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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The monument to Mosby's men. (search)
before, had been murdered in the streets of Front Royal. Judge Cook then introduced the Hon. Henof thanks to the ladies and veteran camp at Front Royal for their entertainment, and ordered a tele Then came the tragedy on the streets of Front Royal. They were Knights. Why should the merces, when these men fell in the streets of Front Royal thirty-five years ago, was himself, during ut the killing of McMasters in the fight at Front Royal, subsequent to this time (September 23d), w I retaliated for the massacre of my men at Front Royal, I wrote him a letter telling him what I hat question among themselves. The people of Front Royal considered Custer the most conspicuous actcatch us, in which he speaks of being about Front Royal two days after this affair, and says: In ane Custer all the glory for what was done at Front Royal. Custer had a grudge against us. A few weem, with long golden curls. The citizens of Front Royal had learned to recognize him. Seeing him in[17 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel Mosby Indicts Custer for the hanging. (search)
Colonel Mosby Indicts Custer for the hanging. San Francisco, December 19, 1899. Mr. John R. Russell, Berryville, Va.: I was sorry I could not be with you at the unveiling of the monument to our men at Front Royal, and I dissent from some historical statements in Major Richards' address. I do not agree with him that our men were hung in compliance with General Grant's orders to Sheridan. They were not hung in obedience to the orders of a superior, but from revenge. A man who acts from revenge simply obeys his own impulses. Major Richards says the orders were a dead letter after I retaliated, which implies that they had not been before. I see no evidence to support such a conclusion. In his letter in The Times, Major Richards says that Sheridan's dispatches about hanging our men were visionary; i. e., he never hung any. If so, the order had always been a dead letter. No one ever heard of his hangings until his dispatches were published a few years ago. Sheridan was th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.45 (search)
-protective necessity. The dedication at Front Royal of the monument to the six men of the 43d but. But to return from this digression. At Front Royal, Chapman saw an ambulance train, under an ehe command on the following day returned to Front Royal. Near this town the advance of the reserveaving a skirmish with Mosby's guerrillas at Front Royal, killing two officers and nine men. Torbermand, the enemy captured six of my men near Front Royal. These were immediately hanged by order anforces were hung and shot in the streets of Front Royal by the order and in the immediate presence by's men hung by order of General Custer at Front Royal. Measure for measure. Saved a drummer who was hung, shortly after the hanging at Front Royal, by a Colonel Powell. Powell says in his rly carried out. As my men had been hung at Front Royal three weeks before and there had been no si hanged seven of my men in the streets of Front Royal, Va. Immediately on hearing of this, having a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
ville, 109; description of. 117; troops from, in the C. S. Army, 118; brigade at Gettysburg, 192; casualties in, 202. Fort Necessity, 171. Fredericksburg, Battle of. 231. Fremont, John C.. 366, 368. Freitchie myth, The Barbara, 287. Front Royal, Battle of, 15. Gaines, Dr. J. M., 241. Gaines' Mill, Battle of, 161. Garnett, Ll.D., Captain J. M., Diary of, 1, 177. Garnett, Hon. M. R. H., Address on, 155. Garnett, General R. S., killed, 41. Garnett, Hon. T. S, Addresses o, 343 Moore, J. Blythe, 219. Moore, J. Scott, 191. Morgan, General, Daniel, 68. Morgan, Captain wm H., F Co., killed, 149. Morris Island, vartyrs of, 43. Mosby, Colonel John S., 250; roster of one of his companies, 312; monument at Front Royal to his murdered men unveiled, with addresses on the occasion, 250; deeds of, 256; retaliation by, 314. Mt. Jackson, Skirmish at, 9. Munford, B. B., Address of, vindicating the South, 60. Niagara, U. S. gunboat, 228. Newton, Virgini