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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 1: ancestry. (search)
er his return, and as John, the B. A. of Oxford, never married, Richard, the second son, succeeded to the homestead in Westmoreland. He also graduated at Oxford in law, and was distinguished for his learning, spending almost his whole life in study.e acquired a considerable fortune, was a member of the council, and so well known and respected that when his house in Westmoreland burned down Queen Caroline sent him a large sum of money out of her privy purse, with an autograph letter. Stratford e family, originally of German extraction, and left six sons and two daughters. Stratford is still standing in Westmoreland County, an object of much veneration and respect. Within its walls, in the same chamber, two signers of the Declaration ubstituted for the original words used by its author, Henry Lee.]--editor. In 1798-99, as a representative of the County of Westmoreland in the General Assembly, he took an active part in the debate upon Mr. Madison's famous resolutions of that date.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 4: War. (search)
jor-General Lee, in the name of the people of our native State here represented, I bid you a cordial and heartfelt welcome to this hall in which we may yet almost hear the echo of the voices of the statesmen and soldiers and sages of bygone days who have borne your name, whose blood now flows in your veins. When the necessity became apparent of having a leader for our forces, all hearts and all eyes, with an instinct which is a surer guide than reason itself, turned to the old county of Westmoreland. We know how prolific she had been in other days of heroes and statesmen. We know she had given birth to the Father of his Country, to Richard Henry Lee, to Monroe, and last, though not least, to your own gallant father; and we knew well by your deeds that her productive power was not yet exhausted. We watched with the most profound and intense interest the triumphal march of the army led by General Scott, to which you were attached, from Vera Cruz to the capital of Mexico. We read of
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
, 11, 13, 26, 71, 80, 137. Washington and Lee University, 281, 413. Washington, Mrs., Mary, 26. Waterloo, battle of, 13. Waterloo Bridge, 182, 184, 186. Wellington, Duke of, mentioned, 171, 228, 247, 278; at Waterloo, 343, 420. Webb's brigade at Gettysburg, 295. Webster, Daniel, McClellan's horse, 211. Weed, General, killed at Gettysburg, 302. Weiseger, General, at Petersburg, 360. Weitzel, General, commands Eighteenth Corps, 365. Western armies, success of, 347. Westmoreland County, 146. Westover estate, Virginia, 164. West Point graduates, 24. Whisky Insurrection, 10. White House, 164, 167. White Oak Swamp, 153, 162. White, Professor, 281. White, William, of Lexington, 406. Whiting, General W. H. C., 155. Whittier, Colonel, of Humphreys's staff, 391. Wickham family, the, 305. Wigfall, Senator, of Texas, 332. Wilcox's brigade at Gettysburg, 279-297. Wilderness, battles of the, 329. Wilderness tavern, 247, 329. William and Mary Col