Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Berkeley County (West Virginia, United States) or search for Berkeley County (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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, I was enabled to open fire unexpectedly upon the regiment, which proved to be the Forty-second New York, or Tammany regiment, one of the best, it is said, in the service of the enemy. This force was soon driven in confusion and rapidly toward Berkeley. Our skirmishers had captured three prisoners of the enemy and killed them. Pursuit was made as rapidly as the skirmishers could proceed through the woods. The Tammany regiment was, however, too fleet for us, and reached the main body of McClellan's army at Berkeley before we reached it. I was checked in pursuit by finding a brigade in line of battle across the road, and a gunboat getting into position. I had only six rounds of ammunition left for the howitzers, and three hundred men. Many wagons, ambulances, and stores destroyed, and wounded left at Haxall's, disclosed the confusion which must have prevailed in the retreating army. Privates Volney Metcalf and William Barnard, of company A, of the legion, deserve especial notice f
tzhugh Lee. On the evening of the twentieth, the command moved from Shepherdstown and encamped near the Opequon, in the vicinity of Martinsburg. We remained near Martinsburg until the twenty-seventh, when we moved to Bunker Hill, in the County of Berkeley. The official list of casualties of my command, during the period embraced in this report, will show that we sustained a loss of thirty-eight officers killed and one hundred and seventy-one wounded, of three hundred and thirteen non-comms good address and consummate skill, captured the picket, and we soon found ourselves in the midst of the enemy's encampments; but the darkest night I ever knew. Fortunately, we captured, at this moment, so critical, a negro who had known me in Berkeley, and who, recognizing me, informed me of the location of General Pope's staff, baggage, horses, &c., and offered to guide me to the spot. After a brief consultation, it was determined to accept the negro's proposition, as whatever was to be don