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Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 66 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 48 0 Browse Search
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley 42 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 36 0 Browse Search
William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune 30 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 28 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 20 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 16 0 Browse Search
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 16 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 16 0 Browse Search
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rocess being perfected, performed by coating the brass disk with an amalgam of mercury and gold, the former of which was afterward driven off by heat. Self-fastening buttons. Button-hole cutter. When the face only is gilt, the buttons are technically known as tops, but when gilding is applied to the whole surface they are termed all-overs. The gilding, though extremely thin, admits of being brightly polished by means of an agate or bloodstone burnisher. Gilt buttons first made by Taylor, of Birmingham, England, 1768. Manufacture improved, 1790. Metallic buttons without shanks are formed by stamping; those of wood, bone, etc., are turned; the holes, of which there may be two or four for attaching the button to the garment, are drilled while the button is in the lathe by means of four long drills converging toward the button, forming all four of the holes at once. Cast buttons are made by taking a large number of impressions in a mold and inserting in each the loop of
and P. J. JarreApr. 15, 1873. 4. Rotating on Parallel Longitudinal Pin. 8,637R. S. LawrenceJan. 6, 1852. 11,157J. D. GreeneJune 27, 1854. 13,691H. B. WeaverOct. 16, 1855. *14,034J. C. SmithJan. 1, 1856. *27,374J. D. MooreMar. 6, 1860. 4. Rotating on Parallel Longitudinal Pin.—Continued. No.Name.Date. 27,778C. CoxApr. 10, 1860. 29,340R. F. CookJuly 24, 1860. 31,473D. MooreFeb. 19, 1861. *32,316L. SiebertMay 14, 1861. 35,241W. JohnstonMay 13, 1862. 37,025Armstrong and TaylorNov. 25, 1862. *37,854R. F. CookMar. 10, 1863. 37,937Jackson and GoodremMay 17, 1863. 42,227A. H. RoweApr. 5, 1864. 43,571Francis ClarkJuly 19, 1864. 43,840W. H. ElliotAug. 16, 1864. 44,868W. JohnstonNov. 1, 1864. *45,361L. TriplettDec. 6, 1864. 49,057M. L. M. DescouturesJuly 25, 1865. 50,760H. F. WheelerOct. 31, 1865. 55,752H. F. WheelerJune 19, 1866. 58,064W. J. ChristySept. 18, 1866. 73,494Boyd and TylerJan. 21, 1868. 88,540Boyd and TylerApr. 6, 1869. 103,694F. WessonMay 31,
nd Lavoisier a year or two later made the same discovery, independently of the English inventor, as Humboldt thinks. It was termed empyreal air by Scheele; vital air by Cordorcet. The name oxygen was given to it by Lavoisier. Black and Cavendish, in 1766, showed that carbonic acid (fixed air) and hydrogen gas (combustible air) are specifically distinct aeriform fluids. Gas was distilled from wood in Paris in 1802; from oil by Dr. Henry, in 1805; from refuse, oily, and fatty matter by Taylor, and patented in 1815. The operations of the Chinese being unknown to the outside barbarians, the streams of inflammable gas were for many centuries only objects of wonder and conjecture in the various countries of Europe where they issued from the soil. Occasionally, small bladders of gas had been collected and burned, but no suspicion seems to have entered the minds of the observers that there was anything valuable involved. The artificial production of gas from coal dates in the se
atent, 1828, describes a mode of catching the deposit which forms the incrustation by placing pans or trays in the boiler; these intercept the falling deposit. Taylor's English patent, 1830, has a sedimenttrough the length of the boiler, and forming a narrow chamber below the same, out of contact with the fire. The contents oflor. When powdered and burned in the open air it sparkles brilliantly, as does iron burned in an atmosphere of oxygen. Angle, bar, girder, and rail irons. Taylor describes a method of making cast-iron from oxides of iron by reducing magnetic iron ores to powder and separating the iron oxides therefrom by magnets, and pred over the remains of a favorite elephant. This Akbar (very great), properly Jelal-ed-din Mohammed, was truly royal, and kept house on a very extended scale. Bayard Taylor gives a good account of Futtehpoor, a red sandstone city, deserted but not destroyed. Akbar had a fancy for chess-playing within a checkered court-yard of his
es of weaving refer to loom-work, netting, and braiding. 1. When Delilah wove into the web the seven locks of Samson's hair. 2. Where Isaiah pronounces a curse upon Egypt, which shall destroy all her vast works of irrigation and improvement, and confound those who live by weaving networks. The Bible also refers to needlework and embroidery, in the mournful song of the mother of Sisera. See damask. The mode by which the weavers of India execute the jamdanee has been explained by Mr. Taylor as follows: — The Hindoo weavers place the pattern, drawn upon paper, below the warp, and range along the track of the woof a number of cut threads equal to the flowers or parts of the design to be made; then, with two small, fine-pointed bamboo sticks, they draw each of these threads between as many threads of the warp as may be equal to the width of the figure which is to be formed. When all the threads have been brought between the warp, they are drawn close by a stroke of the lay o
