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Dominican Republic (Dominican Republic) (search for this): chapter 70
plying herself with coal, the Nashville departed from Bermuda at eleven A. M., on the twenty-fourth ult., under the pilotage of the master of a Southern schooner which had run the blockade a few days before with a cargo of turpentine and rosin, and who expressed the fullest confidence in his ability to conduct the ship safely into port. On the twenty-sixth ult., she encountered, on the margin of the Gulf Stream the Yankee schooner Robert Gilfillan, Capt. Smith, bound from Philadelphia to St. Domingo, with an assorted cargo of flour, pork, butter, cheese, and other provisions. Removing from the schooner such of her cargo as was deemed valuable, and transferring her crew to the steamer as prisoners, the prize was fired, and in a few minutes completely destroyed. About dawn on Friday morning, the steamer reached the vicinity of her destined harbor, off which was espied a Yankee war-steamer, apparently in watch of the approaching vessel. It was the crisis of the trip: and its perilo
Gibralter (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 70
--Cary, Dalton, Pegram, (son of the commander,) Sinclair, Hamilton, Bullock, McClintock, and Thomas. Captain's Clerk.--------Hasell. Her crew consists of sixty men. The Nashville brings the intelligence, that on February twenty-second, an order was officially promulgated at Bermuda, prohibiting to the United States Government the use of the port as a coal depot. Several schooners laden with coal reached Bermuda a few days before the promulgation of the order. The Sumter was at Gibraltar at latest accounts. She had captured twenty-one Yankee vessels, nearly all of which were subsequently destroyed. The arrival of the Nashville creates great rejoicing here. The news she brings has restored the cheerful spirits of our people, and inspired them with renewed hopes. Some disappointment was expressed by almost everybody that the Nashville brought no arms from Europe for the use of our government. When, however, it is recollected that the Nashville was tolerated in English
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 70
lions of dollars — was at one period advanced to the Nashville by a single English mercantile house. All classes are loud and earnest in their expression of sympathy for the confederacy, and of detestation of the Yankee nation. The ladies of England are especially prominent in their manifestations of favor and regard for the South, and are designated by my informant as the fiercest secessionists he ever saw. It was rumored in England, and the rumor confidently reported here by Capt. Pegram,England, and the rumor confidently reported here by Capt. Pegram, that the independence of the Confederacy would be first recognised, and that right speedily, by Belgium. The following is a list of the officers of the Nashville: Commander.--R. P. Pegram. Lieutenants.--J. W. Bennett, and W. C. Whittle. Acting-Master.--J. H. Ingraham, Jr. Paymaster.--Richard Taylor. Surgeon.--J. L. Ancrum. Midshipmen.--Cary, Dalton, Pegram, (son of the commander,) Sinclair, Hamilton, Bullock, McClintock, and Thomas. Captain's Clerk.--------Hasell. He
Belgium (Belgium) (search for this): chapter 70
All classes are loud and earnest in their expression of sympathy for the confederacy, and of detestation of the Yankee nation. The ladies of England are especially prominent in their manifestations of favor and regard for the South, and are designated by my informant as the fiercest secessionists he ever saw. It was rumored in England, and the rumor confidently reported here by Capt. Pegram, that the independence of the Confederacy would be first recognised, and that right speedily, by Belgium. The following is a list of the officers of the Nashville: Commander.--R. P. Pegram. Lieutenants.--J. W. Bennett, and W. C. Whittle. Acting-Master.--J. H. Ingraham, Jr. Paymaster.--Richard Taylor. Surgeon.--J. L. Ancrum. Midshipmen.--Cary, Dalton, Pegram, (son of the commander,) Sinclair, Hamilton, Bullock, McClintock, and Thomas. Captain's Clerk.--------Hasell. Her crew consists of sixty men. The Nashville brings the intelligence, that on February twenty-secon
oners laden with coal reached Bermuda a few days before the promulgation of the order. The Sumter was at Gibraltar at latest accounts. She had captured twenty-one Yankee vessels, nearly all of which were subsequently destroyed. The arrival of the Nashville creates great rejoicing here. The news she brings has restored the cheerful spirits of our people, and inspired them with renewed hopes. Some disappointment was expressed by almost everybody that the Nashville brought no arms from Europe for the use of our government. When, however, it is recollected that the Nashville was tolerated in English waters, and protected from destruction by the neutrality and courtesy of the British government, our readers will at once perceive that to have taken in a cargo of war material such as had been interdicted by the Queen's proclamation, would have been a gross violation not only of hospitality, but of courtesy and the laws of neutrality. The Nashville, it must be remembered, is a gover
