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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 15 (search)
ovement against the Weldon Railroad Swapping horses Sheridan Returns where Pocahontas saved John Smith General James H. Wilson's raid the staff enlarged On June 21 Butler had thrown a pontoon-ant said: Mr. President, let us ride on and see the colored troops, who behaved so handsomely in Smith's attack on the works in front of Petersburg last week. Oh, yes, replied Mr. Lincoln; I want toont they came to the place where, according to tradition, Pocahontas had saved the life of Captain John Smith. Whether it was the exact spot or not, it was regarded in that locality as historic grounhief, he was rash enough to state, in reply to questions as to his identity, that his name was John Smith ; and that the noble red man thought he was trying to perpetrate a practical joke on him, and . He rode out to the Petersburg front with his staff, held interviews with Meade, Burnside, and Smith, and visited the lines to make a personal inspection of the principal batteries. He became impr