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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The First cavalry. (search)
Lincoln) Cavalry, commanded by Captain Jones, that defeated McCausland's whole brigade, returning from the burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. It served under Averill during the memorable advance of General Sheridan against General Early in the Shenandoah Valley, and took part in every battle during the campaign. In the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, Brown's gap, and Wier's cave, the valiant conduct of this company attracted the attention of all who beheld it. And at the battle of Nineveh, when Capeheart's Brigade attacked and defeated McCausland's Division, this company led in the charge. When Sheridan set out from Winchester to join Grant, his way was obstructed by the rebels, under Rosser, at the bridge over North river, near Mount Crawford. The First New York Cavalry, under Lieutenant Colonel Battersby, was ordered to swim the river a mile above the bridge, and charge the rebels in flank; which they did in fine style-driving them out of their works, pursuing them ab
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
sted at Fisher's Hill. About this time Early received his expected reenforcements. General Sheridan, being duly informed of this, made preparations to retire to a position better suited for defense and adapted to the changed conditions of the strength of the two armies. On the 13th of August General Devin's brigade of the First Division was ordered to Cedarville on the Front Royal pike, and on the 14th I marched with the rest of my division to the same point, Gibbs taking position near Nineveh. On the arrival of his reenforcemnents Early had requested General R. H. Anderson, in command, to take station at Front Royal, it being a convenient point from which to make a flank movement in case of attack on Sheridan's command, which Early undoubtedly contemplated. At the same time it constituted a guard About 2 P. M. on the 16th an attack was made by this command on the First Cavalry Division, which resulted in the battle of Cedarville. A force of Brevet Major-General David A.
tice at all of such challenges, but to go on talking of equality and civilization just as if America had never existed. True, there is Mr. Lowell's warning. Englishmen easily may fall into absurdities in criticising America, most easily of all when they do not, and cannot, see it with their own eyes, but have to speak of it from what they read. Then, too, people are sensitive; certainly, it would be safer and pleasanter to say nothing. And as the prophet Jonah, when he had a message for Nineveh, hurried off in alarm down to Joppa, and incontinently took ship there for Tarshish, in just the opposite direction, so one might find plenty of reasons for running away from the task, when one is summoned to give one's opinion of American civilization. But Ewald says that it was a sorry and unworthy calculation, petty human reasonmongering--menschliche Vernunftelei--which made Jonah run away from his task in this fashion; and we will not run away from ours, difficult though it be. Besi
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), Interview with Stonewall Jackson. (search)
Interview with Stonewall Jackson. camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., January 6, 1863. dear sir: I will attempt, in accordance with your request, to give you an account of my interview with Stonewall Jackson, while a prisoner at his camp, and of my sojourn at Libby Prison in Richmond. A few days after my capture, I was sent to Jackson's camp, at Nineveh, Warren County, Va. I reached there Tuesday, November eleventh, in company with four others. Gen. Jackson came out of his tent just as we were leaving for the guard-house, (an old church near by,) and desired us to wait a few minutes, as he would like to ask us a few questions. When were you taken? he inquired. November seventh, I replied. Have you any New-York papers with you? he asked. I replied that we had not, but told him I had read the Herald of the fifth, which had reached camp on the day of my capture. Ah! Did you? said he. I wanted to inquire about the recent elections. Do you know what majority Seymour
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
avalry, and a battery of rifle guns, in all about 1,800 men, under the command of Colonel McReynolds. Neither my troops nor General Jenkins' cavalry suffered any loss, the enemy firing only a few rounds of artillery after my arrival. A portion of General Jenkins' men had been skirmishing during the afternoon of the previous day, and on the morning of the 13th, and had lost a few men, among them Lieutenant Charles Norvell who was wounded and captured in a gallant charge upon the enemy near Nineveh. After securing such stores as were at all valuable, the division was again put in motion towards Martinsburg. General Jenkins had already proceeded in pursuit of the enemy, by a road west of Berryville. One portion of his command, under my orders, pursued him by the Charlestown road. Just before reaching the road to Summit Point, I was informed by an officer of cavalry that the enemy pursued that route, and later that he had gone towards Winchester. I followed him to Summit Point, w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Opinion of a United States officer of the Depopulation of Atlanta. (search)
