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--Cary, Dalton, Pegram, (son of the commander,) Sinclair, Hamilton, Bullock, McClintock, and Thomas. Captain's Clerk.--------Hasell. Her crew consists of sixty men. The Nashville brings the intelligence, that on February twenty-second, an order was officially promulgated at Bermuda, prohibiting to the United States Government the use of the port as a coal depot. Several schooners laden with coal reached Bermuda a few days before the promulgation of the order. The Sumter was at Gibraltar at latest accounts. She had captured twenty-one Yankee vessels, nearly all of which were subsequently destroyed. The arrival of the Nashville creates great rejoicing here. The news she brings has restored the cheerful spirits of our people, and inspired them with renewed hopes. Some disappointment was expressed by almost everybody that the Nashville brought no arms from Europe for the use of our government. When, however, it is recollected that the Nashville was tolerated in English
, taking a deadly aim, right oblique, and at the command Fire, sent a thousand well-directed bullets into the rebel ranks, cutting them up in the most shocking manner, sending terror and consternation among the foe, who broke and fled in the wildest confusion from their intrenchments, as our five regiments sprang in upon them. The day was ours. The victory was complete. The struggle was the most fearful and best contested of the Burnside Expedition. The enemy's position was a perfect Gibraltar, and their force consisted of the whole brigade which was stationed at Elizabeth City, over five thousand strong. So says one of the prisoners we captured. Our force was less than four thousand, some of the regiments having left part of their number behind, and when our troops went into action they were nearly exhausted, having marched all night and all day through the most opppressive heat imaginable. The rebel dead and wounded lay all over the field; many of the latter, however, among