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corned beef, and half a sack of ground coffee were also discovered in beating about through the timber, so that fires being lighted, we unslung our mess traps, and were soon engaged in ravenously devouring our highly prized supper. The coffee proved a great luxury to the whole party, few of whom had tasted this beverage since the capture of stores before Richmond in June. Had the oldest and best of wines been offered in exchange, I doubt if any would have parted with their steaming cups of Rio. We formed several groups round as many fires, lighted near the tents, and with the all-consoling pipe, soon found ourselves launching forth into the merits and ups and downs of Pope's eventful campaign. Some troopers of the party, however, had made a discovery of something stronger than coffee, and having found a violin among the deserted effects of the departed Yankees, were dancing to a lively tune. With long, uncut beards, whiskers, and moustaches, heavy riding-boots, and sabres, a
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
like pepper-trees. Every person we met carried a six-shooter, although it is very seldom necessary to use them. After we had proceeded about nine miles we met General Bee, who commands the troops at Brownsville. He was travelling to Boca del Rio in an ambulance, An ambulance is a light wagon, and generally has two springs behind, and one transverse one in front. The seats can be so atr-ranged that two or even three persons may lie at full length. with his quartermaster-general, Major ecutions and extortion they have to endure from the Government, which are, doubtless, most annoying; but nevertheless they appear to fatten on the Mexican soil. I crossed to Brownsville to see General Bee, but he had not returned from Boca del Rio, I dined with Mr. Oetling. We were about fourteen at dinner, principally Germans, a very merry party. Mr. Oetling is supposed to have made a million of dollars for his firm, by bold cotton speculations, since the war. We all went to the thea
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, March to Jalapa-battle of Cerro Gordo-Perote-Puebla-Scott and Taylor (search)
y ammunition and camp and garrison equipage. It was the 13th of April before this division left Vera Cruz. The leading division ran against the enemy at Cerro Gordo, some fifty miles west, on the road to Jalapa, and went into camp at Plan del Rio [Rio del Plan], about three miles from the fortifications. General Patterson reached Plan del Rio with his division soon after Twiggs arrived. The two were then secure against an attack from Santa Anna, who commanded the Mexican forces. At all Rio with his division soon after Twiggs arrived. The two were then secure against an attack from Santa Anna, who commanded the Mexican forces. At all events they confronted the enemy without reinforcements and without molestation, until the 18th of April. General Scott had remained at Vera Cruz to hasten preparations for the field; but on the 12th, learning the situation at the front, he hastened on to take personal supervision. He at once commenced his preparations for the capture of the position held by Santa Anna and of the troops holding it. Cerro Gordo is one of the higher spurs of the mountains some twelve to fifteen miles east o
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 83: General Ransom's reminiscences of Mr. Davis. (search)
in Richmond. The President asked me to breakfast. I went to a somewhat late one, and found that I and a lady guest had to entertain ourselves for a few minutes waiting for the host, who had not retired, as Mrs. Davis told me, until sunrise. Soon Mrs. Davis led the way to the breakfast-room, seating me by her, while Mr. Davis placed the lady at his right. The grace was said as usual. Our breakfast was simple in the extreme, and there was anything but profusion. Mrs. Davis poured some hot Rio coffee, Java and Mocha were then only known from memory. Mr. Davis had before him a dish of rather fat bacon, cut very thin and fried crisp. The neat man-servant handed cold baker's bread, and brought in corn batter cakes, while a very small plate of butter, the gift of a lady friend, graced the centre of the table. Such was the breakfast of the President of the Confederacy. He possibly might have fared somewhat more sumptuously, for he was the recipient of some things from friends, but
lendid sea-boat. She will outsail any clipper, and steams thirteen knots. She can fight three heavy rifles directly aft; and as it is in her power always to bring on a stern chase, she can never be captured. With English oak and Southern hearts, she has no superior. The Florida proceeded to Havana, thence to Nassau and Barbadoes. On the sixth of May she was off Cape St. Roque, and had captured fourteen sail, all valuable vessels. On the sixth of May we captured the brig Clarence, from Rio to Baltimore. I proposed to take her and make a raid on the United States coast. My proposition was acceded to, and I was given twenty-two men and one twelve-pound howitzer. We captured three transports off Cape Henry, and a fine clipper bark called the Tacony. As the latter vessel was a much better sailer than the Clarence, we burned the Clarence and took the bark. With the Tacony we destroyed fifteen sail. On the twenty-third of June we burned the Tacony, and took a small fore-and-aft
