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. M. To Major General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief: As soon as I discovered that a large force of the enemy was turning our right toward Manassas, and that the division I had ordered to take post there two days before had not yet arrived from Alexandria, I immediately broke up my camp at Warrenton Junction and Warrenton, and marched rapidly back, in three columns. I directed McDowell, with his own and Sigel's corps, to march upon Gainesville by the Warrenton and Alexandria pike; Reno and one division of Heintzelman to march on Greenwich; and, with Porter's corps and Hooker's division, I marched back to Manassas Junction. McDowell was ordered to interpose between the forces of the enemy which had passed down to Manassas through Gainesville and his main body, moving down from White Plains through Thoroughfare Gap. This was completely accomplished, Long-street, who had passed through the Gap, being driven back to the west side. The forces to Greenwich were designe
y must; and they saw no safety in retreat. Perfectly astonished at the confidence and courage of our men, the rebels came up handsomely, within good range, and, taking our fire, a semi-orderly commotion was observed in their ranks. While this encouraged our men, Gen. Pope saw what was the intent of it all. Almost as quick as thought the bugles sounded the order to the rebel phalanxes, and instantly the huge mass of rebels was hurried against our left wing. The gallant divisions of Reno and Schenck — heroes and victors of other fields — stood their ground for a short space, but were soon overpowered and gave way. Setting up a yell of triumph, the rebels pushed over piles of their own dead men and the corpses of many a patriot, using the bayonet at close quarters with our troops. Very triumphantly the rebel hordes advanced.--* * * It was evident, at first glance, that they had been heavily reinforced, and it was equally impressed upon our consciousness that we must meet
o'clock, Gen. Pope received information that the rebels were concentrating a large force at a point on the Fairfax Court-House road, about two miles from Centreville, their principal object evidently being to cut off one of our was on trains. --Gen. Reno had previously been sent down the road. Gen. Pope ordered Gen. Heintzelman's command to proceed at once to the locality designated, with the object, if practicable, of dislodging them. This force reached the point soon after six o'clock, and found Reno's command engaged, and the rebels in the woods in large numbers. Scarcely had they arrived before the rebel cavalry made the attack. The dash was a splendid one, but our men were prepared and met them with bayonets at the charge, and such was their impetuosity, that when the cavalry, unable to withstand the shock, in an instant halted, the bayonets of our heroes had penetrated horse and rider, killing some thirty animals and about the same number of riders. Dismayed at our gall
truck all classes with sadness, for of all the officers engaged the death of none could be more deeply lamented." A letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer gives a rather fuller account of his death than has been published. It says: While the firing was in progress Gen. Birney, who at the time was near to Gen. Kearney, pointed out to him a position on their right flank from which Gen. Stevens's division had retreated, thereby leaving a gap. As Gen. Kearney had previously understood from Gen. Reno (the latter himself so believing) that the gap left by the retreat of Gen. Stevens had been filled, as well as believing it impossible that anybody could be driven from so strong a position he at once started off at a full gallop, unaccompanied by either aid or orderly, (they had been sent to other parts of the field with orders,) and rode into the gap. This was the last seen of General Kearney alive. The first knowledge that they had in reference to him was a flag of truce sent by t
The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1862., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia — a proclamation. (search)
From the North. The latest Northern papers furnish us further interesting news. It is now stated that Gen. Pope was relieved from command "at his own request." General McDowell, whose division was almost destroyed by our army, has met Pope's fate. He has been "temporarily" relieved by Gen. Reno. Gen. Banks is still lying at Willard's Hotel, Washington, from his wound. The draft in Pennsylvania and several other States has been postponed till the 20th inst. The war tax has raised the rates of everything. In Philadelphia the price of beer has been increased, causing much dissatisfaction among the Germans. A flag of truce visit to the battle-field of Manassas. A letter to the New York Tribune gives an interesting account of a visit to the battle-field of Manassas with a citizen committee from Washington, who went for the purpose of attending to the wounded. The route taken by the writer was the old Warrenton Turnpike, over the ford at Cub Run, the identical spot where
ugh I had been joined by a detachment under General Reno, and the other division of McDowell's corpskson through Thorough fare Gap; and instructing Reno, with his command, and Kearney, with one divisig his retreat through Centreville, as McDowell, Reno, and Kearney, had made the road through Gainesvt only a few hours after the enemy had left it. Reno had reached Manassas Junction, and Fitz John Pods Gainesville. closely followed by Hooker and Reno, and engage the enemy thus placed between McDoweville towards Gainesville, closely followed by Reno. --Meantime, shortly after daylight, Siegel's atand, and he was soon joined by Heintzelman and Reno, when the whole line became actively engaged. as directed to post himself in rear and support Reno, who was pushed north of the road, at a point awn, but was met by Hooker at that place, and by Reno, reinforced by Kearney, further west. The batting zeal and energy, are Gens. McDowell, Banks, Reno, Heintzelman, Hooker, and Kearney, and many oth[1 more...]
