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Her sister States meet her this day at the council board. Vermont is here, bringing with her the memories of the past, reviving in the memories of all, her Ethan Allen, and his demand for the surrender of Ticonderoga in the name of the great Jehovah and the American Congress. New Hampshire is here — her fame is illustrated by memorable annals, and still more lately as the birthplace of him who won for himself the name of "Defender of the Constitution, " and who wrote that letter to John Taylor, which has been enshrined in the hearts of his countrymen. Massachusetts is not here. Some member said she is coming.--I hope so, said Mr. Tyler, and that she will bring with her her daughter Maine. I did not believe that it could well be that the voice which, in other times, was so familiar to her ears, had been addressed to her in vain. Connecticut is here, and she comes, I doubt not, in the spirit of Roger Sherman, whose name, with our very children, has become a household word
in the seizure of private arms, in midnight domiciliary visitations, in the muzzling of the press, and in the ostracism of free opinion and free speech. The history of all empire and all human government proves that republican institutions cannot be maintained over a large extent of territory, except by the aid of local jurisdictions possessing most of the sovereign powers of Government. In the light of recent events, it was political prophecy that was announced fifty years ago, by John Taylor, of Caroline, in these words: "Most political writers have concluded that a Republican government, over a very large territory, cannot exist; and as this opinion is sustained by alarming proofs and weighty authorities, it is entitled to much respect and serious consideration. All extensive territories in past times, and all in the present age, except those of the United States, have been, or are, subject to monarchies. As the Roman territory increased, Republican principles were
King George --Three servants of Daingerfield Lewis and one of Col. John Taylor, of Chatterton, escaped from their owners on Monday last. A man named Marks was tried by the Circuit Court of the county for larceny, and sent to the Penitentiary for 18 months.
Confederate States District Court --Judge Halyburton presiding.--In this Court, yesterday, petitions were filed by Receiver Brooke for the sequestration of the property of a number of alien enemies, held as follows: By Henry Exall, for Francie Graham, alien enemy; W. Leigh Burton, for Chickering & Co.; Wm. I. Shepperson, for D. M. Talmadge; Wm. Nott, for Michael Hart; Jos. G. Brooks, for Francis Graham; Geo. W. McCandlish, for John Taylor; N. A. Sturdivant, for William Openheim; John and George Gibson, for Patterson & Bro.; John A. Lancaster and Thos. A. Ball, for Howell & King; Henry Exall, for Johnson & Browning; Clark Scull and Daniel Scull, for A. B. Cooley and J C. Osgald; also, by the Bank of Virginia, to sequester the stock of Nathaniel E. Cornwall, Justin Dimick, and other aliens; and by the Bank of the Commonwealth, in regard to stock held in the name of the American Exchange and Mechanics' Banks of New York, Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia, and others.
cksburg Herald, of Tuesday evening, has the following particulars of the landing of Federal troops at Mathias Point, and their subsequent retreat therefrom: The enemy made a landing at Mathias Point about two hours before daylight on Monday morning, in numbers reported at from 60 to 200. They immediately moved outward into the country, but so quiet had been the landing, that our pickets in the vicinity were unapprised of the fact. One of the pickets named Baker, belonging to Capt. John Taylor's cavalry challenged some one approaching, when he was answered that a friend approached, and immediately thereafter received a ball from a pistol which struck him in the breast and glanced around on the shoulder. The ball was afterwards extracted with but slight injury to his person. The enemy next fired and burnt to the ground the residence of Curtis Grymes, which had been so perforated with shot and shell during the last few mouths by the enemy's vessels in the river as to be
The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1862., [Electronic resource], Interesting particulars of the last bombardment at Warrenten. (search)
and. She lost no time in quitting the wharf for the city, where she arrived without injury. Capt. West, of the Louisiana Infantry, fired a single shot, and without orders, in return. Half an hour later orders from Brigadier General Richard H. Anderson--commanding in the absence of General Bragg--were dispatched to the various batteries to concentrate their fire on the camps of the troops on the Island. The order was promptly executed by the batteries of Capts. West, Bachelor, Wheat, Taylor, and Lieut. Mader of the Louisiana Infantry; by Capts. Baker, Posey, and the entire line of batteries of the First Alabama Regiment, including Fort Barrancas; and by the guns of the Thirty-sixth Georgia and Mississippi regiments, reaching beyond and embracing Fort McRae. The fire from these guns was almost deafening, and far excelling in rapidity that of the action of the 22d November. The Yankees were soon dispersed in every direction, some seeking safety in holes, others behind sand
The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1862., [Electronic resource], Outrage upon the person of our Commissioner to Mexico. (search)
C. S. District Court. --Judge Halyburton's Court was in session yesterday. The cases of the Confederate States against Geo. W. McCandlish, to sequestrate the property of John Taylor, an alien enemy; and the same a gainst John Justiss, to sequestrate the property of E. E. and Wm. Carlton, alien enemies, were advanced through their incipient stages. In the case of the Confederate States against Wm. H. Foster — it appearing that the defenddant is indebted to the firm of Williams & Arness, of Philadelphia, alien enemies, in the sum of $136.52, with interest from June 1st, 1861, till paid, the Court declared the same to be sequestrated, and ordered its payment to Henry L. Brooke, receiver for the third district. Wm. L. Watkins, of Petersburg, qualified as an attorney to practice in this Court.
weeping currents, and down which come vast treasures in the shape of the various productions of the rich valleys of Virginia. No better place surely on the whole line of seacoast could have been chosen for the storehouses of some of the great ocean lines of steamers that are to cross the ocean regularly, and deeply laden with the various productions of European industry and ingenuity. Norfolk has lagged in the race quite long enough; but it does appear now that one of the important results of the war, recklessly waged by the inveterate haters of their best friends, will be to divert the trade from the North to southern ports, which will be benefited beyond calculation by the great concentration of foreign trade. I regret to state that a young man named John Taylor, of the 2d North Carolina regiment, was accidentally killed, several days ago, at Sewell's Point, by the explosion of a bombshell which he was handling at the time. His remains have been forwarded to his home.
ssolved. The Confederate Government then tendered him a new commission coeval with the departure of Gregg's regiment, of the 14th of July. His first appointment was of the 20th April, and put him at the head of the brigadier-Generals-- the oldest in the service. The second, of the 14th July, put a dozen Brigadier-Generals above him — among them Gen, David Jones, who is closely connected by marriage with the President. Strangely it happens that Gen. Walker, of Georgia, was superseded by Col. Taylor, another near connection. Gen. Bonham consulted all the general officers in the Army of the Potomac, and they all agreed with him that such treatment of him was a wrong and an outrage. The following letter from Gen. Bonham on this subject has been published: Near Centreville, Nov. 12, 1861. Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Acting Secretary of War: Sir: I have not expressed myself happily if I have conveyed to your mind the idea that I maintain you can date the commission you now
No friends. --Two men, named Samuel Dewolff and John Taylor, were sent to jail by the Mayor yesterday on failing to give security to keep the peace, an article they had damaged on the previous day by their eccentric conduct.
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