Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 2, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Iceland (Iceland) or search for Iceland (Iceland) in all documents.

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The Trans-Atlantic telegraph — Iceland route. Shall we ever have a Trans-Atlantic telegraph? The world, which was so ready to answer this question in the affirmative a few years ago, seems doubtful, at this time, what response to make. It has become discouraged by the failure of the direct route, as well as by the failure of the Red sea route to India.--There seems to be, however, a gleam of hope in the proposal of Col. Shaffner to carry a telegraphic line by Iceland, Greenland, the FarIceland, Greenland, the Faroe Isles, &c., to which, after exertions that appear almost superhuman, he has succeeded in calling the attention of the British, Danish, French, and Russian Governments.--In the February number of Blackwood, we find a brief narrative of this man's struggles to obtain attention to his peculiar views.--They rival those of Columbus, when he endeavored to convince the world that there was land beyond the Canary islands. Reason he certainly has on his side; but that we take to be rather against hi