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. Anderson, was to move by Boonsborbugh and Rohrersville to carry the Maryland Heights. The signal efferson and Burkittsville upon the road to Rohrersville. I have reliable information that the mounit as soon as practicable, and debouch upon Rohrersville in order to cut off the retreat of or destrm passing the ford, you will then return by Rohrersville on the direct road to Boonsborough, if the ack. If it has succeeded, take the road to Rohrersville, to Sharpsburg and Williamsport, in order e you occupy with your command the road from Rohrersville to Harper's Ferry, placing a sufficient force at Rohrersville to hold that position in case it should be attacked by the enemy from Boonsborouguntain in Pleasant Valley, three miles from Rohrersville, Sept. 15, 8.50 A. M. general: My commanered one of his brigades and one battery to Rohrersville, or to the strongest point in its vicinity.rigade in sight. As soon as I am sure that Rohrersville is occupied I shall move forward to attack
scene of joy. The secession expedition had been an entire failure in that quarter; they received no recruits of the slightest consequence and no free — will offerings of any kind. It was soon ascertained that the main body of the enemy's forces had marched out of the city on the two previous days, taking the roads to Boonsborough and Harper's Ferry, thereby rendering it necessary to force the passes through the Catoctin and South Mountain ridges, and gain possession of Boonsborough and Rohrersville, before any relief could be extended to Col. Miles at Harper's Ferry. On the 13th an order fell into my hands issued by Gen. Lee, which fully disclosed his plans, and I immediately gave orders for a rapid and vigorous forward movement. The following is a copy of the order referred to: headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia, Sept. 9, 1862. Special Orders, No. 191. The army will resume its march to-morrow, taking the Hagerstown road. Gen. Jackson's command will form the ad
he latter command at that time consisting of but one weak division, Sykes's) by the old Sharpsburg road; and Gen. Franklin to move into Pleasant Valley, occupy Rohrersville by a detachment, and endeavor to relieve Harper's Ferry. Gens. Burnside and Porter, upon reaching the road from Boonsborough to Rohrersville, were to reinfoRohrersville, were to reinforce Franklin or to move on Sharpsburg, according to circumstances. Franklin moved towards Brownsville and found there a force of the enemy, much superior in numbers to his own, drawn up in a strong position to receive him. At this time the cessation of firing at Harper's Ferry indicated the surrender of that place. The ca and Williamsport road; the second on the Keedysville and Sharpsburg turnpike, some two and a half miles below; the third about a mile below the second, on the Rohrersville and Sharpsburg road; and the fourth near the mouth of Antietam creek, on the road leading from Harper's Ferry to Sharpsburg, some three miles below the third.
373-375 ; immediate advance to, impracticable, 385, 466 ; advance to, from Harrison's Landing, 491-497. Rich Mountain, W. Va., 61-63. Ricketts, Gen. T. B., in Pope's campaign, 509 ; South Mountain, 579-581 ; Antietam, 590. Roach, Col., 302. Robertson, Capt., at Gaines's Mill, 415, 417 ; Antietam, 601, 602. Robinson, Capt., 340. Rodgers. Corn., 287 ; at Yorktown. 314 ; Malvern. 429, 434 436, 437. Rodman, Gen. I. P., at South Mountain, 577, 578 ; Antietam, 603-605, 613. Rohrersville, Md., 561-564. 572, 584. Rosecrans, Gen. W. S., in W. Va. campaign. 59. Rossell, Col., 443. Rucker, Col. D. H., 128. Rush, Col., 303, 574. Russell, Maj. W. W., 123. Sackett, Gen. D. B., 124, 603 ; letters, 609-611. Sand-Box, Va., 254. 292. Saunders, Capt., 322. Savage's Station, Va., 366, 378, 379, 423, 424 ; battle of, 426-428. Sawtelle, Capt., 128 ; report on transports, 500. Scammon, Gen. E. P., at South Mountain, 576 ; Antietam, 603, 605, 606. Scott, Gen. W., com