ed by the people of the United States." The funeral of General Reno, who was killed at South Mountain, was to take place inooker of the Federal army was wounded in the foot, and Maj. Gen. Reno shot through the heart, expiring in a few moments. Ittle of Sunday. It was in the battle of Sunday that Major Gen. Reno was killed. It took place at Frog Gap, about 12 milesd were Longstreet's and Hill's on the Confederate side, and Reno's corps d'armee, the Pennsylvania Reserve corps, and Rickete top of the mountain — thence down on the other side. Reno's corps on the left did its part nobly. The men were calle own. Altogether we captured two thousand prisoners. Gen. Reno was killed on the field of battle. At the time of the caon drove their rear quad from that place. Porter's and Reno's corps took a shorter road over the mountain, and arrived I can learn of few field officers killed. The death of Gen. Reno is mourned throughout the whole army. The Recapture
n Star contains the following: Dispatches from M'Clellan. headquarters of the army,Three miles beyond Middletown. September 14-- 9:40 P. M. Henry W Halleck, General in Chief. After a very severe engagement, the corps of Booker and Reno have carried the heights commanding the Heger's own road. The troops behaved magnificently. They never fought better Franklin has been hotly engaged on the extreme left. I do not yet know the result, except that tiring indicated progress on hisrminated, leaving us in possession of the entire crest. It has been a glorious victory. I cannot tell whether the enemy will retreat during the night or appear in increased force in the morning. I regret to add that the gallant and able General Reno is killed. Geo. B. McCLELLAN, Major General. headquarters army of Potomac. September 15. 8 A. M Henry W. Halleck, General in Chief: I have just learned from Gen. Hooker in the advance, who states that the information is p
th a very severe and almost fatal wound — losing one of his limbs, we understand. Gen. Gibbon, another Brigadier of King's division, had his brigade terribly cut up, but we believe escaped personal injury. Gen. Patrick, who, on becoming our Military Governor the second time, is reported to have said that during the first he administered the gospel, but that he now came to give the law — and whose two Administrations might very well have been thus designated — this officer was reported as killed during the Manassas fight. Gen. Stevens, who was our Military Governor for a few brief days, and ordered to reinforce Pope, was killed on the field of battle. Gen. Reno, another of Gen. Burnside's corps, was killed last week in the fight near Middletown, Maryland. This list speaks volumes as a commentary upon the war. Several of the officers volunteered in Lincoln's service to invade Southern soil; the forfeit to them has been life itself-- Fredericksburg (Va) Her
Gen. Reno's last words. --When Gen. Renofell, Gen. Sturgis was within a few yards of him. He was in command of the division formerly commanded by Reno, increased by several new regiments and the men had just distinguished themselves in driving the rebels from the summit of the Blue Ridge. These Generals were bosom friends; hReno, increased by several new regiments and the men had just distinguished themselves in driving the rebels from the summit of the Blue Ridge. These Generals were bosom friends; had been classmates at West Point, and graduated together. When Reno fell, Sturgis ran to his assistance, had him picked up, and said: "Jesse, are you badly wounded?" To which he replied: "Yes, Sam, I am a dead man." General Sturgis had him placed upon a litter and carried to the rear, where he died in an hour. His last words, Reno fell, Sturgis ran to his assistance, had him picked up, and said: "Jesse, are you badly wounded?" To which he replied: "Yes, Sam, I am a dead man." General Sturgis had him placed upon a litter and carried to the rear, where he died in an hour. His last words, before leaving the battle field, were: "Boys, I can be with you no longer in body, but I am with you in spirit."
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