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d applying the proper remedies. On the next day, Sunday, I rode along the lines on the Virginia side, beginning at Gen. W. T. Sherman's position opposite Georgetown. I found Sherman somewhat nervous. He attempted to dissuade me from passing outsidSherman somewhat nervous. He attempted to dissuade me from passing outside of his pickets, believing the enemy to be close at hand. As that was precisely what I wanted to know, however, I did ride some distance beyond the pickets and found no enemy. The condition of things on the Virginia side was not much better tha roads intersect it. Hooker's brigade was posted on the Bladensburg road, near the position afterwards entrenched. Gen. W. T. Sherman's brigade, reinforced by three regiments of infantry, with one battery and one company of regular cavalry, occupiedstia to the vicinity of Uniontown. On the 7th McCall received a battery of regular artillery; and on the 9th Kearny and Sherman each received another company of volunteer cavalry, and on the same day King's brigade of three regiments was formed, an
he 21st New York, after which reviewed four batteries of light artillery. . . . This morning telegram from other side announcing enemy advancing in force. Started off aides and put the wires at work; when fairly started alarm proved false. . . Friend Beauregard has allowed the chance to escape him. I have now some 65,000 effective men; will have 75,000 by end of week. Last week he certainly had double our force. I feel sure that the dangerous moment has passed. 26th . . . Reviewed Sherman's command (seven regiments) near Fort Corcoran; then McDowell's (eight regiments) at the race-course; then rode to the ground in front of Alexandria-twelve hours in saddle, Aug. 31. Drove out yesterday as far as McCall's camp, and to-day down over the river for several hours. Have not yet ventured on horseback again; may try it to-morrow. . . . Our defences are becoming very strong now, and the army is increasing in efficiency and numbers quite rapidly. I think Beauregard has aband
n. Commanding. The execution of this order was entrusted to Col. A. Porter, who took with him a battalion, a squadron, and a battery of regulars. They were drawn up in front of the mutineers, who promptly submitted. The ringleaders were placed in irons and the rest marched over to the Virginia side. In the course of a couple of months I was able to return their colors to this regiment as a reward for good conduct in camp and in several skirmishes. The regiment afterwards accompanied Sherman's expedition to Carolina and did good service. I think the trouble arose rather from poor officers than from the men. As an additional means of preserving discipline, and to guard the camps from the presence of spies, the following order was issued: General order no. 4. headquarters division of the Potomac, Washington, Aug. 16, 1861. All passes, safe-conducts, and permits heretofore given to enter or go beyond the lines of the United States army on the Virginia side of the Po
so received a brigade; he, too, had been wounded at Bull Run, and bore a good reputation in the old army. He was a very brave man and an excellent officer. W. T. Sherman was almost immediately taken from me to accompany Robert Anderson to Kentucky. I had a high opinion of him and parted from him with regret. Philip Kearny r and he was in all respects an admirable corps commander; more than that, he would have commanded an army well. The only reason why I did not send him to relieve Sherman, instead of Buell, was that I could not spare such a man from the Army of the Potomac. Blenker I found, and retained, in command of the Germans. Born in Bavary with Gen. Patterson, as adjutant-general, when I assumed command. As soon as possible I had him made a brigadier-general and gave him the command vacated by W. T. Sherman. Take him for all in all, he was probably the best general officer I had under me. He had excellent ability, sound judgment, and all the instincts of a soldie
upon a campaign productive of definite results. Early in Sept., 1861, Gens. W. T. Sherman and G. H. Thomas had been taken from my command and ordered to report toBefore many weeks Anderson was relieved, in consequence of failing health, and Sherman succeeded to his duties. In October he became very much depressed and took held with the troops then in it. Therefore I gladly and promptly acquiesced in Sherman's request to be relieved, and sent Buell to replace him, ordering Sherman to rSherman to report to Halleck for duty. On Buell's arrival he found a complete state of disorganization; not only so, but that nothing was being done to mend the matter, and no ized the reinforcements, which were provided as rapidly as possible, and which Sherman would have received in due course; and, having accomplished the first part of his task, still found means to rescue Grant and Sherman from defeat at Shiloh with the army he had so recently created. In my letters of instruction to Gen. Buell
left flank is covered by the water. Our right is secure, for the reason that the enemy is too distant to reach us in time; he can only oppose us in front. We bring our fleet into full play. After a successful battle our position would be — Burnside forming our left; Norfolk held securely: our centre connecting Burnside with Buell, both by Raleigh and Lynchburg; Buell in Eastern Tennessee and North Alabama; Halleck at Nashvilie and Memphis. The next movement would be to connect with Sherman on the left by reducing Wilmington and Charleston; to advance our centre into South Carolina and Georgia; to push Buell either towards Montgomery or to unite with the main army in Georgia; to throw Halleck southward to meet the naval expedition from New Orleans. We should then be in a condition to reduce at our leisure all the Southern seaports; to occupy all the avenues of communication; to use the great outlet of the Mississippi; to re-establish our government and arms in Arkansas, Lou
592, 593, 595, 600, 606, 613. Senate congratulates McClellan, 82. Seneca Mills, Md., 106. Seven Pines, Va.-see Fair Oaks. Seward, Sec., method of recruiting, 143 ; visits McClellan, 549. Seymour, Gen. T., at Gaines's Mill, 414-416 ; Glendale, 430 ; South Mountain, 580. Seymour, Capt. (navy), 306. Sharpsburg, Md., 556, 562, 564, 573, 584, 586, 587,590, 608,609, 620. Shenandoah Valley, Va., 47, 54, 58, 113, 239, 240, 509, 643. Sherman, Gen. T. W., 204, 211, 234. Sherman, Gen. W. T., at Washington, 1861, 68, 80, 89, 138; in West, 201, 202. Shields, Gen. J., 347, 350, 351. Ship Point, Va., 259, 260, 263, 264, 274-278, 291. 306-309. Sickles, Gen. D. E., 81, 96 ; at Fair Oaks, 383; Malvern, 437; Mary land campaign, 645, 647. Sigel, Gen. F., in Pope's campaign, 509, 532, 538 ; Maryland, 555 ; in W. Virginia, 625, 660. Simmons, Capt., 576, 605. Sinter. Col.. 781. Slavery, horrors of, 175. Slaves, captured, how treated by McClellan, 34. Slocum, Gen.