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headed divisions in the Army of the Tennessee. He was the first commander of the reorganized Thirteenth Army Corps, and went with it from the Army of the Tennessee to that of the Gulf. After that, he was at the head of the District of West Tennessee, and resigned from the volunteer service in May, 1865. Later on, he was member of Congress and governor of Wisconsin. He died at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, May 14, 1882. Brevet major-general Thomas Edward Edward ransom was born in Norwich, Vermont, November 29, 1834. He became a captain in an Illinois regiment in April, 1861, and was made brigadier-general of volunteers in November, 1862. He fought at Fort Donelson and Shiloh, and was for a time on Grant's staff. He commanded a brigade in the Seventeenth Army Corps during the Vicksburg campaign, and a detachment of the Thirteenth Army Corps on the Red River expedition, in 1864. He was wounded at Sabine Cross Roads. In the Atlanta campaign, he commanded a division of the Sixte
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hazen, Henry Allen 1832- (search)
Hazen, Henry Allen 1832- Historian; born in Hartford, Vt., Dec. 27, 1832; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1854, and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1857; held various Congregational pastorates in the New England States; became editor of the Congregational year-book in 1883. His publications include The ministry and churches of New Hampshire; History of Billerica, Mass.; New Hampshire and Vermont (historical address). He died in Norwich, Vt., Aug. 4, 1900.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ransom, Thomas Edward Greenfield 1834- (search)
Ransom, Thomas Edward Greenfield 1834- Military officer; born in Norwich, Vt., Nov. 29, 1834; was taught engineering in early life, and was a land-agent and civil engineer in Illinois when the Civil War broke out, when he became lieutenant-colonel of the 11th Illinois Volunteers. He was wounded in leading a charge at Charlestown, Mo., in 1861; took part in the capture of Fort Henry; and led his regiment in the attack on Fort Donelson, where he was again wounded. He was promoted to colonel, and was wounded in the head at the battle of Shiloh. In June following (1862) he became chief of General McClernand's staff and inspector-general of the Army of the Tennessee. In November he was made brigadier-general of volunteers, and the next year distinguished himself at Vicksburg. Ransom was conspicuous for his skill and bravery in Banks's Red River expedition, and was severely wounded in the battle at Sabine Cross-roads. He commanded the 17th Corps in the Atlanta campaign, and was br
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Slafter, Edmund Farwell 1816- (search)
Slafter, Edmund Farwell 1816- Author; born in Norwich, Vt., May 30, 1816; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1840, and took a course in Andover Theological Seminary; was ordained in the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1845; rector of St. John's, Boston, Mass., in 1846-53. Later he became register of the diocese of Massachusetts. His publications include Sir William Alexander and American Colonization; Voyages of the Northmen to America; John Checkly, or the evolution of religious tolerance in Massachusetts Bay; History and causes of incorrect latitudes as recorded in the journals of early writers, navigators, and explorers, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
ouse, known as the Atherton gag, to prevent the discussion of slavery. It passes by a vote of 127 to 78......Dec. 11, 1838 Loss of steamboats on the Western rivers: Mississippi, fifty-five; Ohio, thirteen; Missouri, two; Illinois, two; Arkansas, one; Red, one; and four others during the year (Niles's register, vol. LVII., p. 32)......1838 Unsettled boundary between Maine and the British provinces results in the Aroostook War ......February–March, 1839 Rev. Zerah Colburn died at Norwich, Vt., aged thirty-five......March 2, 1839......[A mathematical prodigy.] Twenty-fifth Congress adjourns......March 3, 1839 L'Amistad ( Friendship ) is captured off Montauk Point by the United States brig Washington, Lieutenant Geding commanding......Aug. 29, 1839 Daguerreotypes first taken in the United States by Prof. J. W. Draper......1839 Liberty party, in convention at Warsaw, N. Y., nominates James G. Birney for President and Thomas Earle, of Pennsylvania, for Vice-President..
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 3: birth and early Education.—1811-26. (search)
was once my son's wish to become a member of your institution, but I perceived it to be a hopeless undertaking to procure his admission. The thought of a military education was probably prompted by the circumstance that a relative, Edwin V. Sumner, and a friend of the family, Josiah H Vose, were of the regular army. The father began inquiries in relation to the American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy, under the charge of Captain Alden Partridge, which was first established at Norwich, Vt., and had recently been removed to Middletown, Conn. The school was conducted on a military system, and enrolled cadets from nineteen States. In 1829 it was discontinued, and the present Wesleyan University was established on its site. The father's letter to Captain Partridge gives an interesting description of his son:— Boston, 15 August, 1825. Sir,—I have read the prospectus which you issued, in 1821, at Norwich, and I have recently read a notice, in the Palladium, that you
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1864. (search)
of E. S. Dixwell, Esq., and Phillips Exeter Academy, and partly by an older brother. He entered Harvard College in July, 1860, after passing an excellent examination. In September, 1861, he was absent from College a short time on account of his health, and soon after his recovery began to devote his whole time to military study, with the design of becoming an officer in the Regular service. He closed his connections with the College in March, 1862, and went to the Military School at Norwich, Vermont, where he stayed about four months. On July 1, 1862, he enlisted at Fort Preble, Portland, in the Seventeenth Infantry, United States Army, having previously declined to accept a commission in the Volunteer service, because he chose to take what he deemed the shortest road to a commission in the Regular service. The absence of his brother, now Brevet Major-General Henry L. Abbot, then an engineer officer on General McClellan's staff in the Peninsula, had occasioned some delay in obtain
at Cairo was telegraphed of the fact, and the steamer Swallow was dispatched to bring in the craft, but the Julius H. Smith, a little stern-wheeler, managed to get in behind the bushes, and waiting a chance gave the Swallow the slip, the latter afterwards following her for a distance of twenty miles, without being able to overtake her. We begin to think there is some humbug in the statements of the Northern papers about the eagerness of the Yankees to get into a fight. A letter from Norwich, Vt., (where a military institution is located,) says the Republicans are full of talk, and boast loudly of forces going to wipe out the South, yet the writer had not seen one of them tender his services as a soldier. The letter proceeds : "It is hard raising troops here. With all the excitement and extra offers of pay, and support of families, and giving in rents, &c., they will be able to get a good many from the cities and manufacturing towns, because there is nothing doing there, an
arn that the steamer which left that city on the 11th inst., has on board $950,000, and the steamer of the 21st has $1,114,000--making a total monthly shipment of nearly three millions of dollars consigned to this city. The next month may be expected to produce a still greater increase; so that the precious metal will soon find its level, the market being glutted, and the supply being in excess of the wants of commerce. The New York Herald Miscellaneous. Gen. Lewis Partridge, of Norwich, Vt., was arrested a few days since by United States Marshal Baldwin, on the charge of treason, and taken to Windsor, where the United States Circuit Court sits next week. Hon. John J. Crittenden is in New York. Mrs. Phillips and Judge Andrews, of New Orleans, who were sent to Ship Island by Gen. Butler, have been released. At Harardsville, Ct., on the 22d instant, a powder mill exploded, killing 8 men and Miss Ceha Smith, who was struck by a flying timber. The New Orleans