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Browsing named entities in a specific section of William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik. Search the whole document.

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Coles (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ned to the glowing descriptions of prosperity in the adjoining counties, and before his death moved three times in search of better times and a healthy location. In 1851 we find him living on forty acres of land on Goose Nest prairie, in Coles county, Illinois. The land bore the usual incumbrance — a mortgage for two hundred dollars, which his son afterwards paid. On the 17th of January, after suffering for many weeks from a disorder of the kidneys, he passed away at the ripe old age — as hiver. At St. Louis they disembarked, Offut remaining behind while Lincoln, Hanks, and Johnston started across Illinois on foot. At Edwardsville they separated, Hanks going to Springfield, while Lincoln and his stepbrother followed the road to Coles county, to which point old Thomas Lincoln had meanwhile removed. Here Abe did not tarry long, probably not over a month, but long enough to dispose most effectually of one Daniel Needham, a famous wrestler who had challenged the returned boatman to
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
disappeared from the village, and the inhabitants thereof never knew whither he went. In the significant language of Lincoln he petered out. As late as 1873 I received a letter from Dr. James Hall, a physician living at St. Dennis, near Baltimore, Maryland, who, referring to the disappearance of Offut, relates the following reminiscence: Of what consequence to know or learn more of Offut I cannot imagine; but be assured he turned up after leaving New Salem. On meeting the name it seemed familiar, but I could not locate him. Finally I fished up from memory that some twenty-five years ago one Denton Offut appeared in Baltimore, hailing from Kentucky, advertising himself in the city papers as a verterinary surgeon and horse tamer, professing to have a secret to whisper in the horse's ear, or a secret manner of whispering in his ear, which he could communicate to others, and by which the most refractory and vicious horse could be quieted and controlled. For this secret he charged f
Salem, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
e remainder of the year there they must head her down-stream. In this emergency recourse was had to my cousin Rowan Herndon, who had had no little experience as a boatman, and who recommended the employment of Lincoln as a skilful assistant. These two inland navigators undertook therefore the contract of piloting the vessel — which had now become elephantine in proportions — through the uncertain channel of the Sangamon to the Illinois river. The average speed was four miles a day. At new Salem safe passage over the mill-dam was deemed impossible unless the same could be lowered or a portion removed. The affair at New Salem is thus described by Oliphant in the poem before referred to: And when we came to Salem dam, Up we went against it jam: We tried to cross with all our might, But found we couldn't and staid all night. To this, Cameron and Rutledge, owners of the mill, entered their most strenuous protest. The boat's officers responded that under the Federal Constitution
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ir eyes, Johnston and I handing them to him. After thus disposing of the hog problem they again swung loose and floated down-stream. From the Sangamon they passed to the Illinois. At Beardstown their unique craft, with its sails made of planks and cloth, excited the amusement and laughter of those who saw them from the shore. Once on the bosom of the broad Mississippi they glided past Alton, St. Louis, and Cairo in rapid succession, tied up for a day at Memphis, and made brief stops at Vicksburg and Natchez. Early in May they reached New Orleans, where they lingered a month, disposing of their cargo and viewing the sights which the Crescent City afforded. In New Orleans, for the first time Lincoln beheld the true horrors of human slavery. He saw negroes in chains-whipped and scourged. Against this inhumanity his sense of right and justice rebelled, and his mind and conscience were awakened to a realization of what he had often heard and read. No doubt, as one of his compan
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
t, becoming tired, we carried them to the boat. Abe received them and cut open their eyes, Johnston and I handing them to him. After thus disposing of the hog problem they again swung loose and floated down-stream. From the Sangamon they passed to the Illinois. At Beardstown their unique craft, with its sails made of planks and cloth, excited the amusement and laughter of those who saw them from the shore. Once on the bosom of the broad Mississippi they glided past Alton, St. Louis, and Cairo in rapid succession, tied up for a day at Memphis, and made brief stops at Vicksburg and Natchez. Early in May they reached New Orleans, where they lingered a month, disposing of their cargo and viewing the sights which the Crescent City afforded. In New Orleans, for the first time Lincoln beheld the true horrors of human slavery. He saw negroes in chains-whipped and scourged. Against this inhumanity his sense of right and justice rebelled, and his mind and conscience were awakened to
