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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 4 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 4 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 4 2 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 4 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 4: The Cavalry (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 2 0 Browse Search
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seven thousand copies a day. Every man in the volunteer regiments, who would receive one, has been furnished with a very neat and portable copy of the New Testament; and the same good work is to be done for the other regiments that may yet volunteer in the service of their country to the end of the war. So noble an object is worthy of everybody's sympathy and cooperation. The Second regiment of Ohio Volunteers, under command of Colonel L. A. Harris, left their camp this morning for Elizabethtown, forty-two miles south of Louisville, on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, the rendezvous of the troops in Western and Southern Kentucky. The schooner E. Waterman, loaded with salt, provisions, coffee, and lead, and munitions of war; was captured off Savannah, Ga., by the steamer Augusta.--N. Y. Herald, Dec. 20. Yesterday afternoon a rebel force, consisting of a battery of six pieces, and about four hundred Infantry and two hundred Cavalry, made their appearance at Dam No
December 27. Elizabethtown, Ky., was this day captured by the rebel forces, under General J. H. Morgan, after a short resistance by the Union garrison of the post, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel H. S. Smith. An immense amount of public and private property was destroyed and carried off by the rebel troops.--(Docs. 52 and 88.) A fight took place at Dumfries, Va., between the garrison of the town, consisting of three infantry regiments, a section of a field-battery, and a regiment of cavalry, under the command of Colonel Charles Candy, and the rebel forces of Generals Stuart and Fitz-Hugh Lee, with a battery of artillery, in all about three thousand five hundred men, resulting, after a desperate conflict of several hours' duration, in a retreat of the rebel forces with great loss.--(Doc. 89.) Yesterday the expeditionary army, under General Sherman, successfully disembarked near the mouth of the Yazoo River, and to-day marched on Vicksburgh.--(Doc. 91.) To-
ling four and capturing five prisoners and twenty-five horses, and a lot of rifles and equipments. The rebels fled. There was no loss on the National side.--the army of the Potomac commenced its march for the relief of Maryland and Pennsylvania, these States being threatened by a large body of rebels under General Lee.--the negroes of Pennsylvania were called upon by Governor Curtin to furnish troops for the defence of the Government.--A party of rebel cavalry intercepted the cars at Elizabethtown, Ky., capturing sixty horses and committing other depredations.--the town of Eunice,----, was destroyed by the National gunboat Marmora.--the bark Good Hope, in lat. 22° 49′ south, long. 42° 09′ west, was captured and burned by the rebel privateer Georgia.--the schooner Fashion, from Mobile, was captured off the island of Cuba, by the United States steamer Juniata.--A public meeting was held in Montgomery County, Indiana, at which a resolution was passed, declaring that no enrolment of mil<
Doc. 12.-rebel raid into Indiana. New-Albany, Indiana, June 20, 1863. Last week a raid was made into Elizabethtown, Kentucky, by what was then supposed to be a force of guerrillas. They did little damage except to plunder the stores, and help themselves to whatever portable property struck their fancy. Horses suffered particularly, they being a self-moving article of plunder. Medicines, wearing apparel, and boots and shoes were also much in demand. After a stay of a few hours in ade. They were well armed with sabres, carbines, and revolvers, and uniformed in the regular uniform of rebel cavalry. They were estimated from eighty to one hundred and thirty strong-probably much nearer the former number. After leaving Elizabethtown nothing more was heard from them until, on Thursday last, word was brought that five hundred rebels were crossing the Ohio, near Leavenworth, sixteen miles below this point. Hardly had the news become circulated before another messenger arri
gh Hoover's Gap, a long, narrow, winding hollow through a chain of hills dividing the waters of Stone and Duck Rivers, and about seventeen miles from Murfreesboro. Two thirds through the gap the rebels had fortified a strong position, but his brigade was so close on their heels that they had not time to deploy into their works before it was inside also. They immediately skedaddled, losing forty-two prisoners and the battle-flag of the First Kentucky cavalry, the one presented them at Elizabethtown, Ky., by the sister of General Ben. Hardin Helm, and worked by her hands. Colonel Wilder will send it to the State library to grace its walls. He drove them on a run four miles beyond the gap, and had halted the main part of his force at the mouth of the gap, when he heard the long-roll sounded in their infantry camps two miles down the Garrison fork of Duck River to his right. He immediately made the proper dispositions for a fight, being determined to hold the mouth of the gap until Ge
