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The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 13, 1860., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 2 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 2 0 Browse Search
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Memorable Speeches. --We desire to embalm the following extraordinarily sublime, eloquent, and elegant perorations. The first is said to have been delivered before a court of justice in Pennsylvania: "Your honor sits high upon the adorable seat of justice, like the Asiatic rock of Gibraltar, while the eternal streams of justice, like the cadaverous clouds of the valley, flow meandering at your extended feet." The next is by a celebrated lawyer of New Jersey: "Your honors, I fancy, do not sit there like marble statues, to be wafted about by every idle breeze," Next, the soul-stirring opening of a western oration: "The important crisis which were about to have arrived, have arrived." Last, but not least, one that locates itself: "The court will please to observe that the gentleman from the East has given them a very learned speech. He has roamed with old Romulus, soaked with old Socrates, ripped with Euripides, and cantered with Cantharides! b
Obituary of a Reporter. --Thomas William Bowlby, the correspondent of the London Times, who was killed by the Chinese near Pekin, was born in Gibraltar, but educated in England, at a county academy. Tom Taylor, the dramatist, was his chum at school.--Bowlby studied law for some time, but in 1848 was engaged by the London Times as special correspondent, and sent to various parts of the Continent, particularly Hungary. Subsequently he was connected with Jullien in his musical enterprises. He was about a year ago re-engaged by the Times, to proceed to China as special correspondent. The terms of his agreement were £1,500 ($7,500) a year, with liberty to draw upon the concern to any amount that might be required for the efficient discharge of his duties. Mr. Bowlby proceeded to China in the same steamer as Lord Elgin and Baron Gros, with whom he was shipwrecked. Mr. Bowlby was about forty-three years old, and has left a widow and five children, most of whom are of tender years
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.cruise in the U. S. Steamer Richmond--Gibraltar--a description of the rock — Spezzia,Gaeta, Messina, &c., &c. U. S. Steamer Richmond, Messina, Island of Sicily,February 24, 1861. Since we left the Uniuite an agreeable cruise, so far. After a passage of twenty-three days and some hours from Hampton Roads, we arrived at Gibraltar. During the passage we had a fine chance of testing the Richmond and her qualities. --We had plenty of wind, sea, sailharbor we have visited; and being kept strictly clean, entices many visitors, and receives man flattering praises. Gibraltar is all that it is represented to be — the greatest fort in the world. I don't think it possible that it could be takensence of that Almighty Being, whose will created and peopled those wonderful scenes. After a stay of ten days, we left Gibraltar for Spezzia, in Sardinia, where we arrived, after a pleasant passage of five days. Spezzia is beautifully situated, but
ws of expediency forbid it; and expediency, a large and enlightened expediency, has had much to do with the affairs of men in the nineteenth century.--Where fortifications, adds Mr. Grimke, have been built in a seceding State, it is plain that some way should be provided by which they may be made to revert to the State, for they can no longer be employed for the defence of the Union, or for the defence of the State by the Union. No one supposes that Great Britain maintains the fortress of Gibraltar for the purpose of defending Spain, but rather for the purpose of overawing Spain; and every one must be struck with the unnatural spectacle which that remarkable case affords of one Government holding for a century and a half a fortified post situated in the territory of another and independent government. It is a standing reproach to the Spanish nation, and a signal proof of the decay and extreme feebleness of the monarchy. The right of secession, Mr. Grimke contends, was pretended to
d to France and Spain; but France was, at the time, in expectation of making great conquests in the West Indies, and Spain could not resign her hope of regaining Gibraltar. The defeat, however, of Count De Grasse by Admiral Rodney, and the repulse of the great attack upon Gibraltar by General Elliott, caused all parties to lower tGibraltar by General Elliott, caused all parties to lower their tone. All had suffered severely; Great Britain by losses in the West Indies, and the destruction of a whole army at Yorktown, France by Rodney's victory and disasters in the East Indies, and Spain by the destruction of the enormous armament she had prepared against Gibraltar.--All were exhausted by the prodigious efforts theyGibraltar.--All were exhausted by the prodigious efforts they had made, and all were anxious for peace. Under such circumstances, the British ministry sent commissioners to Paris to treat for peace. The basis was the acknowledgment of American independence. That was all that France had taken up arms for, and that being obtained she had no pretext for continuing the war. The American Commi
