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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Georgia, (search)
...Feb. 5, 1736 Fort on St. Simon's Island at Frederica, as marked out by Oglethorpe, begun......Feb. 19, 1736 John Wesley first preaches at Savannah......March 7, 1736 Fort St. Andrews erected on Cumberland Island by Highlanders, and Fort William planned......1736 Treaty ending hostilities between Spanish and English colonies, and referring all disputes as to boundaries between Georgia and Florida to the home governments......Oct. 27, 1736 Oglethorpe appointed general of forces ien; and Frederica, covering the settlements on St. Simon's Island and the Altamaha; and Col. William Stephens chosen president of Savannah......April 15, 1741 Nine Spanish vessels, attempting to enter Amelia Sound, are repulsed by cannon of Fort William, on Cumberland Island, aided by armed schooner of fourteen guns and eighty men......June 21, 1742 Spanish squadron of thirty-six vessels enters St. Simon's harbor in spite of battery of fort and a few English ships, lands about 500 men with
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), War of 1812, (search)
tle reliance could be placed on the militia, who would not be compelled, by law, to go beyond the bounds of their respective States. The navy was very weak, in comparison with that of the enemy, the acknowledged mistress of the seas. It consisted of only twenty vessels, exclusive of 170 gunboats,. and actually carrying an aggregate of little more than 500 guns. The following is a list of forts in existence when war was declared in 1812, and their location: Fort Sumner, Portland, Me.; Fort William and Mary, Portsmouth, N. H.; Fort Lily, Gloucester, Cape Ann; Fort Pickering, Salem, Mass.; Fort Seawall, Marblehead, Mass.; Fort Independence, Boston Harbor; Fort Wolcott, near Newport, R. I.; Fort Adams, Newport. Harbor; Fort Hamilton, near Newport; North Battery, a mile northwest of Fort Wolcott; Dumplings Fort, entrance to Narraganset Bay, R. I.; Tonomy Hill, a mile east of North Battery, R. I.; Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn.; Fort Jay, Governor's Island, New York Harbor; works on
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 41: search for health.—journey to Europe.—continued disability.—1857-1858. (search)
estern Highlands. October 9. At seven o'clock went on board the steamer Iona down the Clyde, by Rothesay, through the Kyles of Bute to the Crinan Canal; then by canal boat; then again by steamer in sight of Mull, Jura, stopping at Oban, to Fort William, where I arrived some time after dark; stopped at the Lochiel Arms at Banavie, opposite Fort William. October 10. At eight o'clock by steamer on my way to Mr. Ellice's Edward Ellice, Sr. (1781-1863), an old acquaintance of Sumner. Ante,Fort William. October 10. At eight o'clock by steamer on my way to Mr. Ellice's Edward Ellice, Sr. (1781-1863), an old acquaintance of Sumner. Ante, vol. II pp. 13, 62. at Glenquoich; stopped near the mouth of Glengarry; then by gig and dog-cart to this distant retreat in the midst of lakes and mountains; arrived before dark. Here were my host and his son, Lord Digby and family, and Lady Harriet Sinclair Married afterwards to the Comte de Munster of Hanover, and died in 1867. (a Die Vernon), daughter of the Earl of Rosslyn. October 12. Started early this morning in dog-cart; took the steamer near Fort Augustus, then to Inverness, wh
ence built around Washington square, 1838 Improvement; digging down commenced, Sep. 4, 1866 Fortifications Castle, in the harbor, commenced to build, 1634 The gunner fires at a passing ship, June, 1637 Fortifications Castle. The gunner exchanges shots with a ship, Sep., 1644 Richard Davenport, the Commander, Oct., 1644 Struck by lightning, July, 1660 Again struck by lightning, Commander killed, July 16, 1664 Repaired and enlarged, 1696 Rebuilt, and named Fort William, 1705 Defended by one hundred guns, March, 1750 The block-house blown up by the British, Mar. 27, 1776 Criminals confined there, Feb., 1786 Ceded to the United States, Aug. 18, 1798 Named Fort Independence, July 31, 1799 Merry's Point (Battery street), were raised there, 1646 Again raised and repaired, 1656 Again repaired and strengthened, 1696 Again raised and enlarged, 1706 Said to have gone to decay, and useless, 1760 Neck, at Roxbury line, a gate put u
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 15: 1847-1850: Aet. 40-43. (search)
nasmuch as it combined education with observation in the field. The younger portion of the party consisted of several of his special pupils, and a few other Harvard students who joined the expedition from general interest. Beside these, there were several volunteer members, who were either naturalists or had been attracted to the undertaking by their love of nature and travel. Their object was the examination of the eastern and northern shores of Lake Superior from Sault Ste. Marie to Fort William, a region then little known to science or to tourists. Agassiz taught along the road. At evening, around the camp-fire, or when delayed by weather or untoward circumstances, he would give to his companions short and informal lectures, it might be on the forest about them, or on the erratic phenomena in the immediate neighborhood,—on the terraces of the lake shore, or on the fish of its waters. His lecture-room, in short, was everywhere; his apparatus a traveling blackboard and a bit of
vernment resolved on invading Georgia. It collected its forces from Cuba, and a large fleet, with an armament of which the force has been greatly Oglethorpe's Letters. McCall, i. 196. exaggerated, sailed towards the mouth of the St. Mary's. Fort William, which Oglethorpe had constructed at the southern extremity of Cumberland Island, defended the entrance successfully, till, fighting his way through Spanish vessels, which endeavored to intercept him, the general himself reinforced it. Then, p— July 14. deceived, too, by an ingenious stratagem,—the Spaniards, on the night of the fourteenth, reembarked, leaving a quantity of ammunition and guns behind them. On the eighteenth, on their way to the south, they renewed their attack on Fort William, which was bravely defended by Stuart and his little garrison of fifty men. The English boats watched the movements of the retreating squadron till it was south of the St. John's; and, on the twenty-fourth day of July, Oglethorpe could publish
l service in New Bedford. It is stated that the Federal troops have raised the National flag over ex-President Tyler's summer residence, "Marguerite Villa." Hampton, Va. Instead of giving $35,000 to the Michigan troops, it turns out that General Cass has only loaned the State $3,000, for which he receives legal interest. It is understood that the Cabinet has decided on raising a new levy of 75,000 troops for three years service. A formidable battery has been erected at Fort William for the protection of the harbor of St. Marks, Florida, and is well manned. There are now fifteen vessels-of-war in the Gulf of Mexico, twelve on the Atlantic coast, and ten in the Chesapeake and Potomac.--Every exertion is being made to add to this list with the least possible delay. Later from Fortress Monroe--Col. Bartlett's Naval Brigade. The steamer Georgiana, Captain Pearson, which left Fortress Monroe on Monday evening, arrived here yesterday morning. Among her passen