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anding officer at South Mills. I have the honor to be your ob't serv't. S. E. Burnside., Maj. Gen., Commanding Dep't of North Carolina. Capture of S vessels. Flag Ship Wabash, Port Royal Harbor, S. C., April 28, 1862. Sir: --I have just me this morning, before the Department of the Susquenan to inform the Department of the rroval here of the rebel steamer Isabel, (Ellen Worley) in charge of Lieutenancy Gibson and a prize crow she having been captured by the J g de Cuba, Commander Ridgeley, one hundred miles north of Abaco. She is deeply loaded with ld and has, supposed, rifled cannon in her hold, which has not yet been examined. These guns were taken on board or course, at one of the neutral colonies off our coast. I am informed by Lieutenant Gibson that the St. Jago de Cuba discovered and chased the Nashville; but the latter was much too swift for her. The Nashville also has guns on board for the reb 1., intended to run the blockade, if possib
and "developing their own resources;" a command of the grain market, that will enable them, when bad harvests afflict Europe, to create a famine there and an export duty on cotton, that will more than equalize the difference in the price of their labor and that of other countries, how can England, France, and Spain resist their dominion? From the former, aided (if need be) by Russia, they will take her American possessions, including the fisheries, whose competition they have, from the last, Cuba and St. Domingo; from all, the markets of the world. For, strive as they may, never will those powers be able to obtain elsewhere cotton so good and cheap as we can furnish to them. Mexico, of course, will be theirs in time — an empire far greater than ever Napoleon could have attumed to. See, in contrast to this, what assisting us will give to the European powers.--All we ask is recognition, and the raising of the blockade, that we may receive your manufactures (including munitions of
received via Havana, state that after conferences, in which the Plenipotentiaries of the Allied Powers could not come to an understanding, General Prim announced his determination to re-embark with his troops, and applied to the Captain-General of Cuba to send him the necessary transports. marshal Serrano, after having consulted with the civil and military authorities of Havana, did not think proper to accede to the application, and requested General do Gassett to return to Mexico and assume th view its occupation of Mexico, on whatever terms it may take place, without the slightest jealousy or ill will, and that we shall rejoice in its success. To Mexico itself a French occupation would be an almost unmixed benefit. A prayer from Cuba for protection from America.[from the Paris Patric, may 17.] The principal inhabitants of Havana have addressed a petition to the Queen of Spain, in which they pray that the Spanish troops may continue to act in accord with the French in the q
President of the United States. Col. Cowan, on the 22d ult., with the 10th and 34th Missouri regiments, surprised and routed a rebel force under Gen. Friday at Tuscumbia, Ala. Two hundred prisoners, a number of cannon, and wagon train were captured. The late scare in Kentucky was quite unwarranted by facts. In the fight near Richmond, on Wednesday, the Federal took 100 prisoners and recaptured all the wagons. The Rhode Island reached Key West on the 16th, after a cruise around Cuba, in the course of which who had a long chase after the Alabama, but did not catch her. In the Senate, on the bill to incorporate a school for the education of colored children in the District of Columbia, Mr. Carille spoke in opposition to educating any one who had a dark complexion. He was roundly roasted by Grimes and Morrill, men who believe in letting even the Devil read the Bible. On an indirect motion to kill the bill, nine white men, calling themselves freemen, and being United
erica; sold the half-baked savage to the Southern planter; "demanded" and received the highest cash price for the article; and from his first introduction into America down to the very day of the dissolution of the Union, were the only Americans engaged in the slave trade. They have built up their factories and commerce by his labor, and in the meantime, the chattel having become civilized Christian, and industrious, they naturally desire to steal him back, so that they can sell him again to Cuba at the increased valuation which he has derived from his Southern residence. Having taken all the trouble to bring him from Africa, and had him properly educated in a school of civilization, who can deny that they may properly "demand from him whatever services he can render?" Nor does another proposition of the philanthropic Banks admit of question. "The Government makes use of mules, horses, uneducated and educated white men in the defence of its institutions. Why should not the negr