Macon county, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
the navigability of the Sangamon fully demonstrated. the vessel reaches Beardstown. After a fortnight of rough and fatiguing travel the colony of Indiana emigrants reached a point in Illinois five miles north-west of the town of Decatur in Macon county. John Hanks, son of that Joseph Hanks in whose shop at Elizabethtown Thomas Lincoln had learned what he knew of the carpenter's art, met and sheltered them until they were safely housed on a piece of land which he had selected for them five mng to the usual audience of undemonstrative stumps and voiceless trees. His first attempt at public speaking after landing in Illinois is thus described to me by John Hanks, whose language I incorporate: After Abe got to Decatur, or rather to Macon county, a man by the name of Posey came into our neighborhood and made a speech. It was a bad one, and I said Abe could beat it. I turned down a box and Abe made his speech. The other man was a candidate — Abe wasn't. Abe beat him to death, his sub
Beardstown (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
gh. the navigability of the Sangamon fully demonstrated. the vessel reaches Beardstown. After a fortnight of rough and fatiguing travel the colony of Indiana emi and floated down-stream. From the Sangamon they passed to the Illinois. At Beardstown their unique craft, with its sails made of planks and cloth, excited the amusuncement that he had purchased a stock of goods which were to follow him from Beardstown. He had again retained the services of Lincoln to assist him when his merchaoln was hired to pilot the vessel through to the Illinois river. Arriving at Beardstown the pilot was discharged, and returned on foot across the sand and hills to ti, a number of citizens — among the number Lincolnhad gone down the river to Beardstown to meet the vessel as she emerged from the Illinois. These were armed with ath her. Lincoln and Herndon, in charge of the vessel, piloted her through to Beardstown. There they were paid forty dollars each, according to contract, and bidding
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ng to do. Leisure never sat heavily on him. To him there was nothing uncongenial in it, and he might very properly have been dubbed at the time a loafer. He assured those with whom he came in contact that he was a piece of floating driftwood; that after the winter of deep snow, he had come down the river with the freshet; borne along by the swelling waters, and aimlessly floating about, he had accidentally lodged at New Salem. Looking back over his history we are forced to conclude that Providence or chance, or whatever power is responsible for it, could not have assigned him to a more favorable refuge. His introduction to the citizens of New Salem, as Mentor Graham Nicolay and Hay in the Century make the mistake of spelling this man's name Menton Graham. In all the letters and papers from him he signs himself Mentor in every case.--J. W. W. the school-teacher tells us, was in the capacity of clerk of an election board. Graham furnishes ample testimony of the facility, fair
Illinois river (United States) (search for this): chapter 5
nt with one Dr. Nelson, who after the style of dignitaries of later days started with his family and effects in his private conveyance — which in this instance was a flat-boat — for Texas. Lincoln was hired to pilot the vessel through to the Illinois river. Arriving at Beardstown the pilot was discharged, and returned on foot across the sand and hills to New Salem. In the meantime Offut's long expected goods had arrived, and Lincoln was placed in charge. Offut relied in no slight degree on ed the employment of Lincoln as a skilful assistant. These two inland navigators undertook therefore the contract of piloting the vessel — which had now become elephantine in proportions — through the uncertain channel of the Sangamon to the Illinois river. The average speed was four miles a day. At new Salem safe passage over the mill-dam was deemed impossible unless the same could be lowered or a portion removed. The affair at New Salem is thus described by Oliphant in the poem before re
Sangamon (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
he had selected was on a bluff overlooking the Sangamon river,--for these early settlers must always be in si death, his subject being the navigation of the Sangamon river. The man, after Abe's speech was through, took man, whose operations extended up and down the Sangamon river for many miles. Having heard glowing reports oe trip to New Orleans. Abe and I came down the Sangamon river in a canoe in March, 1831; landed at what is not neighborhood. In August the waters of the Sangamon river washed Lincoln in to New Salem. This once sprastures. Skirting the base of the bluff is the Sangamon river, which, coming around a sudden bend from the sone bluff and then hugging the other, rolls the Sangamon river. The village of New Salem, which once stood on the news of the coming of a steamboat down the Sangamon river — proof incontestable that the stream was navig and all the other towns along the now interesting Sangamon The final syllable of this name was then pronou
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