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Sophomore class.--First Term.--Latin: Horace's Satires and Epistles; Cicero de Amicitia; Writing Latin. Greek: Demosthenes' Olinthiacs and Philippics; Buttmann's and Kuhner's Grammars, for reference; Writing Greek. Mathematics: Euclid, continued; Smyth's Plane Trigonometry; Surveying; Navigation. History: Weber, continued to the end of the Middle Ages; Hallam's Middle Ages. Revealed Religion: Paley's Evidences. Rhetoric: Elocution; Themes; Declamations. Second Term.--Latin: Cicero de Officiis; Writing Latin. Greek: Aristophanes' Clouds; Greek Metres Writing Greek. Mathematics: Smyth's Calculus; Spherical Trigonometry. History: Weber, continued to the Colonization of America; Sismondi's Italian Republics; English Commonwealth. Physiology: Hooker's, with Lectures. Rhetoric: Day's Rhetoric; Elocution; Themes; Declamations. Junior class.--First Term.--Latin: Juvenal's Satires; Latin Translations. Greek: Aeschylus' Septem contra Thebas; Greek Translations. Physics: Olm
in 1471, we find that Schoeffer was in partnership with Conrad Henlif and a kinsman of his master Faust. Faust and Schoeffer printed the Codex Psalmorum (with cut types), in 1457, now in Imperial Library, Vienna. Durandi rationale, 1459, Earl of Pembroke's Library, England. Catholicon Januensis, 1460, Royal Library, France. Livy printed Du Fresnoy, 1460. First Bible completed, 1460. Latin Bible, 1462; Royal Library, France. Greek characters first used, 1465. Cicero de Officiis, 1465. Tully's Offices, 1465-66, Bodleian and other libraries. Roman characters at Rome, 1467. Caxton sets up a press at London, 1471. De Civitate Dei, 1473. Aesop's Fables, by Caxton, first book with numbered pages, 1474. Aldus cast the Greek alphabet and printed a Greek book, 1476. Aldus introduced italics, 1476. The Pentateuch in Hebrew, 1482. Homer in folio, by Demetrius of Florence, 1488. The Complutensian Polyglot of Cardinal Ximenes, in 1517. The e
hat free commerce would benefit every nation, is a truth which Montesquieu Montesquieu: Esprit des Lois. livre XX. chap. XXIII. is thought to have but imperfectly perceived. The moment was come when the languishing agriculture of his country would invoke science to rescue it from oppression by entreating the liberty of industry and trade. The great employment of France was the tillage of land, than which no method of gain is more grateful in itself, or more worthy of freemen, Cicero de Officiis. or more happy in rendering service to the whole human race. Cicero de Senectute. No occupation is nearer heaven. But authority had invaded this chosen domain of labor; as if protection of manufactures needed restrictions on the exchanges of the products of the earth, the withering prohibition of the export of grain had doomed large tracts of land Boisguillebert: Traite dela Nature, Culture, Commerce, et Interet des Grains, &c. &c. chap. VII. to lie desolately fallow. Indirect