Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Tallahatchie River (Mississippi, United States) or search for Tallahatchie River (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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s. A reconnoissance was this day made by the Sixteenth Massachusetts, under Col. P. T. Wyman, for the purpose of ascertaining the exact character of the ground in front of the picket-line at Fair Oaks, Va.--(Doc. 135.) A band of rebels were attacked by Major Zeley and a party of Union troops, near Smithville, Ark. Captain Jones, their leader, and fourteen of his men were captured. The rebels had four men wounded. Union loss, two killed and four wounded.--A skirmish occurred at Tallahatchie, Fla. An expedition composed of four companies of Union troops, under Col. Kimball, sent from New Orleans to Manchac, La., for the purpose of dispersing a large number of rebels encamped in that place, this day returned to New Orleans, after having successfully performed the object of its mission. On the approach of the Union force, the rebels decamped, leaving their regimental colors, guns, camp equipage, etc., behind them. The guns were spiked, the colors taken away, and the brid
shall be twice accounted for. Article--. Congress may appropriate money and otherwise provide for colonizing free colored persons with their own consent, at any place or places without the United States. William W. Lunt, lately a private belonging to the Ninth regiment of Maine volunteers, was executed at Hilton Head, S. C., for desertion.--The National cavalry, belonging to the army of General Grant, under the command of Colonel Lee, took possession of the rebel forts on the Tallahatchie River. By a sudden descent, early in the morning, Colonel Lee captured a battery of six guns, with the horses attached thereto, on the north side of the river.--A slight skirmish took place in the vicinity of Horse Creek, Dade County, Mo., between a detachment of the Fourth Missouri cavalry, under the command of Major Kelly, and a small band of guerrillas, in which the rebels were routed, leaving five of their number in the hands of the Unionists.--Springfield Missourian. A detachment
up Broad River, S. C., was stranded, and soon afterward attacked by a party of rebels on shore, who succeeded in throwing a shell into her magazine and blowing her up. Two of the Unionists were killed and eight wounded, all belonging to the Third Rhode Island artillery.--A party of rebel guerrillas, under Woodward, captured and burned the steamers Saxonia and Lovell, on the Cumberland River, after killing the captain of the latter, and severely wounding the captain of the former. The Tallahatchie fleet, consisting of the divisions under Generals Ross and Quimby, and numerous gunboats and mortar-boats, arrived at Helena, Ark. The expedition, which had been absent forty-three days, left Fort Greenwood on the fifth. As soon as the bustle was observed by the rebels, they opened a brisk fire upon the woods where batteries had been planted, which continued till the last boat steamed up the river. On the passage, the boats were frequently fired on by guerrillas. A number of soldiers w
May 25. The National forces under the command of General Michael Corcoran, were engaged in destroying the Norfolk and Petersburgh Railroads, Va.--A body of rebels crossed the Cumberland River at Fishing Creek and Hartford, Ky., but were driven back by the National troops after a brief skirmish.--An expedition from Germantown, Miss., under Colonel McCrellis, attacked a rebel force at Senatobia, and drove them south of the Tallahatchie River, with a loss of six killed and three wounded of their number.
ame into possession of sixty-five locomotives and five hundred cars. As the enemy had destroyed the railroad bridges across the Tallabusha River before he retreated from the town, it was wholly impracticable to run the stock North, and so it was given over to the flames, together with the large railroad buildings belonging to the Mississippi Central and Mississippi and Tennessee railroads, which form a junction at that place. Probably the value of the property destroyed was not less than three millions of dollars, and the loss to the rebels is wholly irreparable. The forces of Colonel Winslow and Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips were joined together here, and proceeded northward on the line of the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad, meeting with but little opposition on the route. After crossing the Tallahatchie River at Panola, the forces separated, and the Vicksburghers proceeded to Memphis, and the rest of the forces to their respective camps on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.
October 13. A fight took place at Wyatts, a town on the Tallahatchie River, Miss., between a party of rebels retreating from Colliersville, Tenn., and the National cavalry under Colonel Hatch. The place had previously been fortified and was surrounded by a deep trench. By the aid of pontoon-bridges the rebels had succeeded in crossing their horses and stores, so that their whole force was rendered available for repelling the Union troops. They had upward of three thousand men, with nine pieces of artillery, and were sheltered by the log-houses of which the town was composed; the Union force was less than two thousand five hundred, with eight pieces of artillery. The fight commenced at three o'clock in the afternoon, by the enemy attempting to force back the Union left. In this they failed. They next massed their forces to break the centre, but were driven back. Slowly Colonel Hatch advanced his line, driving the enemy back step by step. Thus the afternoon wore away, til