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that he was at Opolowicz, and sought the concent of Austria to pass through Gallicia, but was refused. Earthworks are being thrown up around Warsaw. The inhabitants expected an attack at Easter. France. A demonstration in favor of Poland has taken place in Paris. The Patric, of the 19th, says: To-day, at the conclusion of the lecture delivered by Prof. DeGirardin, a large number of students set our for the Palace of the Senate with the object of making a manifestation in favor oate with the object of making a manifestation in favor of Poland. On arriving at the Place Odeon they were dispersed by the police. During the sittings of the Senate the Place Odeon was patrolled by the police, and also the Rue DeDararguard, in order to prevent the people from collecting together. Some arrests were made in consequence of the above demonstration. The Paris Moniteur and London, Times. regard the news from Poland as showing that the insurrection is becoming general.
--I send you a summary of news from Northern papers of Tuesday last, the 7th instant: Buckingham (Rep.) beats Seymour (Cem.) 3,000 in Connecticut, and the Republicans gain one member of Congress, though the Democratic gain on the State ticket is about 6,000. The Legislature is largely Republican. Advice, from Europe are up to the 23d of March. The Polish revolt has been crushed, and is a prisoner in Cracow. It is rumored that the Czar has promised Napoleon to give Poland the right of self government, a liberal Constitution, and an amnesty to the insurgents. The biddings for the Confederate loan amounted to £150,000,000 sterling, at an average premium of 4½ all through. The Alabama has captured and burnt about twenty-eight vessels since she has been in commission. No answer has yet been received by France in answer to the French offer of intervention. The Herald calls for a forward movement, and especially one from Hooker, who, it says, ha
itary repressions which take place in Poland, and state plainly that reform are needed to end them. The Czar's reply tells the two Powers that it is evident to him that the Polish struggle has been need against him by others "as an encouragement to revolution." The foreign communications "aggravated the position without showing any way of solving the difficulty without self abasement." In fact the notes called on the Poles "to continue the struggle. Concessions might have been made to Poland previous to the reception, but now such a course would involve abdication. Baron Brunnow, the Russian minister in London, in a conversation with Earl Russell, stated, "there were prospects afloat for altering the map of Europe. In these projects, compensation to Russia were included. Russia entered into none of the projects. She wanted no compensation; she held by the present territorial arrangements of Europe, and he (Baron Brunnow) trusted Great Britain would do so likewise. " The
Later European news. Dates from Liverpool to the 14th inst. have been received. A dispatch Petersburg, dated the day the Canada sailed, says that the Journal de St. Petersburg, of that date, published a dispatch, dated June 4, addressed by Gortchakoff to Mr. the Emperor's satisfaction at the reply or Mr. Seward to the proposal of France to mediate in the case of Poland, which dispatch concludes as follows: "Such facts draw closer the bonds of sympathy between Russia and America. The Emperor knows how to appreciate the firmness with which Mr. Seward maintains the principle of non intervention." In the British House of Commons, on 11th inst., Lord Palmerston said that as the United States have no relations except those of war with the Confederate States, it would be useless to apply to that Government concerning the suppression of the slave trade. The Confederate States had made that trade a penal offence, but their independence not being recognized by England, "and not b
dopt a law of confiscation against those persons in the South who refuse to lay down their arms within two months. The most bitter civil war never affects the obligation to respect property. It is pitiful to see the American Republic borrow from the ancient regime one of its most iniquitous laws, without remembering that the press of the U. States has over and again, and most justly, accused Austria and Prussia of high treason against civilization, for having used that weapon in the case of Poland and against Lombardy and Venice." We hope that this will convince the advocates of confiscation that one need not be an enemy of the Federal cause to repudiate their system, and that, on the contrary, the truest friends of that cause are those who are clear-headed enough to point out the errors into which it is likely to fall. Third Gathering of the Emancipation League. With a grand flourish, the Emancipation League paraded the name of Senator Wilson as the orator who would ad