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
e Battle-ground of Malvern Hills, and that he spits at Yankee pictures and makes wry faces at old Abe's picture, she said: We are boarding at Mrs. Johnson's, in Governor Street, just opposite Governor Letcher's mansion. It is a large boarding-house, high prices and starvation within. Such living was never known before on earth. We have to cook almost every thing we eat, in our own room. In our larder the stock on hand is a boiled bacon ham, which we gave only $11 for; three pounds of pure Rio coffee, we gave $4 a pound for, and one pound of green tea, $17 per pound; two pounds of brown sugar, at $2.75 per pound; one bushel of fine apples, about the size of a good common marble, which were presented to me by a member from Missouri; one pound of butter, about six months old, at $2 per pound, and six sweet potatoes, at 50 cents. We have to give a dollar for a very small slice of pound-cake at the confectioner's . . . . Yesterday, for dinner, we had nothing on the table but two eggs a
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
e aqueduct. Here we found Mr. Henry A. Wise, of Virginia, the United States minister to Brazil, and a Dr. Garnett, United States Navy, his intended son-in-law. We had a very interesting conversation, in which Mr. Wise enlarged on the fact that Rio was supplied from the dews of heaven, for it rarely rains there, and the water comes from the mists and fogs which hang around the Corcovado, drips from the leaves of the trees, and is conducted to the Madre fountain by miles of tile gutters. Hald with pork. We also took in the same way many albatrosses. The white ones are very large, and their down is equal to that of the swan. At last Cape Horn and its swelling seas were left behind, and we reached Valparaiso in about sixty days from Rio. We anchored in the open roadstead, and spent there about ten days, visiting all the usual places of interest, its foretop, main-top, mizzen-top, etc. Halleck and Ord went up to Santiago, the capital of Chili, some sixty miles inland, but I did no
ight must have been complete entirely. From citizens of Van Buren I learned the following market prices of articles, to wit: For one barrel of common whisky, eight hundred dollars, or a good house and lot; one pound of coffee, two dollars; one sack of salt, two hundred dollars; one pair of coarse boots, forty dollars; if a little larger than common size, sixty dollars. Coffee, salt and tea commanded the highest prices, and would even dig up gold instead of confederate currency. Wheat or rye, instead of Rio coffee, and spice-wood tea, are principally used. The ladies now hunt up their oldest dresses, and make them do even for Sunday attire. Butternut colors are the prevailing colors in Dixie. Yours, H. J. St. P. S.--In my last report, I forgot to add Henry W. Williams, to the St. Louis rebels in Hindman's army. He is Quartermaster in Frost's division, and as Mother Famer says, looks careworn and old. Louis Kretschmar, son of Clerk Kretschmar, is also in the same army.
26. From the beginning of the rebellion the Cubans carried on a guerilla warfare, burning many small towns, and destroying much plantation property. On March 14, 1896, the strength of the Cuban army was estimated in Havana at about 43,000 men, but the revolutionists themselves claimed 60,000, two-thirds of whom were well mounted, and about half well armed. During 1896 Spain sent 80,00.0 more troops to the island. In spite of this great force, however, only one province, that of Pinar del Rio, remained in the hands of the Spanish, the other five being either wholly or partly given up to the patriots. General Campos was again sent to put down the rebellion, but as he failed to do so, Gen. Valeriano Weyler, of Nicolau, was sent to supersede him in February, 1896. Weylers course was one of extreme cruelty, and aroused the people of the United States. During the progress of the revolution that year relations between the United States and Spain became daily more strained. Many ve
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Davis, George Whitefield, 1839- (search)
ermaster in May, 1865; and was mustered out of the service, April 20, 1866. On Jan. 22, 1867, he was appointed captain in the 14th United States Infantry; in 1894 was promoted to major of the 11th Infantry; in 1897 transferred to the 9th Infantry; and in 1898 promoted to lieutenant-colonel of the 14th Infantry. At the beginning of the war with Spain he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers; was honorably discharged under that commission and reappointed to the same rank, April 14, 1899. On Oct. 19, 1899, he was Brig.-Gen. George Whitefield Davis. promoted to colonel of the 23d United States Infantry; and on the reorganization of the regular army, in February, 1901, he was appointed one of the new brigadier-generals. He was for several years a member of the board on Public War Records; commanded a division in the early part of the war with Spain; subsequently was on detached service in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, and in May, 1899, was appointed governorgeneral of Porto Rico.
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