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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Corwin, Thomas 1794-1865 (search)
Corwin, Thomas 1794-1865 Statesman; born in Bourbon county, Ky., July 29, 1794; reared to manhood on a farm, attending a common school in winter; began the study of law in 1815; admitted to the bar in 1818; became a member of the Ohio legislature in 1822, and was elected to Congress in 1830. He remained in the Thomas Corwin. House until elected governor of Ohio in 1840. In 1845 he was chosen United States Senator, and was called to the cabinet of President Fillmore in 1850, as Secretary of the Treasury. He was again elected to Congress in 1859. In 1861 President Lincoln sent him as minister to Mexico. Mr. Corwin was an eloquent, witty, and effective speaker. He died in Washington, D. C., Dec. 18, 1865. The War with Mexico. The action of Congress upon the subject of the Mexican War, in the winter of 1846-47, gave rise to a question in which an important principle was involved. Is it the duty of the legislature to provide the means of prosecuting a war made unconsti
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
ction and rebellion......Aug. 25, 1856 House of Ottawa Jones burned by proslavery ruffians......Aug. 29, 1856 Osawatomie sacked by Missourians, and Frederick Brown killed......Aug. 30, 1856 Missourians commence the raids in Linn and Bourbon counties, followed later by James Montgomery's retaliatory measures......August, 1856 William Phillips, free-State, killed at a Leavenworth city election......Sept. 1, 1856 John W. Geary, of Pennsylvania, third territorial governor, promises inarrives at Lecompton......Dec. 18, 1858 John Brown and his men go into Missouri, liberate fourteen slaves, and bring them into Kansas......Dec. 20, 1858 Kansas in 1858, by W. P. Tomlinson, contains a history of the troubles in Linn and Bourbon counties......Dec. 31, 1858 Democratic territorial convention, Tecumseh, states that the slavery question is practically settled in favor of a free State ......May 11, 1859 Republican party organized in Kansas; convention at Osawatomie addresse
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
States at the 31st parallel N. lat., from the Mississippi to the St. Mary's River; but in ceding Florida to Spain no boundary on the north is mentioned, hence Spain claims north to the mouth of the Yazoo River; signed......Sept. 3, 1782 County of Bourbon established by Georgia of all lands east of the Mississippi between lat. 31° and the mouth of the Yazoo, to which Indian titles had been extinguished......Feb. 7, 1785 Act erecting Bourbon county repealed......Feb. 1, 1788 Four companBourbon county repealed......Feb. 1, 1788 Four companies chartered by the Georgia legislature with control of more than 3,000,000 acres of land in Mississippi at the rate of 2 1/2 cents per acre, to be paid into the State treasury......Jan. 7, 1795 Treaty at Madrid with Spain fixes the southern boundary of the United States at lat. 31° N.; the western boundary the middle of the Mississippi River, with free navigation......Oct. 27, 1795 Georgia legislature rescinds grants to the Mississippi companies......Feb. 13, 1796 Spanish commissioner