published letter." Mr. Seward accomplishes another blunder in the following paragraph: Since that time many occasions have arisen for departing from a rule which at the first glance, might seem to be an inevitable cause of isolation. One was an invitation to join the Congress of the Spanish States of America, then just liberated. Another was the urgent appeal of Hungary to aid her in the recovery of her ancient and illustrious independence. Still another, the project to guarantee Cuba to Spain, conjointly with France and Great Britain. More recently, the invitation to cooperate with Spain, France, and Great Britain, in Mexico; and later still, the proposition of some of the Spanish-American States to establish an international council for the republican States of this continent. All these suggestions were, in succession, declined by our Government, and this decision was each time approved by the judgment of the American people. Which is thus exposed: But this
The Daily Dispatch: September 12, 1863., [Electronic resource], Proposal for a Confederate Credit mobilizer. (search)
llage, the Russians sent to Siberia all its inhabitants, men, women, and children, one thousand souls in all, and confiscated their estates for having executed a Russian spy caught near the village. Telegraphic advices from Poland report a great battle at Kanow, but which side was victorious is not stated. The Confederate Government has made a pressing appeal to the Spanish Government to obtain a recognition of the Confederate States, offering to guarantee to Spain the possession of Cuba and Porto Rico, but the Spanish Government has declined. The London Times, of the 1st says: "In regard to the destination of the suspicious and powerful armor plated frigates in the Messrs. Laird's yard, we do not think it morally right that ships like these should leave our ports for such service as that for which they are intended. We do not wish to see any more of them sail on the same errand." Consols closed at 93. The Confederate loan closed steady at 26a24 discount.
From New Orleans. Pascagoula, Oct. 23. --The truce steamer St. Charles and schooner McGuire, with New Orleans papers, arrived to-day. Gen. Banks was at the wedding of Judge Atsch in New Orleans on the 19th. The True Delta, of the 20th, says advices from Havana represent that fears are felt of an insurrection of free negroes, owing to the reduction of the army in Cuba to reinforce the Spanish troops in San Domingo. If Rosecrans has been reinforced, as reported, he will probably fall back to his old camp at Tullahoma, and re-establish the morale of his army. If succeeded by Grant, as reported, offensive movements may be ordered at once. The Picayune, quoting a St. Louis telegram of the 9th, says: "The Confederates in Arkansas have concentrated, and are threatening Fort Scott on the borders of the Indian territory, and the ill-fortune attending Gen. Blunt's attempt to keep them at bay cannot fail to inspire uneasiness as to the ultimate result. The Era says the
The Daily Dispatch: June 22, 1864., [Electronic resource], Secretary Welles on Admiral Dupont. (search)
Births in Cuba. --It appears by a communication to the French Academy that the climate of Cuba is exceedingly, favorable to the human race. Very often twelve, and sometimes more than double that number of children are found in one family. Many Onban beauties become mothers at thirteen, and re-appear in that character up to the age of fifty. Births in Cuba. --It appears by a communication to the French Academy that the climate of Cuba is exceedingly, favorable to the human race. Very often twelve, and sometimes more than double that number of children are found in one family. Many Onban beauties become mothers at thirteen, and re-appear in that character up to the age of fifty.
dispatch to Chicago from St. Paul, Minnesota, dated September 30, says: A letter from Fort Rice, dated September 10, states that Captain Fisk's Idaho train had been attacked by Indians, and that seven of his rear guard and four emigrants were killed. The Indians then attacked his main body in such numbers that he was compelled to entrench himself and send back to General Sully for help. In this morning's fight, twenty Indians were killed. A Valuable Prize. Washington, October 3. --Information has been received at the Navy Department of the capture by the steamer Magnolia of the blockade running steamer Matagorda, about seventy-five miles off Cape Antonio, Cuba. She was from Galveston for Havana, with a cargo, which consisted of cotton, the deck load of which, some two hundred bales, was thrown overboard. She is said to be a splendid steamer. Gold. The Gazette quotes gold on the evening of the 3d as closing at 191 1-4, a decline during the day of 2 1-2.
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