rowing explosive shells weighing 23 1/2 ounces at the rate of 60 in 48 seconds. It is mounted and rotated like the Gatling gun, but the loading and firing apparatus differ from the latter. It has been tried experimentally in France and Italy. Taylor's machine-gun is shown at Fig. 3185. The charging-blocks, one of which is shown on the shelf on the trail of the gun, are filled with cartridges automatically from a magazine carried in the caisson, the magazine having chambers corresponding w firing-pins in succession. The barrels are arranged in concentric circles at back, but diverge slightly forward so as to spread the fire in a horizontal plane. The empty cartridge-shells are held by the chargeblock and withdrawn with it. Taylor's machine-gun. Mit′ten. A hand covering, with one cell for the thumb and another which contains all the fingers. It is a common and evident plan with clumsy manufacturers or material, or for the warmth of association of the fingers, to
. No. 60,572, Shaffner, 1866.No. 98,854, Ditmar, 1870. No. 60,573, Shaffner, 1866.No. 99,069, Ditmar, 1870. No. 76,499, Mowbray, 1868.No. 99,070, Ditmar, 1870. No. 78,317, Nobel, 1868.No. 106,606, Mowbray, 1870. No. 85,906, Chester and Burstenbinder, 1869No. 106,607, Mowbray, 1870. No. 86,701, Shaffner, 1869.No. 112,848, Roberts, 1871. No. 87,372, Shaffner, 1869.No. 112,849, Roberts, 1871. No. 93,752, Shaffner, 1869.No. 112,850, Roberts, 1871. No. 93,753, Shaffner, 1869.No. 117,577, Taylor, 1871. No. 93,754, Shaffner, 1869.No. 120,776, Roberts, 1871. Ni-tro′le-um. A name for nitro-glycerine (which see). Ni-trom′e-ter. An instrument for detecting the quality of niter. Ni′trous-ox′ide Appa-ra′tus. Nitrous oxide (N O), commonly called laughing-gas, is frequently employed in dental surgery as an anaesthetic. It may be procured by simply heating nitrate of ammonia, or by the action of nitric acid on copper or mercury. S. S. White's nitrous-oxide apparatus
water flows into the butt, it displaces the oil, which passes by pipe b to the lower chamber of the filter which stands on the head of the butt. It thence passes through the perforated plate, a body of charcoal c, and a second perforated plate, to the upper chamber f, from whence it is discharged by the faucet. Impurities in the lower part of the filter are discharged by the faucet k. Oil-gas. Gas was distilled from oil by Dr. Henry in 1805; and from refuse oily and fatty matters by Taylor, and patented in 1815. The apparatus for the distillation of oil to obtain a permanent gas consists of a furnace a and retort b, the latter being charged with coke or brick, on whose heated surfaces the oil drips continuously from a reservoir. The retort is a cylindrical vessel with a luted cover, and the oil is supplied in graduated quantities through a pipe e from a copper reservoir c. The gas evolved passes by an eduction-pipe f to a cistern, where, after passing through water, it
.) To work against the wind. Ply′ers. 1. (Mechanics.) A kind of balance used in raising or letting down a drawbridge. 2. A form of grasping tool. A small pinchers. See pliers. Pneu-mat′ic Bat′ter-y. A contrivance invented by Mr. Taylor of Dublin for exploding a blastingcharge in mining operations. A priming of mingled white sugar and chlorate of potash is placed over the charge, and connected by a siphon tube with a vessel containing sulphuric acid; another tube connects thi which mesh into racks on the side of the carriage, and impart motion thereto. Keene and Nichols operated by the expansion of air in elastic tubes against rollers journaled in a pedestal beneath the carriage. Hallette improved the valve. Taylor and Condor used magnetic power to connect the traveling piston and the carriage. See atmospheric Railway. The application of compressed air to driving the machinery of a locomotive does not constitute the line an Atmospheric Railway as ordin<
ws are few and small, owing to the rigor of the Russian climate, which renders the heating of a car with many openings a matter of difficulty. The platform at each end of the car is inclosed, has side doors, and serves as a corridor. An upright boiler in the small compartment next the wash-room serves to heat several cars by steampipes under the floor. The water of condensation is returned in the same way to the boiler. The car-body rests on three pairs of wheels, without trucks. Taylor (English patent, May 11, 1841) proposed to make railway-cars of papier-mache. Cylinderical Railway-car. Paper wheels have also been used for railway-cars. The paper is cut into disks the diameter of the wheel less the thickness of the tire, subjected to a pressure of one and a half tons to the square inch, and then secured by iron flanges held by bolts passing through them and the paper. The wheels then receive a steel or iron flagged tire. The advantages claimed for paper are, tha