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Plato, Republic, Book 2, section 365c (search)
ity’ and is lord of happiness, to this I must devote myself without reserve. For a front and a showA Pindaric mixture of metaphors beginning with a portico and garb, continuing with the illusory perspective of scene-painting, and concluding with the craftly fox trailed behind. I must draw about myself a shadow-line of virtue, but trail behind me the fox of most sage Archilochus,Cf. Fr. 86-89 Bergk, and Dio Chrysost.Or. 55. 285 R.KEPDALE/AN is a standing epithet of Reynard. Cf. Gildersleeve on Pindar Pyth. ii. 78. shifty and bent on gain. Nay, 'tis objected, it is not easy for a wrong-doer always to lie hid.Cf. my review of Jebb's “Bacchylides,”Class. Phil., 1907, vol. ii. p. 235. Neither is any other big thing fa
Plato, Republic, Book 2, section 368a (search)
pleased by their words on this occasion, and said: It was excellently spoken of you, sons of the man we know, Cf. my note in Class. Phil. 1917, vol. xii. p. 436. It does not refer to Thrasymachus facetiously as Adam fancies, but is an honorific expression borrowed from the Pythagoreans. in the beginning of the elegy which the admirerPossibly Critias. of Glaucon wrote when you distinguished yourselves in the battle of MegaraProbably the battle of 409 B.C., reported in Diodor. Sic. xiii. 65. Cf. Introduction p. viii.—'Sons of Ariston,The implied pun on the name is made explicit in 580 C-D. Some have held that Glaucon and Adeimantus we
Plato, Republic, Book 3, section 400b (search)
, and what rhythms we must leave for their opposites; and I believe I have heard him obscurely speakingThere is a hint of satire in this disclaimer of expert knowledge. Cf. 399 A. There is no agreement among modern experts with regard to the precise form of the so-called enoplios. Cf. my review of Herkenrath's “Der Enoplios,”Class. Phil. vol. iii. p. 360, Goodell, Chapters on Greek Metric, pp. 185 and 189, Blaydes on Aristophanes Nubes 651. of a foot that he called the enoplios, a composite foot, and a dactyl and an heroicPossibly foot, possibly rhythm.DA/KTULON seems to mean the foot, while H(RW=|OS is the measure based on dactyls but admitting spondees. foot, which he arranged, I know not how, to
Plato, Republic, Book 3, section 402b (search)
s of the use of EI)=DOS and I)DE/A(Peiper's Ontologica Platonica, Taylor, Varia Socratica, Wilamowitz, Platon, ii. pp. 249-253), whatever their philological interest, contribute nothing to the interpretation of Plato's thought. Cf. my De Platonis Idearum Doctrina, pp. 1, 30, and Class Phil. vol. vi. pp. 363-364. There is for common sense no contradiction or problem in the fact that Plato here says that we cannot be true “musicians” till we recognize both the forms and all copies of, or approximations to, them in art or nature, while in Book X (601) he argues that the poet and artist copy not the idea but its copy
Plato, Republic, Book 3, section 412b (search)
79 A, 400 B-C, 403 D-E, 425 A-E, Laws 770 B, 772 A-B, 785 A, 788 A-B, 807 E, 828 B, 846 C, 855 D, 876 D-E, 957 A, 968 C. should one recite the list of the dances of such citizens, their hunts and chases with hounds, their athletic contests and races? It is pretty plain that they must conform to these principles and there is no longer any difficulty in discovering them.” “There is, it may be, no difficulty,” he said. “Very well,” said I; “what, then, have we next to determine? Is it not which ones among themAU)TW=N TOU/TWN marks a class within a class. Cf. Class. Phil. vol. vii. (1912) p. 485. 535 A refers back to this passag
Plato, Republic, Book 4, section 432b (search)
the best of our present judgement.Cf. Demosthenes 18 and 430 EW(/S GE E)NTEU=QEN I)DEI=N. Plato's definitions and analyses are never presented as final. They are always sufficient for the purpose in hand. Cf. Unity of Plato's Thought, p. 13, nn. 63-67 and 519. What can be the remaining form thatDI' O(/: cf. my paper on the Origin of the Syllogism, Class. Phil. vol. xix. pp. 7 ff. This is an example of the terminology of the theory of ideas “already” in the first four books. Cf. Unity of Plato's Thought, p. 35, n. 238, p. 38. would give the city still another virtue? For it is obvious that the remainder is justice.” “Obvious.” “Now then,NU=N DH/: i.e.NU=N H)/DH.
Plato, Republic, Book 5, section 454d (search)
themselves?” “We meant, for example, that a man and a woman who have a physician'sAdam makes difficulties, but Cf. Laws 963 ANOU=N . . . KUBERNHTIKO\N ME\N KAI\ I)ATRIKO\N KAI\ STRATHGIKO/N. The translation follows Hermann despite the objection that this reading forestalls the next sentence. Cf. Campbell ad loc. and Apelt, Woch. für klass. Phil., 1903, p. 344. mind have the same nature. Don't you think so?” “I do.” “But that a man physician and a man carpenter have different natures?” “Certainly, I suppose.”“Similarly, then,” said I, “if it appears that the male and the female sex have distinct qualifications for any arts or pursuits, we shall affirm that they ought to be assigned respectively to
Plato, Republic, Book 5, section 473c (search)
H(GEMONIKO/S, and Politicus 293 C, and only seems to be contradicted in Euthydemus 306 B. Aristotle is said to have contradicted it in a lost work (fr. 79, 1489 b 8 ff.). It is paraphrased or parodied by a score of writers from Polybius xii. 28 to Bacon, Hobbes, More, Erasmus, and Bernard Shaw. Boethius transmitted it to the Middle Ages (Cons. Phil. i. 4. 11). It was always on the lips of Marcus Aurelius. Cf. Capitol, Aurelius i. 1 and iv. 27. It was a standardized topic of compliment to princes in Themistius, Julian, the Panegyrici Latini, and many modern imitators. Among the rulers who have been thus compared with Plato's philosophic king are Marcus Aurelius, Constantine, Arcadius,
Plato, Republic, Book 5, section 477d (search)
from another. But in the case of a faculty I look to one thing only—that to which it is related and what it effects,Cf. my note on Simplic.De An. 146. 21, Class. Phil. xvii. p. 143. and it is in this way that I come to callCf. Ion 537 DOU(/TW KALW= TH\N ME\N A)/LLHN, TH\N DE\ A)/LLHN TE/XNHN. each one of them a faculty, and that which is related toE)PI/: Cf. Parmenides 147 D-EE(/KASTON TW=N O)NOMA/TWN OU)K E)PI/ TINI KALEI=S; the same thing and accomplishes the same thing I call the same faculty, and that to another I call other. How about you, what is your practice?” “The same,” he said. “To return, then, my friend,” said I, “to science or true knowledge, do you s
Plato, Republic, Book 6, section 485b (search)
that it is ever enamored of the kind of knowledge which reveals to them something of that essence which is eternal, and is not wandering between the two poles of generation and decay.Lit. “is not made to wander by generation and decay.” Cf. Crat. 411 C, Phaedo 95 E, whence Aristotle took his title. See Class. Phil. xvii. (1922) pp. 334-352.” “Let us take that as agreed.” “And, further,” said I, “that their desire is for the whole of it and that they do not willingly renounce a small or a great, a more precious or a less honored, part of it. That was the point of our former illustrationSupra 474 C-D. drawn from lovers and men covetous of honor.” “You are right,” he said. “Consider, then, next whethe