dispatch that "later still"--that is, within the last year or eighteen months--there has been made to us a proposition of the Spanish American States to establish an international council for the republican States of the continent. Of this we confess we were absolutely ignorant, and as to this we trust Mr. Seward's next volume will give us some light. It is a pretty comprehensive sort of a suggestion. The Secretary closes this remarkable document with a reason for declining to meddle with Poland which is "unique." It has reference to the rebellion, and evinces a consideration for our wayward sisters that is worthy of all praise. He really does not like to meddle with European politics in the absence of Mr. Davis, Mr. Benjamin, Mr. Mason, and Mr. Slidell, whom, as he long ago told M. Mercier, "he hoped some day to welcome back to the Senate." His language now is, "It would be still less wise to deviate from our traditional policy when a local, though we hope transitory insurrection,
resentative should be similarly equipped, and, in fact, we have reason to believe that our Southern friends confidently expect they will be. The carrying of arms to a Peace Convention is a novelty, and to some persons it may seem an alarming novelty; but the explanation of it is simple. Several Southern gentlemen are anxious, as far as possible, to adopt the customs of those great European aristocracies whose confreres and successors they believe themselves to be, and amongst others that of Poland, which always assembled in the National Diet with lance and sabre, and on horseback. We can not, although our pretensions are much more moderate, refuse to follow their example. There is already a good deal of intriguing, we are sorry to say as to who is to preside at the Convention. Robert Lee, of Virginia, and Joseph Hooker, of California, are both talked of, and both are manœavring with all their might in aid of their respective claims. Ewell has come on already to canvass for Lee
authority and influence. Mr. W. E. Forster referred to the declaration of Earl Russell contradicting the statements of Mr. Roebuck. With respect to the views of the Emperor of the French, he believed that the country had seen enough of diplomatic action on such questions with the Emperor of the French. In conjunction with the Emperor of the French we had drifted into the Crimean war; there were serious fears abroad lest we might drift into a war in conjunction with him, on account of Poland; but there was no doubt, if the House allowed the Emperor of the French to use Mr. Roebuck a his second ambassador to sound his opinions against the Government of the day, we should soon drift into a war with America. He combatted the opinions of Mr. Roebuck, and showed that the proposals for mediation last autumn, had led to the Conscription act, and maintained that the motion, if carried, would render peace between the North and the South impossible, and would inevitably involve us in the
The Daily Dispatch: July 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Washington Cabinet Proposing an amnesty. (search)
newly organized companies and the employees of this place — in all about one hundred and thirty men — with two field pieces, whom I had dispatched under Major T. M. Bowyer, by the passenger train, arrived. A sharp skirmish immediately commenced in the street, and continued about three quarters of an hour, when Major Bowyer retired with a part of his men, and brought them off in the train. Capt. Oliver and two citizens were killed, and Lieut Rosany badly wounded. The enemy lost Col. Poland, commanding the brigade, one other Colonel, one Major, and seven privates killed; one Lt. Colonel, and about 25 men wounded, and in our hands. The Lt. Colonel, Powell, is reported mortally wounded. I am informed they lost every one of their field officers. The command left Wytheville about 10 o'clock last night, retreating towards Tazewell Court-house. It is just now reported they are coming down Walker's creek to this place. If they retreat by the way they came they will probabl
ther than submit to a yoke more bitter and degrading than was ever known yet in Warsaw or in Venice?. But would be restored for the advantage of the North. It is for a despotism that the people of the North are pouring out their blood, and tarnishing their glory. Already it exists. It had its birth in war, and it would take its immortality from conquest. Then, would the Union be restored for the advantages of the world? What country would be safe? What country would be free? Would Poland when the only friend and patron of the Czar recovered his original dimensions? At first, indeed, the necessity of Southern garrisons night keep them in repass. But in a few years — and they do not labor to conceal it from us — a power more rapacious, more unprincipled, more arrogant, more selfish and encroaching, would arise, than has ever yet increased the outlay, multiplied the fears, and compromised the general tranquility of Europe. And on this overgrown, on this portentous form of t
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