s letter with the blood and iron statement: If the people raise a howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity-seeking. If they want peace, they and their relatives must stop the war. Fancy Sitting Bull, on the eve of General Custer's fatal campaign, saying to General Sherman as Commander of the United States Army, If you want peace, you must teach your white neighbors to deal justly with us. If war simply means killing, and is nothing more than to do the greatest and speediest harm to the enemy, then its modern methods are indefensible, and the giving and taking of quarter a false refinement. Claverhouse taught the maxim that war is war, and invested the story of Glencoe with a tragic interest and at which history will never cease to blush. The order to depopulate Atlanta was obeyed amid agonies and sorrows indescribable, and the city, but for the presence of the soldiers who had captured it, was as desolate as the ruins of Nineveh.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General J. A. Early's report of the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
it was desired I should get possession. Lieut. Barton of the 2nd Virginia regiment of Walker's brigade of Johnson's division accompanied me as a guide, and Brown's battalion of reserve artillery under Capt. Dance was ordered to accompany my division. Having received the instructions of the Lieutenant-General commanding, the wagons, except the ambulances and the regimental ordnance and medical wagons, were left at Cedarville, and I diverged from the Winchester and Front Royal turnpike at Nineveh, reaching the Valley turnpike at Newtown, and thence advancing towards Winchester. I found Lieut.-Colonel Herbert, of the Maryland line, with his battalion of infantry, the battery of Maryland artillery, and a portion of the battalion of Maryland cavalry, occupying the ridge between Bartonsville and Kernstown, and engaged in occasional skirmishing with a portion of the enemy who had taken position near Kernstown. I halted my command here, forming it into line on either side of the turnpik
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 14: fall of 1862 (search)
gades, Hampton's, Lee F., Lee, W. H. F., Jones's, W. E.; Pelham's Artillery 5 Batteries, 22 Guns9,146 Pendleton's Reserve ArtilleryBrown's Battalion, 6 Batteries Cutt's Battalion, 3 Batteries Nelson's Battalion, 3 Batteries Total 36 Guns718 Aggregate38 Brigades Infantry, 4 Brigades Cavalry, 63 Batteries, 255 Guns71,472 On Oct. 27 Lee moved with Longstreet's corps and Pendleton's reserve arty. toward the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge. My reserve ordnance train moved on the 29th via Nineveh, Front Royal, Chester Gap, Gaines's Cross-roads and Sperryville, and encamped at Culpeper on Nov. 4. Lee, in person, had already arrived there. A few days after I was placed in command of the battalion of artillery which had been commanded by Col. S. D. Lee, who was now promoted brigadier-general and sent to Vicksburg. My successor as chief of ordnance was Col. Briscoe G. Baldwin, who served with great success until the surrender at Appomattox. Meanwhile, an important event was on foo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Newman, John Philip 1826-1899 (search)
y; entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1849; travelled in Europe, Palestine, and Egypt in 1860-61; and, returning to the United States, had charges at Hamilton, N. Y., Albany, N. Y., and New York City. In 1864-69 he organized three annual conferences in the South, two colleges, and a religious paper; and in the latter year founded and was made the first pastor of the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington. D. C.; was chaplain of the United States Senate in 1869-74; inspector of United States consulates in Asia in 1874-76; and again pastor of the Metropolitan Church, Washington, in 1876-79. In 1879-88 he held pastorates in New York and Washington. Dr. Newman attended Gen. U. S. Grant in his last illness. In 1888 he was elected a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was author of From, Dan to Beersheba; Thrones and palaces of Babylon and Nineveh; America for Americans; And the supremacy of law. He died in Saratoga, N. Y., July 5, 1899.
the joints were packed with chips, and the whole was grouted with fluid mortar. This tomb is of the time of Amunoph I., 1540 B. C. The stone arch at Saccara is of the time of Psammeticus II., 600 B. C. The arches of the tombs of Beni Hassan are coeval with Osirtasen II. and the Viceroy Joseph. Arches are found in Chinese bridges of great antiquity and magnitude; and as before shown, those of Egypt far antedate the periods of Greece or Rome. Arched vaults are found among the ruins of Nineveh. A building at Mycenae, in Greece, called Treasury of Atreus, has an interior pointed dome of 48 feet diameter, and of about the same hight, the section presenting two intersecting arcs of about 70 feet radius. The difficulty of working voussoirs has been evaded by making the beds horizontal throughout, the top being formed of a flat stone. The soffit of each course was then cut to the required angle with its bed by means of a templet cut to the radius of the vault (Fig. 300). Arch.
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