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Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., Fifth joint debate, at Galesburgh, October 7, 1858. (search)
discard all these things, and unite as one people throughout this land, until we shall once more stand up declaring that all men are created equal. [ That's right, etc.] Yes, I have no doubt that you think it is right, but the Lincoln men down in Coles, Tazewell and Sangamon counties do not think it is right. In the conclusion of the same speech, talking to the Chicago Abolitionists, he said: I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will bum in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a hold to one doctrine in Chicago and an opposite one in Jonesboro. I have proved that lie has a different set of principles for each of these localities. All I asked of him was that he should deliver the speech that he has made here to-day in Coles county instead of in old Knox. It would have settled the question between us in that doubtful county. Here I understand him to reaffirm the doctrine of negro equality, and to assert that by the Declaration of Independence the negro is declared equa
g, he was singularly unsuccessful. He was placed in possession of several tracts of land at different times and his life, but was never able to pay for a single one of them. The farm on which he died was one his son purchased, providing a life estate therein for him and his wife. He never fell in with the routine of labor; was what some people would call unfortunate or unlucky in all his business ventures — if in reality he ever made one--and died near the village of Farmington in Coles county, Illinois, on the 17th day of January, 1851. His son, on account of sickness in his own family, was unable to be present at his father's bedside, or witness his death. To those who notified him of his probable demise he wrote: I sincerely hope that father may yet recover his health; but at all events tell him to remember to call upon and confide in our great and good and merciful Maker, who will not turn away from him in any extremity. He notes the fall of a sparrow, and numbers the hairs o
ned to the glowing descriptions of prosperity in the adjoining counties, and before his death moved three times in search of better times and a healthy location. In 1851 we find him living on forty acres of land on Goose Nest prairie, in Coles county, Illinois. The land bore the usual incumbrance — a mortgage for two hundred dollars, which his son afterwards paid. On the 17th of January, after suffering for many weeks from a disorder of the kidneys, he passed away at the ripe old age — as hiver. At St. Louis they disembarked, Offut remaining behind while Lincoln, Hanks, and Johnston started across Illinois on foot. At Edwardsville they separated, Hanks going to Springfield, while Lincoln and his stepbrother followed the road to Coles county, to which point old Thomas Lincoln had meanwhile removed. Here Abe did not tarry long, probably not over a month, but long enough to dispose most effectually of one Daniel Needham, a famous wrestler who had challenged the returned boatman to
nce, but if I volunteered to recommend or even suggest a change of language which involved a change of sentiment I found him the most inflexible man I have ever seen. One more duty — an act of filial devotion-remained to be done before Abraham Lincoln could announce his readiness to depart for the city of Washington — a place from which it was unfortunately decreed he should never return. In the first week of February he slipped quietly away from Springfield and rode to Farmington in Coles County, where his aged step-mother was still living. Here, in the little country village, he met also the surviving members of the Hanks and Johnston families. He visited the grave of his father, old Thomas Lincoln, which had been unmarked and neglected for almost a decade, and left directions that a suitable stone should be placed there to mark the spot. Retracing his steps in the direction of Springfield he stopped over-night in the town of Charleston, where he made a brief address, recalli
e rudeness, republicanism is the sole hope of a sick world, so Lincoln, with all his foibles, is the greatest character since Christ. In 1863 Mr. Lincoln was informed one morning that among the visitors in the ante-room of the White House was a man who claimed to be his relative. He walked out and was surprised to find his boyhood friend and cousin, Dennis Hanks. The latter had come to see his distinguished relative on a rather strange mission. A number of persons living in Coles County, in Illinois, offended at the presence and conduct of a few soldiers who were at home from the war on furlough at the town of Charleston, had brought about a riot, in which encounter several of the latter had been killed. Several of the civilian participants who had acted as leaders in the strife had been arrested and sent to Fort McHenry or some other place of confinement equally as far from their homes. The leading lawyers and politicians of central Illinois were appealed to, but they and a
uture usefulness, at once engaged him to come back to New Salem, after his New Orleans voyage, to act as his clerk in a store. Once over the dam and her cargo reloaded, partly there and partly at Beardstown, the boat safely made the remainder of her voyage to New Orleans; and, returning by steamer to St. Louis, Lincoln and Johnston (Hanks had turned back from St. Louis) continued on foot to Illinois, Johnston remaining at the family home, which had meanwhile been removed from Macon to Coles County, and Lincoln going to his employer and friends at New Salem. This was in July or August, 1831. Neither Offutt nor his goods had yet arrived, and during his waiting he had a chance to show the New Salemites another accomplishment. An election was to be held, and one of the clerks was sick and failed to come. Scribes were not plenty on the frontier, and Mentor Graham, the clerk who was present, looking around for a properly qualified colleague, noticed Lincoln, and asked him if he coul
inspire the followers of each to active exertion. This hope and inspiration, added to the hot temper which the long discussion of antagonistic principles had engendered, served to infuse into the campaign enthusiasm, earnestness, and even bitterness, according to local conditions in the different sections. In campaign enthusiasm the Republican party easily took the lead. About a week before his nomination, Mr. Lincoln had been present at the Illinois State convention at Decatur in Coles County, not far from the old Lincoln home, when, at a given signal, there marched into the convention old John Hanks, one of his boyhood companions, and another pioneer, who bore on their shoulders two long fence rails decorated with a banner inscribed: Two rails from a lot made by Abraham Lincoln and John Hanks in the Sangamon Bottom in the year 1830. They were greeted with a tremendous shout of applause from the whole convention, succeeded by a united call for Lincoln, who sat on the platform
The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1864., [Electronic resource], The military despotism in the United States--speech of Senator Saulsbury. (search)
The military despotism in the United States--speech of Senator Saulsbury. The unexpected ebullition of popular feeling in illinois and Missouri, following close upon the speech of Senator Salisbury, of Delaware, shows that the people of the United States are getting tired of the military despotism of Lincoln — fired unto death, for in this "little affair" in Coles county, they have put their lives in the seale for freedom. The speech of Mr. Saulsbury was directed against military interference in elections. He said: The Senator from Michigan, (Mr. Howard,) had said that the time was unpropitious for the passage of such a bill as this. He would commend to him and others who thought like him the example of a distinguished British statesman, who, when the rights of the English subjects were at stake, rose in his place in Parliament and declined to discuss questions of war so long as private rights were in jeopardy. Under these constant encroachments of power we shall wake u
Monroe, April 7, speaks of a gunboat expedition up the Chickahominy, and says: The object of the expedition, which penetrated to within about fifteen miles of the rebel capital, was for secret purposes of the utmost importance, and was faithfully performed throughout. What ever it may have been, the officers concerned in it, viz: Capt Harris, Lieut Chambers, and Lieut Bladenhauser, deserve great credit for the prompt and fearless execution of the General's orders. In the Coles county (Illinois) rebellion eight lives were lost in the affray, and twenty-five prisoners are in custody. Those, it is said, will be turned over to the civil authorities, to be tried for riot and murder, the circumstances not being regarded such as to justify a military trial, or a trial for treason in the United States Courts. The 54th regiment, whose members were the objects of attack, and five of whom were killed, have offered a reward of $1,000 for those at large who were engaged in the affair