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ther gave him political consideration. In 1744, he had entered the Pelham ministry as First Lord of the Admiralty, bringing with him to that board George Grenville and the Earl of Sandwich. In that station his orders to Warren contributed essentially to the conquest of Louisburg. Thus his attention was drawn to the New World as the scene of his own glory. In the last war he had cherished the darling project of conquering Canada, and the great and practicable views for America were said by Pitt to have sprung from him alone. Proud of his knowledge of trade, and accustomed to speak readily on almost every subject, he entered without distrust on the administration of a continent. Of the two dukes, who, at this epoch of the culminating power of the aristocracy, guided the external policy of England, each hastened the independence of America. Newcastle, who was childless, depended on office for all his pleasure;—Bedford, though sometimes fond of place, was too proud to covet it alw
isitions, to fix quotas by a council of crown officers. No power but that of parliament can overrule the colonial assemblies. Such was the doctrine of Murray, who was himself able to defend his system, being unrivalled in debate, except by William Pitt alone. The advice of this illustrious jurist was the more authoritative, because he had long known the Americans. I began life with them, said he, on a later occasion, and owe much to them, having been much concerned in the plantation causesame from David Hume. the daring and indefatigable Charles Townshend. A younger son of Lord Townshend, ambitious, capable of unwearied labor, bold, and somewhat extravagant in his style of eloquence, yet surpassed, as a debater, only by Murray and Pitt, he was introduced to office through the commission for the colonies. His extraordinary and restless ability rapidly obtained sway at the board; Halifax cherished him as a favorite, and the parliament very soon looked up to him as the greatest ma
gain a seat in parliament, the Great Commoner himself Mr. Pitt to the duke of Newcastle, in Chatham Correspondence, i. 8 the management of the new House of Commons. The duke, said Pitt, might as well send his jackboot to lead us. The House abounded in noted men. Besides Pitt, and Fox, and Murray, the heroes of a hundred magnificent debates, there was the universally able Mr. Pitt to the Earl of Hardwicke, 6 April, 1764, in Chatham Correspondence, i. 106. George Grenville; the solemn ave no name for it,—meaning the House of Lords. Thus did Pitt oppose to corrupt influence his genius and his gift of speam its humiliating dependence on a few great families. Thus Pitt and Prince George became allies, moving from most opposite upulous man, having privately foresworn all connection with Pitt, entered the cabinet without appointment to office, and, asulous diplomatist put trust in the assurances Stanley to Pitt, in Thackeray's Chatham, II. 581. of friendly intentions, w
dominions. Newcastle was sure of his majority in the House of Commons; but William Pitt, though poor, and recently married, and holding the lucrative office of paymer, declared his purpose of opposing the treaty with Russia. Newcastle sent for Pitt, offered him kind words from his sovereign, influence, preferment, confidence. Expressing devotion to the king, Pitt was inexorable; he would support the Hessian treaty, which was only a waste of money; but not a system of treaties, dangerous to the treaties. At the great debate, Walpole's Memoires of George I., i. 418. Pitt taunted the majority, which was as three to one, with corruption and readiness tocratic influence, declared that the king owes a supreme service to his people. Pitt was dismissed from office, and George Grenville, with Legge, the Chancellor of ttreaty was hardly concluded, before the ministry yielded to the impulse given by Pitt; and, after subsidizing Russia to obtain the use of the Russian troops against F
his person. The request of the prince, which Pitt advocated, was resisted by Newcastle and by Harith a sure majority, dared attempt to cope with Pitt. Newcastle sought to negotiate with him. A plaicke, 15 Oct. 1756. and Hardwicke saw him. But Pitt, after a three hours interview, gave chap. X.}s Eldest Son, 21 Oct. 1756. The interview with Pitt was on the 19th. Newcastle next sought comfort y. Newcastle to Hardwicke, 20 Oct. 1756. But Pitt, who had never before waited upon Lady Yarmouths. W. C. Bryant's Poems. In December William Pitt, the man of the people, the sincere lover o, who could ill brook a superior, and who hated Pitt, was offered a useless place, neither ministerid, for his own ends, to act under any of them. Pitt, applauding his genius for debate, despised his I am in the hands of these scoundrels, meaning Pitt as well as Temple. Glover's Memoirs, 55. Wand, Prince George, in March, sent assurances to Pitt of the firm support and countenance of the heir[5 more...]
