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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 7: Manassas. (search)
ve in any capacity under General Garnett, then commanding there. After that unfortunate commander was killed, and his army expelled from the country, the Confederate Government sent out from Staunton a much more powerful expedition, under General Robert E. Lee. This commander endeavored to shorten the arduous line of communication over the mountain roads, by leaving the Central Virginia Railroad, at a point forty miles west of Staunton, and penetrating the northwest through the counties of Bath and Pochahontas at the Valley Mountain. But the intrinsic difficulties of his line, aggravated by a season of unusual rains, robbed him of solid success. From his great reputation, and the fine force entrusted to him, brilliant results were expected. In this hope General Jackson concurred. He wrote, August 15th, to his wife:--General Lee has recently gone west, and I hope that we will soon hear that our God has again crowned our arms with victory. . .. If General Lee remains in the Northw
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 8: winter campaign in the Valley. 1861-62. (search)
r incursions. Good roads led up this stream from Moorefield to its head, far in the rear of General Edward Johnson's position on the Alleghany, which the enemy had found so impregnable in front. The prediction of General Jackson was now verified, and that force, to save its communications, was after a little compelled to retire to the Shenandoah mountain, only twenty-five miles from Staunton, thus surrendering to the inroads of the Federalists the three counties of Pendleton, Highland, and Bath. Winchester was again exposed to the advance of the enemy from four directions. The difficulties of General Jackson's position were, at the same time, aggravated by a diminution of his force. General Loring having been assigned to a distant field of operations, his command was divided between the Valley and Potomac districts. The brigade of General Anderson, composed of Tennessee troops, was sent, with two regiments from that of Colonel Taliaferro, to Evansport, on General Johnston's e
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 50: operations in 1865. (search)
the corn crop in the Valley a very short one, and, as Sheridan had destroyed a considerable quantity of small grain and hay, I found it impossible to sustain the horses of my cavalry and artillery where they were, and forage could not be obtained from elsewhere. I was therefore compelled to send Fitz. Lee's two brigades to General Lee, and Lomax's cavalry was brought from across the Blue Ridge, where the country was exhausted of forage, and sent west into the counties of Pendleton, Highland, Bath, Alleghany and Greenbrier, where hay could be obtained. Rosser's brigade had to be temporarily disbanded, and the men allowed to go to their homes with their horses, to sustain them, with orders to report when called on,--one or two companies, whose homes were down the Valley, being required to picket and scout in front of New Market. The men and horses of Lieutenant Colonel King's artillery were sent to Southwestern Virginia to be wintered, and most of the horses of the other battalion
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
91, 402, 414, 455, 456, 460, 461 Banks' Ford, 208, 212, 229, 231, 233 Banks, General (U. S. A.), 75, 92, 101, 103, 112, 156, 157, 475 Barksdale, Colonel, 19, 20, 23, 25 Barksdale, General, 147, 149, 195, 196, 198, 200, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 218, 219, 221-25, 228, 232-34, 404 Barlow, General, 268 Barnett's Ford, 93 Bartlett's Mill, 318, 319, 320, 321, 324 Barton, Lieutenant, 240 Bartonsville, 241, 242, 368, 369 Bartow, General, 31, 32 Bath County, 459 Battle, General, 346, 422, 450 Baylor, Lieutenant, 461 Bealton, 307 Beauregard, General, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34; 35, 38, 44, 46, 47, 51, 52, 341 Beaver Dam Creek, 361, 362 Beckham, Lieutenant, 22, 25, 26, 38 Bedford City, 372, 374 Bedford County, 378 Bee, General, 31, 32, 37 Belle Grove, 437, 441 Benning, Colonel, 81, 82 Berkeley County, 366, 367, 368 Bermuda Hundreds, 360 Bernard House, 196 Berry, Ma
ngress at Montgomery, was made public, the injunction of secrecy having been removed therefrom.--(Doc. 140.) A meeting of the principal shipowners and commercial men of Maine was held at Augusta. It was summoned by Governor Washburn to take into consideration the state of the country, and the expediency of procuring a guard for the coast. Resolutions were adopted tendering the services of the shipowners to the Government, and pledging their ability to furnish thirty steam vessels within from 60 to 90 days, if required. George F. Patten, of Bath, John B. Brown, of Portland, and George W. Lawrence, of Warren, were appointed a committee to proceed to Washington and communicate to the Government the views of the merchants and shopkeepers of the State, and to urge the most vigorous action in the premises. The meeting embraced the leading shipowners of all parties, and the sentiment in favor of executing the laws was not only unanimous, but enthusiastic.--Boston Transcript, May 8.
