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ps, and that I was authorized to form a division of 10,000 men from the troops in and near Fort Monroe and attach it to the active army. Moreover, we were assured of the active co-operation of the navy in reducing the batteries at Yorktown and Gloucester. As my story progresses it will appear that I was deprived of five out of the thirteen infantry divisions, with their batteries, and of nine regiments of cavalry, and that I never received the co-operation of the navy in reducing the batteries at Yorktown and Gloucester. On the 15th of March the aggregate present and absent under my command was about 233,578, taking as a basis the return of March 1; the number present for duty, including all extra-duty men, guards, etc., etc., was 203,213. Of these I purposed to leave behind, in Baltimore, Washington, and the Shenandoah, an aggregate of 66,552, brought up by new arrivals to about 77,401 at the close of March, or, deducting Gen. Dix's command, 65,621, equal to about 57,091 prese
asily done; that the vessels he mentions are fully adequate to cover a landing, and that, with a landing and an advance from here, Yorktown will fall. He recommends — and it may be a good idea — a landing in the Severn simultaneously, taking Gloucester in the rear, and from there battering Yorktown. Yorktown and Gloucester taken, the small gunboats, regular and irregular, will be enough to command the navigation of the York river. He thinks, and Gen. Wool thinks, that the whole attention ofGloucester taken, the small gunboats, regular and irregular, will be enough to command the navigation of the York river. He thinks, and Gen. Wool thinks, that the whole attention of the enemy is concentrated on Norfolk; that they are reinforcing that place and increasing their batteries day and night, and that Magruder is not reinforced. Wool thinks that some troops passed over from north to south side of James river recently to reinforce Huger. This is all I can write now. I must stay a little.longer to get some definite information about the places where we propose to land. There are 20,000 available men (nearly) here now (including Wool's, Mansfield's, etc.), and 2
o make a movement from the Severn river upon Gloucester and West Point. I am reduced to a front attas too small to attempt any movement to turn Gloucester without the assistance of the navy, and I warps to land upon the Severn river and attack Gloucester in the rear. My present strength will not for his available vessels unless I can turn Gloucester. I send by mail copies of his letter and onns. I need more force to make the attack on Gloucester. To Brig.-Gen. L. Thomas on April 9: Wea be at Yorktown from 27 to 32 heavy guns, at Gloucester 14 Columbiads. The probable armament of Yory guns and mortars bearing upon Yorktown and Gloucester, their water-batteries, a line of works betwlent effect upon the wharves of Yorktown and Gloucester, in order to prevent the landing of supplies the siege it was apparent that the works at Gloucester could not be carried by assault from the reassault. We captured in the works, including Gloucester, seventy-seven guns and mortars, supplied wi[4 more...]
ve repeated to Col. Key, the greatly increased strength of the fortifications as seen from this position. The forts at Gloucester are very formidable indeed, and the water-batteries of Yorktown have evidently been increased in dimensions within a fe whether it would not be advisable to defer any attempt to throw shell in Yorktown till night, while she can operate on Gloucester with impunity at any time. She draws six feet of water. A single shot in the midship section of that vessel especiallt much damage on our people when Gloucester is held by them, as well as on our vessels. The Sebago threw shells into Gloucester last night three several times. I am advised that another light-draught steamer, similar to the Sebago is to come here Yours very truly, J. F. Missroom. To Maj.-Gen. G. B. McClellan. We got eleven-inch shell into Yorktown and Gloucester last night. J. F. Missroom. Fortress Monroe, May 4. Maj.-Gen. McClellan: With my whole heart I do most cordi
day. Secretary Fox spent last night with me. As soon as he had gone I rode to Porter's camp, thence to the river-bank to meet Capt. Missroom, commanding the gunboats. Have had an excellent view of the water defences of Yorktown, as well as of Gloucester. The enemy is very strong and is adding to his works and the number of his men. I could see them coming in on schooners. But as my heavy guns are not yet landed, and the navy do not feel strong enough to go at them, I can only hurry forward omy stand-by-so true and faithful. Many of my aides are excellent. No general ever labored under greater disadvantages, but I will carry it through in spite of everything. I hope Franklin will be here to-morrow or next day. I will then invest Gloucester and attack it at the same time I do York. When the Galena arrives I will cause it to pass the batteries, take them in reverse, and cut off the enemy's communications by York river. As I write I hear our guns constantly sounding and the bursti
s's Mill, 418 ; Savage's Station, 427, 428 ; Antietam, 594-598, 600. Gaines's Mill, Va., battle of, 410-421. Gallagher, Col., 580. Gantt, Col. T. T., 123, 124. Garnett, Gen. R. S., 61, 62 ; death, 63. Gauley river, Va., 54. Gentry, Capt. W. T., 133. Getty, Gen. G. W., 46, 116. Gibbon, Gen. J., 579, 581, 582. Gibson, Capt., at Williamsburg, 320, 321 ; South Mountain, 576 ; Antietam, 601, 602. Gill. Samuel. visit to McClellan, 48. Glendale, Va., battle of. 430-433. Gloucester, Va., 263, 264, 267, 275, 286, 288, 291, 292, 296. Goldsborough. Com. L. M., in Peninsula, 177, 246, 257, 264, 267, 306; Yorktown, 288, 292, 297 ; Harrison's, 486. Gordon, Gen. G. H., 591: 593. German, Gen. W. A., at Yorktown, 284; Fair Oaks, 382 ; South Mountain, 582 ; Antietam, 592, 593. Government, general, attitude toward secession and centralization, 31, 32 ; safe policy, powerless early in the war, 32 ; unprepared, 39. Government, State, Northern and Southern views of, 31 ;