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ined there until shortly before daylight. On the morning of the 30th Gen. Sumner was ordered to march with Sedgwick's division to Glendale ( Nelson's farm ). Gen. McCall's division (Pennsylvania reserves) was halted during the morning on the New Market road, just in advance of the point where the road turns off to Quaker church. This line was formed perpendicularly to the New Market road, with Meade's brigade on the right, Seymour's on the left, and Reynolds's brigade, commanded by Col. S. G. Simmons, of the 5th Penn., in reserve; Randall's regular battery on the right, Kern's and Cooper's batteries opposite the centre, and Dietrich's and Kauerhem's batteries of the artillery reserve on the left-all in front of the infantry line. The country in Gen. McCall's front was an open field, intersected towards the right by the New Market road and a small strip of timber parallel to it; the open front was about eight hundred yards, its depth about one thousand yards. On the morning of t
town at six A. M. The 1st brigade reached the scene of action about nine A. M.. and was sent up the old Sharpsburg road by Gen. Pleasonton to feel the enemy and ascertain if he held the crest on that side in strong force. This was soon found to be the case; and Gen. Cox having arrived with the other brigade, and information having been received from Gen. Reno that the column would be supported by the whole corps, the division was ordered to assault the position. Two 20-pounder Parrotts of Simmons's battery and two sections of McMullan's battery were left in the rear in position near the turnpike, where they did good service during the day against the enemy's batteries in the Gap. Scammon's brigade was deployed, and, well covered by skirmishers, moved up the slope to the left of the road with the object of turning the enemy's right, if possible. It succeeded in gaining the crest and establishing itself there, in spite of the vigorous efforts of the enemy, who was posted behind ston
tyle, but were driven back. The artillery of the left were ordered to concentrate their fire on the woods above the bridge. Col. Crook brought a section of Capt. Simmons's battery to a position to command the bridge. The 51st N. Y. and 51st Penn. were then ordered to assault the bridge. Taking advantage of a small spur of theexcept Sturgis's division left in reserve. Clark's and Darell's batteries accompanied Rodman's division, Cooke's battery with Wilcox's division, and a section of Simmons's battery with Col. Crook's brigade. A section of Simmons's battery, and Muhlenberg's and McMullan's batteries, were in position. The order for the advance was Simmons's battery, and Muhlenberg's and McMullan's batteries, were in position. The order for the advance was obeyed by the troops with alacrity. Gen. Wilcox's division, with Crook in support, moved up on both sides of the turnpike leading from the bridge to Sharpsburg; Gen. Rodman's division, supported by Scammon's brigade, on the left of Gen. Wilcox. The enemy retreated before the advance of the troops. The 9th N. Y., of Gen. Rodman's
587,590, 608,609, 620. Shenandoah Valley, Va., 47, 54, 58, 113, 239, 240, 509, 643. Sherman, Gen. T. W., 204, 211, 234. Sherman, Gen. W. T., at Washington, 1861, 68, 80, 89, 138; in West, 201, 202. Shields, Gen. J., 347, 350, 351. Ship Point, Va., 259, 260, 263, 264, 274-278, 291. 306-309. Sickles, Gen. D. E., 81, 96 ; at Fair Oaks, 383; Malvern, 437; Mary land campaign, 645, 647. Sigel, Gen. F., in Pope's campaign, 509, 532, 538 ; Maryland, 555 ; in W. Virginia, 625, 660. Simmons, Capt., 576, 605. Sinter. Col.. 781. Slavery, horrors of, 175. Slaves, captured, how treated by McClellan, 34. Slocum, Gen. H. W., at Williams, burg, 304 ; Gaines's Mill, 412, 417 413 ; Savage's Station, 424, 427 Glendale, 428, 430, 431, 433 ; at Berkley, 444 ; Pope's campaign, 511 ; Crampton's Gap, 563 ; Antietam, 598, 600, 601. Slough, Gen. J. P., 540, 541. Smith, Gen. C. F., 216, 217. Smith, Gen. G. W., 169, 178 ; at Yorktown, 319, 324 ; West Point (Va.), 334, 337 ; Williamsburg