e tells, By its light heed of human suffering, That it was fashioned for a happier world. But, as I get so far, I suddenly find I have company, and am joined by one of my comrades, who, having heard my involuntary soliloquy, accuses me of getting sentimental, and shaking off the spell that seemed to enthrall me, I return to camp, and throwing myself on the ground, I sleep soundly until morning breaks, and the bugle calls us once more to mount. Here we are informed that Morgan left Elizabethtown on his right, and struck for Brandenburgh, commencing to cross the Ohio River on the Alice Dean and the J. T. McCoombs. On the morning of the ninth, we again started in pursuit, feeling a little elated to find that we have gained something on him in the journey. We captured three prisoners shortly after leaving Laurenceville, who told us that at the fight at Green River they lost one hundred and ten men in killed and wounded, including Colonel Chenault, one major and four captains. As
an orderly. Our command was bountifully fed, and I think the people of Indiana and Ohio are anxious for peace; and could the idea of their ability to conquer us once be gotten rid of, they would clamor for an immediate recognition. Every town was illuminated, and the people everywhere rejoicing over the downfall of Vicksburgh. Crops of wheat and oats are very good, but corn very poor indeed. After leaving the Ohio at Belleville, on the night of the nineteenth, we marched to near Elizabethtown, in Wirt County, from there to Steer Creek, and across the mountains to Sutton; from Sutton on the Gauley Bridge road to Birch Creek, crossing Gauley at mouth of Cranberry, and thence into the Greenbrier County, crossing Cold Mountain, passing over a heavy blockaded road, tired steeds preventing rapid marches, and six days were consumed ere we reached Lewisburgh, near which we left Colonel Grigsby, with a detachment, which then numbered about four hundred and seventy-five men. From the c
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), The drummer-boy of the Rappahannock. (search)
ou will be in my place. Robert is a native of New-York, but moved with his parents to Michigan when he was an infant. His father died ten or twelve years ago, leaving his mother in destitute circumstances, and with a family of four children to support and educate. About fifteen months ago, our drummer-boy went from Jackson (Michigan) to Detroit, with Captain C. V. Deland, in the capacity of waiter in the Ninth Michigan. With that regiment he went to Louisville, West-Point, Ky., and Elizabethtown, Ky.--at the last-named place he was appointed drummer-boy. Since that time he has been in six battles, as follows: Lebanon, Murfreesboro, Chattanooga, Shelbyville, McMinnsville, and Fredericksburgh. At the battle of Murfreesboro, where the Union forces were taken by surprise before daylight in the morning, after beating the long-roll, and pulling the fifer out of bed to assist him, he threw aside his drum, and seizing a gun, fired sixteen rounds at the enemy from the window of the cou
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Bragg's invasion of Kentucky. (search)
on would have abandoned the city. But suppose neither plan had been adopted, the next chance for a supreme commander of the Kentucky forces was to concentrate and attack Buell's flank while his army was strung out en route to Louisville. Elizabethtown would have been a good place, and had it been done with vigor about September 23d it certainly would have resulted in victory. But at this time General Smith's forces were all moving to Mount Sterling, 130 miles to the east of that place (ElElizabethtown), and General Smith was asking, not ordering, General Marshall to cooperate with him. The next field upon which a supreme commander had an opportunity to concentrate and attack was at Perryville. Three hundred cavalry could have played with Generals Sill and Dumont around Frankfort, and every other soldier, except a few scouts, could then have struck Gilbert's corps as day dawned on the 8th of October. Since, in the final result, we neither defeated Buell nor took Louisville, it
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Morgan's cavalry during the Bragg invasion. (search)
ped on the following night at Shryock's ferry on the Kentucky River. At midnight he was attacked by Dumont, and fearing that he would be surrounded and entrapped in the rugged hills of that region, he marched with all speed for Lawrenceburg, four miles distant, reaching and passing through that little town just as a heavy Federal column, sent to intercept him there, was entering it upon the Frankfort turnpike. Passing around Bardstown on the next day, we encamped between that place and Elizabethtown. We were now directly in Buell's rear, and during the next twenty-fourhours captured many laggards, and several wagon trains--one quite large and richly laden. From the 20th to the 25th of October Morgan continued to march in a south-western direction, reaching Hopkinsville on the 25th. Here he had entirely passed beyond the zone of Federal garrisons in middle Kentucky, but still had arduous work before him in Tennessee and in front of Nashville, whither Buell, having turned aside f
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