take up arms against the United States, or in any wise aid or abet the rebellion — making their slaves free as a consequence. At one o'clock to-night, the Thirteenth Massachusetts regiment, under command of Col. Leonard, was called out to make a midnight foray into Virginia. Companies A and B crossed the Potomac in a scow. They had strict orders not to make a noise. After several incidents, such as are common to such expeditions, they marched on and drove the rebels from Hancock to Bath, Va., and then drove them from the place last named without firing a single shot. They reached Berkley Springs, Va., about daylight, and stopped long enough to take a bath in the sulphur spring, and then returned, having taken eleven hundred bushels of corn, several cart-loads of potatoes, turnips, cabbages, &c., which were destined for the use of the rebels.--Boston Transcript, Dec. 12. This morning, before daylight, Commander Rodgers left Tybee Roads, Ga., with three United States gunbo
met by the rebel cavalry, who were driven from point to point, and at last the whole rebel force beat a hasty retreat from the town as the Nationals charged through it.--(Doc. 4.) All the Kentucky banks, located where rebel domination prevails, were consolidated under Henry J. Lyons, formerly of Louisville, as President, who had authority to run them for the Southern Confederacy.--Louisville Journal, January 4. Judge Hemphill, ex-Senator in the Congress of the United States, and afterwards a member of the rebel Congress, died in Richmond, Va. Gen. Jackson, with a large rebel force, appeared at Bath, Va., where there were but about five hundred Union troops, these being detachments of several regiments. An attack was made by the whole rebel militia, who were twice repulsed by the National volunteers. Subsequently General Jackson's regulars made an attack in front, at the same time executing a flank movement, when the National troops fell back on Hancock, Va.--(Doc. 5.)
alty. The prisoners were defiant in their remarks, saying that they owed allegiance to the United States alone, etc. All three of them are Virginians by birth.--Richmond Dispatch, April 22. Gen. Milroy, at the head of a reconnoitring force, overtook the rear-guard of the rebel cavalry six miles west of the railroad, near Buffalo Gap, Augusta County, Western Virginia. They fled, rapidly pursued by the Nationals. Milroy learned that their main body stopped the previous night six miles beyond Buffalo Gap, but finding they were cut off at Staunton by Gen. Banks, they bore south-west, through both Bath and Alleghany Counties, toward the James River. A company that was sent by General Milroy down the north fork of the Potomac, in Pendleton County, captured eight rebels, including Barnett, a notorious guerrilla.--New York Commercial, April 25. The ship R. C. Files was captured by the National fleet, while attempting to run the blockade of Mobile, Ala.--New York Tribune, May 9.
ance. The rebel batteries at Genesis Point, on the Ogeechee River, Georgia, were shelled by the National gunboats.--Savannah Republican, July 30. Russellville, Ky., was this day captured by a band of rebel guerrillas, under Col. Gano. The town was defended by the home guard, but they were overpowered by superior force. Seval of their number ware killed and one wounded.--Large meetings were held at Bath, N. Y., and Rutland, Vt, for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army, under the call of President Lincoln for three hundred thousand additional troops. At Bath two thousand dollars were raised to aid volunteering. A detachment of Union cavalry, under the command of Captain Dollin, attacked a force of rebels, numbering about eighty, near Brownsville, Tenn., and captured forty of them. The rebels were afterwards reinforced, and recaptured twenty-nine men and fourteen horses. The National loss was four killed and six wounded; the rebel loss was about the same.
ving marched nearly three hundred miles in six days. Col. Cloud was left to continue the pursuit, and it is not improbable that the main force of the rebels will be forced to surrender. A party of rebel cavalry, under the command of Captain White, entered Waterford, Va., early this morning, and captured a large portion of a company of National cavalry under Capt. Means. Capt. Means escaped.--The Nineteenth regiment of Maine volunteers, under the command of Col. Frederick D. Sewall, left Bath for the seat of war.--An enthusiastic war meeting was held at Boston, Mass., at which speeches were made by Gov. Andrew, Edward Everett, Robert C. Winthrop, Senator McDougal of California, and others.--Battle Creek, Ala., was evacuated by the Union army under General Buell. The battle of Kettle Run, near Bristow Station, Va., was this day fought by the Union forces under Gen. Hooker, and a division of the rebel army of Gen. Jackson, under Gen. Ewell. The engagement lasted for several ho
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