elcome given them by the Cadets at Morris' Island, yielded a ready credence to the facetious yarn of the crew of the St. Pierre, to the effect that she had not been permitted to enter Charleston harbor because they hoisted the U. S. flag.--To our Southern friends, we need hardly say that the whole story was a jest; that the St. Pierre has gone to Savannah by the direction of her consignees, and that the guns of our batteries had no more to do with her change of destination than the guns of Gibraltar.--But for the enlightenment of the Northern newspapers, we may say at once, that we have no objection to merchant vessels, bearing the flag of the United States, or of any other foreign nation, entering our port, so long as they behave themselves property. Resignation of Secretary Thomas. The following correspondence between the late Secretary of the Treasury and the President of the United States, explains the cause of the retirement of the former gentleman from the Cabinet:
The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Brazilian Screw steam corvette Beberibe. (search)
floating like a swan on its surface. She is armed with six thirty-two pounders and a large brass swivel field-piece mounted in the stern. Her tonnage is five hundred tons, with a crew of one hundred and twenty-one men. This is the third Brazilian corvette which, during the last year, has visited the port of New York. She comes for the purpose of obtaining instruments for taking deep sea soundings. The first of these corvettes was the Donna Isabelia, which was unfortunately wrecked near Gibraltar, with a loss of nearly the whole crew, and almost every one of the fine young students who were being trained under Senhor Don Jose de Carvalho, the excellent commander, for the naval service of their country. The next was the Bahiana, a very fine vessel — nearly resembling the ill-fated Donna Isabella — which was repaired at the Navy-Yard of Brooklyn in a most substantial manner, as a mark of esteem from the American to the Brazilian Government. The First Lieutenant of the Beberibe,
tmaster-General is too exacting, too formal and precise, too rigid in requiring performance of duties. In the next breath these men will probably declare that we have a first-rate Postmaster-General, and the best Secretary of War in the world; and if anybody questions it, will pounce down upon him and denounce him as a traitor to the South. Worst of all, however, in the opinion of these men, is the dilatory conduct of our officers. They could take Sevastopol with a pop gun, or storm Gibraltar with a pocket pistol: and what are Fort Pickens, and Fortress Monroe, and the broad Potomac, and Arlington Heights, and the other many fortifications around Washington, and superior numbers, and better armed men, and a powerful fleet, to men so bellicose in speech or in print. All these disadvantages and inequalities they would wipe off with a dash of the pen, or send post haste to the devil by the potency of a tremendous oath. Uncle Toby's soldiers in Flanders didn't swear harder th
efence. Had the "Grand Army" fought at Culpeper Court-House instead of Manassa, the "Grand Army" would now have been a thing of the past. The fate of Braddock, Burgoyne, Cornwallis, Ross, and Packenham had taught us to believe that any serious invasion of the South would be attended with utter destruction to the invaders. But, instead of invading us, our enemy has been exhausting his resources, both in men and money, in defending Washington. They now boast that it is impregnable as Gibraltar. We do not believe that, but on the contrary think that with immense loss of life on our part, we might take it; yet it is certainly their strongest point, defended as it is by the broad Potomac, by their fleet, which commands its navigation, by immense artificial fortifications, and by an army of a hundred and fifty thousand men. It is their strongest point, and they invite and advise us to attack it. Shall we turn foolhardy and swear like the school-boys that "we won't take a dare," or
nt. The command of a fleet going out to the West Indies was given to him, and he was instructed to throw supplies into Gibraltar, at that time besieged by the Spaniards, on his way to his destination On the way to Gibraltar, he fell in with a SpaniGibraltar, he fell in with a Spanish fleet of eleven sail of the line, commanded by Admiral Don Juan de Langara, and after a running fight, which lasted ten hours, succeeded in capturing five or six of them--one of them having blown up during the action, with the loss of every soul lemma, but was relieved by the Spaniard, who told him that if he would trust to his honor, be would take the prize into Gibraltar and deliver it to the proper authorities. He took him at his word and the Spaniard was true to the very letter. This sonry which more vulgar spirits cannot comprehend. We had nearly forgotten our narrative.--Rodney, after relieving Gibraltar, went to the West Indies, where in company with Gen. Vaughan, he captured and pillaged St. Eustatia. The wealth on thi
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