Beaufort, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 70
Doc. 68.-the steamer Nashville: how she ran the blockade. Petersburgh, March 1, 1862. The confederate States steamer Nashville reached Beaufort, N. C., yesterday morning, at seven A. M., from Southampton, having successfully eluded the blockading steamers at the entrance of the harbor, one of which, the Albatross, it is supposed, fired some twenty or thirty shots at her without effect. She brings about three millions dollars' worth of stores, chiefly for the use of the Treasury and fell far wide of our noble steamer, which was then dashing onward under a full head of steam, and in a comparatively few minutes was safely within range of the protecting guns of Fort Macon, and beyond the range of her chagrined pursuer. From Beaufort, Capt. Pegram and Paymaster R. Taylor, of the Nashville, proceeded to this city, from whence they started for Richmond, in the nine o'clock train this morning. My informant speaks in glowing terms of the kindness of the English people, who sh
ust returned from a six days cruise outside of the harbor, and was then engaged in coaling-up, the Nashville steered for Bermuda, and, after successfully weathering a terrific gale of six days duration, which disabled one of her engines, reached herndred thousand dollars as prize money for the rebel steamer. Supplying herself with coal, the Nashville departed from Bermuda at eleven A. M., on the twenty-fourth ult., under the pilotage of the master of a Southern schooner which had run the blty men. The Nashville brings the intelligence, that on February twenty-second, an order was officially promulgated at Bermuda, prohibiting to the United States Government the use of the port as a coal depot. Several schooners laden with coal reached Bermuda a few days before the promulgation of the order. The Sumter was at Gibraltar at latest accounts. She had captured twenty-one Yankee vessels, nearly all of which were subsequently destroyed. The arrival of the Nashville creates grea
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 70
Doc. 68.-the steamer Nashville: how she ran the blockade. Petersburgh, March 1, 1862. The confederate States steamer Nashville reached Beaufort, N. C., yesterday morning, at seven A. M., from Southampton, having successfully eluded the blockading steamers at the entrance of the harbor, one of which, the Albatross, it is supposed, fired some twenty or thirty shots at her without effect. She brings about three millions dollars' worth of stores, chiefly for the use of the Treasury and Post-Office Departments. From an officer of the Nashville we gather the following account of the trip: Leaving Southampton at four P. M., on the third of February, within full sight of the Tuscarora, which had but just returned from a six days cruise outside of the harbor, and was then engaged in coaling-up, the Nashville steered for Bermuda, and, after successfully weathering a terrific gale of six days duration, which disabled one of her engines, reached her destination at two P. M., on the
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 70
mant as the fiercest secessionists he ever saw. It was rumored in England, and the rumor confidently reported here by Capt. Pegram, that the independence of the Confederacy would be first recognised, and that right speedily, by Belgium. The following is a list of the officers of the Nashville: Commander.--R. P. Pegram. Lieutenants.--J. W. Bennett, and W. C. Whittle. Acting-Master.--J. H. Ingraham, Jr. Paymaster.--Richard Taylor. Surgeon.--J. L. Ancrum. Midshipmen.--Cary, Dalton, Pegram, (son of the commander,) Sinclair, Hamilton, Bullock, McClintock, and Thomas. Captain's Clerk.--------Hasell. Her crew consists of sixty men. The Nashville brings the intelligence, that on February twenty-second, an order was officially promulgated at Bermuda, prohibiting to the United States Government the use of the port as a coal depot. Several schooners laden with coal reached Bermuda a few days before the promulgation of the order. The Sumter was at Gibraltar at lat
Petersburgh (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 70
Doc. 68.-the steamer Nashville: how she ran the blockade. Petersburgh, March 1, 1862. The confederate States steamer Nashville reached Beaufort, N. C., yesterday morning, at seven A. M., from Southampton, having successfully eluded the blockading steamers at the entrance of the harbor, one of which, the Albatross, it is supposed, fired some twenty or thirty shots at her without effect. She brings about three millions dollars' worth of stores, chiefly for the use of the Treasury and Post-Office Departments. From an officer of the Nashville we gather the following account of the trip: Leaving Southampton at four P. M., on the third of February, within full sight of the Tuscarora, which had but just returned from a six days cruise outside of the harbor, and was then engaged in coaling-up, the Nashville steered for Bermuda, and, after successfully weathering a terrific gale of six days duration, which disabled one of her engines, reached her destination at two P. M., on th
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