said he to Newcastle in October, is impracticable; Fox to the Duke of Newcastle, 13 Oct. 1756. and he left the cabinet. At the same time Murray declared that he, too, would serve24. But even that influence was unavailing. In the conduct of the war the Duke of Cumberland exercised the chief control; in the House of Commons the friends of Newcastle were powerful; in the council the favor of the king encouraged opposition. America was become the great object of European attention; Pitt, disregarding the c
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