ying on a tax for the support of a war in America by a British Act of Parliament, it appears to me, that you will continue to have no assistance from them in money, and will have very little in men, if they are wanted. Earl of Loudoun to Secretary W. Pitt, 25 April, 1757. While the royal officers, with Loudoun at their head, were soliciting the arbitrary interposition of parliament, it is most worthy of remark, that the deep-seated, reluctantly abandoned confidence in the justice and love ofst Swedenborg had announced that its day of judgment was come. The English aristocracy, being defeated, summoned to their aid, not, indeed, the power of the people, but, at chap. XI.} 1757. least, influence with the people, in the person of William Pitt. A private man in England, in middle life, with no fortune, with no party, with no strong family connections, having few votes under his sway in the House of Commons, and perhaps not one in the House of Lords,—a feeble valetudinarian, shunnin
inst the Catholic powers of the Middle Age.—William Pitt's ministry. 1757. the orator is vastly 757 Bedford, in 1746, on the appointment of William Pitt to a subordinate office of no political infstorm of indignation burst from the nation. To Pitt and to Legge, who had also opposed the Russian ot known during the century. But the mind of Pitt always inclined to hope. I am sure, said he to speak about it, was the duke's apology to him; Pitt looked so much out of humor, I dared not. Do18 June, 1757, in Bedford's Corr. II. 249. But Pitt reconciled him by leaving him his old post in t sufferance of the aristocracy. I borrow, said Pitt, the Duke of Newcastle's majority to carry on t will rise and grow stronger against it. But Pitt knew himself called to the ministry neither by ick. And as for Spain, not even the offer from Pitt of the conditional restitution of Gibraltar, raw the sword in favor of heretics. Keene to Pitt, 26 Sept., 1757. Chat. Corr., i. 271. As s[2 more...]
: Conquest of the valley of the West.—William Pitt's ministry continued. 1757-1758. the Prns as useful only when joined with others. But Pitt, rejecting the coercive policy of his predecessded in questions of liberty. In a like spirit, Pitt now frowned upon every attempt against the righ the colonies were unsuspicious. The genius of Pitt and his respect for their rights, the prospect drew Amherst to Lake George. The summons of Pitt had called into being a numerous and well equip. The letter was sent without the knowledge of Pitt, who never invited a province to the utmost empn to Albany for safety. The news overwhelmed Pitt with melancholy; but Bute, who insisted that Abith the Board of Trade a tax by Parliament, William Pitt, though entreated to interpose, regarded thxpressed it, was actuated by the spirits of William Pitt; and he decided to keep up the direct connsburg. It is the most enduring monument to William Pitt. America raised to his name statues that h[5 more...]
attention of chap. XIV.} 1759. statesmen; and Pitt, who was well informed, and, though at that time days had been unimagined in England. This is Pitt's doing, said Chesterfield, and it is marvellouupport the attack on Quebec, chap. XIV.} 1759. Pitt selected the generous and kind-hearted Saundersg for his command, in the inspiring presence of Pitt, he forgot danger, glory, every thing but the oigher; nobody had more ambition or more sense. Pitt softened his misfortune with all the offices of adjourn questions of internal authority; while Pitt won the free services of the Americans by respe Gov. Bernard (successor to Belcher) to Secretary W. Pitt, Perth Amboy, 20 March, 1759. Its yearlyas one conscious that he lived under the eye of Pitt and of his country, he prepared to carry it int assistance. In this situation, wrote Wolfe to Pitt, on the second of September, there is such a chin it abreast; Vice Admiral Saunders to Secretary Pitt, 20 Sept., 1759. and he knew, by the numbe
listened to of the possibility of failure. But Pitt's sagacity had foreseen and prepared for all. Apy day! My joy and hurry are inexpressible. Pitt to Lady Hester, 27 June Amherst had been no will snatch at the first moment of peace, said Pitt. The desire of my heart, said George the Seconeace. Our North American conquests, said he to Pitt and Newcastle, and to the world, cannot be reta good sort of people, he urged upon Halifax and Pitt, that the Church should be supported, and the cin these transactions was especially memorable: Pitt, the secretary of state for America, and Edmund made to win the immediate interposition of William Pitt, to appall the colonies by his censure, or Board of Trade; I can trace no such purpose to Pitt. In the history of the American Revolution by the inquisitive but credulous Gordon, Pitt is said to have told Franklin, that, when the war closethis subject. In vehement and imperative words, Pitt rebuked the practice; not with a view permanent[5 more...]
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